local Event = require 'utils.event' local Token = require 'utils.token' local Gui = require 'utils.gui' local Task = require 'utils.schedule' local Global = require 'utils.global' local Game = require 'utils.game' local chests = {} local chests_next = {} Global.register( {chests = chests, chests_next = chests_next}, function(tbl) chests = tbl.chests chests_next = tbl.chests_next end ) local chest_gui_frame_name = Gui.uid_name() local chest_content_table_name = Gui.uid_name() local function built_entity(event) local entity = event.created_entity if not entity or not entity.valid or entity.name ~= 'infinity-chest' then return end chests[entity.unit_number] = {entity = entity, storage = {}} end local function get_stack_size(name) local proto = game.item_prototypes[name] if not proto then log('item prototype ' .. name .. ' not found') return 1 end return proto.stack_size end local function do_item(name, count, inv, storage) local size = get_stack_size(name) local diff = count - size if diff == 0 then return end local new_amount = 0 if diff > 0 then inv.remove({name = name, count = diff}) local prev = storage[name] or 0 new_amount = prev + diff elseif diff < 0 then local prev = storage[name] if not prev then return end diff = math.min(prev, -diff) local inserted = inv.insert({name = name, count = diff}) new_amount = prev - inserted end if new_amount == 0 then storage[name] = nil else storage[name] = new_amount end end local function tick() local chest_id, chest_data = next(chests, chests_next[1]) chests_next[1] = chest_id if not chest_id then return end local entity = chest_data.entity if not entity or not entity.valid then chests[chest_id] = nil else local storage = chest_data.storage local inv = entity.get_inventory(1) --defines.inventory.chest local contents = inv.get_contents() for name, count in pairs(contents) do do_item(name, count, inv, storage) end for name, _ in pairs(storage) do if not contents[name] then do_item(name, 0, inv, storage) end end end end local function create_chest_gui_content(frame, player, chest) local storage = chest.storage local inv = chest.entity.get_inventory(1).get_contents() local grid = frame[chest_content_table_name] if grid then grid.clear() else grid = frame.add {type = 'table', name = chest_content_table_name, column_count = 10, style = 'slot_table'} end for name, count in pairs(storage) do local number = count + (inv[name] or 0) grid.add { type = 'sprite-button', sprite = 'item/' .. name, number = number, tooltip = name, --style = 'slot_button' enabled = false } end for name, count in pairs(inv) do if not storage[name] then grid.add { type = 'sprite-button', sprite = 'item/' .. name, number = count, tooltip = name, --style = 'slot_button' enabled = false } end end player.opened = frame end local chest_gui_content_callback chest_gui_content_callback = Token.register( function(data) local player = data.player if not player or not player.valid then return end local opened = data.opened if not opened or not opened.valid then return end local entity = data.chest.entity if not entity.valid then player.opened = nil opened.destroy() return end if not player.connected then player.opened = nil opened.destroy() return end create_chest_gui_content(opened, player, data.chest) Task.set_timeout_in_ticks(60, chest_gui_content_callback, data) end ) local function gui_opened(event) if not event.gui_type == defines.gui_type.entity then return end local entity = event.entity if not entity or not entity.valid or entity.name ~= 'infinity-chest' then return end local chest = chests[entity.unit_number] if not chest then return end local player = Game.get_player_by_index(event.player_index) if not player or not player.valid then return end local frame = player.gui.center.add { type = 'frame', name = chest_gui_frame_name, caption = 'Infinite Storage Chest', direction = 'vertical' } local text = frame.add { type = 'label', caption = 'This chest stores unlimited quantity of items (up to 48 different item types).\nThe chest is best used with an inserter to add / remove items.\nIf the chest is mined or destroyed the items are lost.\nYou can buy the chest at the market for 100 coins.' } text.style.single_line = false local content_header = frame.add {type = 'label', caption = 'Content'} content_header.style.font = 'default-listbox' create_chest_gui_content(frame, player, chest) Task.set_timeout_in_ticks(60, chest_gui_content_callback, {player = player, chest = chest, opened = frame}) end Event.add(defines.events.on_built_entity, built_entity) Event.add(defines.events.on_robot_built_entity, built_entity) Event.add(defines.events.on_tick, tick) Event.add(defines.events.on_gui_opened, gui_opened) Event.add( defines.events.on_player_died, function(event) local player = Game.get_player_by_index(event.player_index or 0) if not player or not player.valid then return end local element = player.gui.center if element and element.valid then element = element[chest_gui_frame_name] if element and element.valid then element.destroy() end end end ) Gui.on_custom_close( chest_gui_frame_name, function(event) event.element.destroy() end ) local market_items = require 'resources.market_items' table.insert(market_items, {price = {{market_items.market_item, 100}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'infinity-chest'}})