local table = require 'utils.table' local Game = require 'utils.game' local Event = require 'utils.event' local Global = require 'utils.global' local Info = require 'features.gui.info' local get_random_weighted = table.get_random_weighted local memory = { forces_initialized = { player = false -- default force for everyone } } Global.register( { memory = memory }, function(tbl) memory = tbl.memory end ) local function player_created(event) local config = global.config.player_create local player = Game.get_player_by_index(event.player_index) if not player or not player.valid then return end local force = player.force -- ensure the top menu is correctly styled local gui = player.gui gui.top.style = 'slot_table_spacing_horizontal_flow' gui.left.style = 'slot_table_spacing_vertical_flow' local player_insert = player.insert for _, item in pairs(config.starting_items) do player_insert(item) end local p = player.print for _, message in pairs(config.join_messages) do p(message) end local random_messages = config.random_join_message_set if #random_messages > 0 then p(get_random_weighted(random_messages)) end if config.show_info_at_start and not _DEBUG then if Info ~= nil then Info.show_info(player) end end if _DEBUG and game.is_multiplayer() then game.print('THIS MULTIPLAYER MAP IS IN DEBUG!!!') elseif _DEBUG then game.print("DON'T LAUNCH THIS MAP! DEBUG MODE IS ENABLED!!!") elseif not _DEBUG and not game.is_multiplayer() then player.print('To change your name in single-player, open chat and type the following /c game.player.name = "your_name"') end if _CHEATS then player.cheat_mode = true local cheats = config.cheats if cheats.start_with_power_armor then player_insert({name = 'power-armor-mk2', count = 1}) local armor_put = player.get_inventory(5)[1].grid.put armor_put({name = 'fusion-reactor-equipment'}) armor_put({name = 'fusion-reactor-equipment'}) armor_put({name = 'fusion-reactor-equipment'}) armor_put({name = 'fusion-reactor-equipment'}) armor_put({name = 'personal-roboport-mk2-equipment'}) armor_put({name = 'personal-roboport-mk2-equipment'}) armor_put({name = 'personal-laser-defense-equipment'}) armor_put({name = 'personal-laser-defense-equipment'}) armor_put({name = 'energy-shield-mk2-equipment'}) armor_put({name = 'energy-shield-mk2-equipment'}) armor_put({name = 'night-vision-equipment'}) armor_put({name = 'battery-mk2-equipment'}) armor_put({name = 'battery-mk2-equipment'}) armor_put({name = 'battery-mk2-equipment'}) armor_put({name = 'belt-immunity-equipment'}) armor_put({name = 'solar-panel-equipment'}) end for _, item in pairs(cheats.starting_items) do player_insert(item) end if not memory.forces_initialized[force.name] then force.manual_mining_speed_modifier = cheats.manual_mining_speed_modifier force.character_inventory_slots_bonus = cheats.character_inventory_slots_bonus force.character_running_speed_modifier = cheats.character_running_speed_modifier force.character_health_bonus = cheats.character_health_bonus end end memory.forces_initialized[force.name] = true end Event.add(defines.events.on_player_created, player_created)