_DEBUG = false _CHEATS = false _DUMP_ENV = false local currency = 'coin' global.config = { -- adds a GUI listing the scenario features, the rules, and the details of the current map map_info = { enabled = true, -- The title of the map map_name_key = 'This Map has no name', -- The long description of the map, typically 1 paragraph map_description_key = "This section is supposed to be filled out on a per map basis.\nIf you're seeing this message, ping the admin team to get a description\nadded for this map. 20 coins is rewarded to the first person that points this out.", -- The feature list of the map map_extra_info_key = 'This map has no extra information', -- New Scenario Features, appears in the "What's new" tab new_info_key = 'Nothing is new. The world is at peace' }, -- map generation settings for redmew's maps (only applies to maps that use 'shapes') map_generation = { -- whether to regen decoratives ['regen_decoratives'] = false, -- the number of 'tiles' that are calculated per tick ['tiles_per_tick'] = 32, -- the entity modules to load (takes a list of requires), example included ['entity_modules'] = { --function() return require('map_gen.entities.fluffy_rainbows') end }, -- the terrain modules to load (takes a list of requires), example included ['terrain_modules'] = { --function() return require('map_gen.terrain.tris_chunk_grid') end }, }, -- redmew_surface allows a map preset to control world generation as well as map and difficulty settings -- the entire module can be toggled or just individual parts redmew_surface = { enabled = true, map_gen_settings = true, map_settings = true, difficulty = true }, -- time before a player gets the auto-trusted rank, allowing them access to the deconstructions planner, nukes, etc. rank_system = { time_for_trust = 3 * 60 * 60 * 60, -- 3 hours everyone_is_regular = false }, -- allows syncing player colors from and to the server. Disable this if you want to enforce custom colors -- when enabled, /color will also be synced to the player settings player_colors = { enabled = true, }, -- saves players' lives if they have a small-plane in their inventory, also adds the small-plane to the market and must therefor be loaded first train_saviour = { enabled = true }, -- Adds the infinite storage chest to the market and adds a custom GUI to it. Also has to be loaded first due to adding a market item infinite_storage_chest = { enabled = false, cost = 100 }, -- adds a command to scale UPS and movement speed. Use with caution as it might break scenarios that modify movement speed performance = { enabled = true }, -- adds a player list icon and keeps track of data. player_list = { enabled = true, show_coin_column = true }, -- enables the poll system poll = { enabled = true }, -- enables players to create and join tags tag_group = { enabled = true }, -- enables players to create and prioritize tasks tasklist = { enabled = true }, -- enables the blueprint helper blueprint_helper = { enabled = true }, -- enables score and tracking thereof score = { enabled = true, -- the global score trackers to show global_to_show = { 'satellites-launched', 'aliens-killed', 'built-by-players', 'built-by-robots', 'trees-cut', 'rocks-smashed', 'kills-by-trains', 'coins-spent' } }, -- adds a paint brush paint = { enabled = true }, -- adds a market market = { enabled = true, -- will create a standard market on game startup create_standard_market = true, -- the coordinates at which the standard market will be created standard_market_location = {x = 0, y = -5}, currency = currency, -- defines the chance that killing an entity will drop coins and the min and max it can drop upon death entity_drop_amount = { ['biter-spawner'] = {low = 5, high = 15, chance = 1}, ['spitter-spawner'] = {low = 5, high = 15, chance = 1}, ['small-worm-turret'] = {low = 2, high = 8, chance = 1}, ['medium-worm-turret'] = {low = 5, high = 15, chance = 1}, ['big-worm-turret'] = {low = 10, high = 20, chance = 1}, -- default is 0, no chance of coins dropping from biters/spitters ['small-biter'] = {low = 1, high = 5, chance = 0}, ['small-spitter'] = {low = 1, high = 2, chance = 0}, ['medium-spitter'] = {low = 1, high = 3, chance = 0}, ['big-spitter'] = {low = 1, high = 3, chance = 0}, ['behemoth-spitter'] = {low = 1, high = 10, chance = 0}, ['medium-biter'] = {low = 1, high = 3, chance = 0}, ['big-biter'] = {low = 1, high = 5, chance = 0}, ['behemoth-biter'] = {low = 1, high = 10, chance = 0} } }, -- adds anti-nuke griefing nuke_control = { enabled = true, enable_autokick = true, enable_autoban = true, -- how long a player must be on the server to be allowed to use the nuke nuke_min_time_hours = 3 }, -- adds a meltdown feature, requiring precise management reactor_meltdown = { enabled = true, -- when enabled, controls whether it's on by default. State can be controlled with the /meltdown command. on_by_default = false }, -- adds hodor responses to messages hodor = { enabled = true }, -- enable RedMew auto respond messages auto_respond = { enabled = true }, -- enable the mentioning system, which notifies a player when their name is mentioned mentions = { enabled = true }, -- settings for when a player joins the server for the first time player_create = { enabled = true, -- items automatically inserted into the player inventory starting_items = { {name = 'iron-gear-wheel', count = 8}, {name = 'iron-plate', count = 16} }, -- opens the scenario popup when the player joins show_info_at_start = true, -- prints messages when the player joins join_messages = { 'Welcome to this map created by the RedMew team. You can join our discord at: redmew.com/discord', 'Click the question mark in the top left corner for server information and map details.' }, -- format is a table: {{message, weight}, {message, weight}}, where a higher weight has more chance to be shown random_join_message_set = require 'resources.join_messages', -- applied when cheat_mode is set to true cheats = { -- Sets the manual mining speed for the player force. A value of 1 = 100% faster. Setting it -- to 0.5 would make it 50% faster than the base speed. manual_mining_speed_modifier = 1000, -- increase the amount of inventory slots for the player force character_inventory_slots_bonus = 0, -- increases the run speed of all characters for the player force character_running_speed_modifier = 5, -- a flat health bonus to the player force character_health_bonus = 1000000, -- starts with a fully slotted power armor mk2 start_with_power_armor = true, -- adds additional items to the player when _CHEATS is true starting_items = { {name = 'submachine-gun', count = 1}, {name = 'uranium-rounds-magazine', count = 200}, {name = 'construction-robot', count = 250}, {name = 'electric-energy-interface', count = 50}, {name = 'substation', count = 50}, {name = 'roboport', count = 10}, {name = 'infinity-chest', count = 10}, {name = 'small-plane', count = 2}, {name = 'coin', count = 20000}, {name = 'rocket-part', count = 2}, {name = 'computer', count = 2}, {name = 'infinity-pipe', count = 10}, {name = 'heat-interface', count = 10}, {name = 'compilatron-chest', count = 5}, {name = 'compilatron-chest', count = 5}, {name = 'escape-pod-assembler', count = 5}, {name = 'escape-pod-lab', count = 10}, {name = 'escape-pod-power', count = 5}, {name = 'pollution', count = 5}, {name = 'selection-tool', count = 1} } } }, -- spawns more units when one dies hail_hydra = { enabled = false, -- enables difficulty scaling with number of online players -- if enabled you can disable it for individual spawns by setting {locked = true} online_player_scale_enabled = true, -- the number of players required for regular values. -- less online players than this number decreases the spawn chances -- more online players than this number increases the spawn chances -- the spawn chance is increased or decreased with 0.01 * (#connected_players - online_player_scale) online_player_scale = 20, -- any non-rounded number will turn into a chance to spawn an additional alien -- example: 2.5 would spawn 2 for sure and 50% chance to spawn one additionally -- min defines the lowest chance, max defines the max chance at evolution 1. -- trigger defines when the chance is active -- setting max to less than min or nil will ignore set the max = min -- Hail Hydra scales between min and max with a custom formula. -- Key values shown in evolution = (percentage of max): -- | 0.25 evolution = 10% | 0.50 evolution = 29% | 0.60 evolution = 45% | 0.75 evolution = 58% | -- | 0.80 evolution = 65% | 0.90 evolution = 81% | 1.00 evolution = 100% | -- eg. {min = 0.2, max = 2, trigger = 0.3} means that after evolution 0.3 this hydra spawns with a chance of at least 0.2 -- and at evolution = 1.00 it spawns with a chance of 2. -- At evolution 0.60 it would spawn with a chance of min + max * (percentage of max) = 1.1 -- Example of all available options (only min is required): -- ['behemoth-biter'] = {min = 0.1, max = 0.5, trigger = 0.90, locked = true}} hydras = { -- spitters ['small-spitter'] = {['small-worm-turret'] = {min = 0.2, max = 1}}, ['medium-spitter'] = {['medium-worm-turret'] = {min = 0.2, max = 1}}, ['big-spitter'] = {['big-worm-turret'] = {min = 0.2, max = 1}}, ['behemoth-spitter'] = {['behemoth-worm-turret'] = {min = 0.2, max = 1}}, -- biters ['medium-biter'] = {['small-biter'] = {min = 1, max = 2}}, ['big-biter'] = {['medium-biter'] = {min = 1, max = 2}}, ['behemoth-biter'] = {['big-biter'] = {min = 1, max = 2}}, -- worms ['small-worm-turret'] = {['small-biter'] = {min = 1.5, max = 2.5}}, ['medium-worm-turret'] = {['small-biter'] = {min = 2.5, max = 3.5}, ['medium-biter'] = {min = 1.0, max = 2}}, ['big-worm-turret'] = { ['small-biter'] = {min = 2.5, max = 4}, ['medium-biter'] = {min = 1.5, max = 2.2}, ['big-biter'] = {min = 0.7, max = 1.5} }, ['behemoth-worm-turret'] = { ['small-biter'] = {min = 4, max = 5.2}, ['medium-biter'] = {min = 2.5, max = 3.8}, ['big-biter'] = {min = 1.2, max = 2.4}, ['behemoth-biter'] = {min = 0.8, max = -1} } } }, -- grants reward coins for certain actions player_rewards = { enabled = true, -- the token to use for rewards token = currency, -- rewards players for looking through the info tabs info_player_reward = true }, -- makes manual stuff cumbersome lazy_bastard = { enabled = false }, -- automatically marks miners for deconstruction when they are depleted (currently compatible with hard mods that add miners) autodeconstruct = { enabled = true }, -- when a player dies, leaves a map marker until the corpse expires or is looted corpse_util = { enabled = true }, -- adds many commands for users and admins alike redmew_commands = { enabled = true, whois = { player_data_to_show = { 'player-distance-walked', 'coins-earned', 'coins-spent', 'player-deaths', 'player-items-crafted', 'player-console-chats' } } }, -- adds many commands for admins admin_commands = { enabled = true }, -- adds commands for donators donator_commands = { enabled = true }, -- adds a command to generate a popup dialog box for players to see, useful for important announcements popup = { enabled = true }, -- adds a command to open a gui that creates rich text rich_text_gui = { enabled = true }, -- adds a camera to watch another player camera = { enabled = true }, -- adds small quality of life tweaks for multiplayer play redmew_qol = { enabled = true, -- restricts placed chests to 1 square of inventory restrict_chest = false, -- gives entities with backer names a chance to be named after a player or redmew regular backer_name = true, -- gives locos placed a random color random_train_color = true, -- gives players entity ghosts (from destruction like biter attacks) before the required research is complete ghosts_before_research = true, -- adds craftable loaders. loaders = true, -- turns on entity info aka alt-mode on first joining set_alt_on_create = true, -- prevents personal construction robots from being mined by other players save_bots = true, -- enable research_queue research_queue = true }, -- adds a useless button with the biter percentage evolution_progress = { enabled = true }, -- sets the day/night cycle or a fixed light level. use_day_night_cycle and use_fixed_brightness are mutually exclusive day_night = { -- enables/disables the module enabled = false, -- for info on day/night cycles see https://github.com/Refactorio/RedMew/wiki/Day-Night-cycle use_day_night_cycle = false, day_night_cycle = { ticks_per_day = 25000, dusk = 0.25, evening = 0.45, morning = 0.55, dawn = 0.75 }, -- brightness is a number between 0.15 and 1 use_fixed_brightness = false, fixed_brightness = 0.5 }, -- enables a command which allows for an end-game event apocalypse = { enabled = true }, -- gradually informs players of features such as chat, toasts, etc. player_onboarding = { enabled = true }, -- allows for large-scale biter attacks biter_attacks = { enabled = false, -- whether or not to send attacks on timed intervals (against a random player) timed_attacks = { enabled = true, -- frequency of automatic attacks (in seconds) attack_frequency = 40 * 60, -- 40 minutes -- difficulty of automatic attacks (1-easy, 3-normal, 10-hard, 40-brutal) attack_difficulty = 3 }, -- whether or not to send attacks on rocket launches launch_attacks = { enabled = true, -- whether to only attack on the first launch first_launch_only = true } }, -- allows the saving and automatic loading of quickbars between maps player_quick_bars = { enabled = true }, -- enables the redmew settings GUI redmew_settings = { enabled = true } } return global.config