local Command = require 'utils.command' local format = string.format local Performance = {} ---Sets the scale of performance. ---1 means the game runs at normal game speed with normal walking speed ---0.5 means the game runs at half speed, running speed is doubled ---@param scale function Performance.set_time_scale(scale) if scale < 0.05 or scale > 1 then error(format('Scale must range from 0.05 to 1')) end game.speed = scale local stat_mod = Performance.get_player_stat_modifier() for _, force in pairs(game.forces) do force.character_running_speed_modifier = stat_mod - 1 force.manual_mining_speed_modifier = stat_mod - 1 force.manual_crafting_speed_modifier = stat_mod - 1 end end ---Returns the current game time scale function Performance.get_time_scale() return game.speed end ---Returns the stat modifier for stats affecting the players function Performance.get_player_stat_modifier() return 1 / game.speed end Command.add( 'performance-scale-set', { description = 'Sets the performance scale between 0.05 and 1. Will alter the game speed, manual mining speed, manual crafting speed and character running speed per force.', arguments = {'scale'}, admin_only = true, allowed_by_server = true }, function(arguments, player) local scale = tonumber(arguments.scale) if scale == nil or scale < 0.05 or scale > 1 then player.print('Scale must be a valid number ranging from 0.05 to 1') return end Performance.set_time_scale(scale) local p = game.print local stat_mod = Performance.get_player_stat_modifier() p('## - Changed the game speed and running speed.') p(format('## - Game speed: %.2f', Performance.get_time_scale())) p(format('## - Running speed: %.2f', stat_mod)) p(format('## - Manual mining speed: %.2f', stat_mod)) p(format('## - Manual crafting speed: %.2f', stat_mod)) end ) Command.add( 'performance-scale-get', { description = 'Shows the current performance scale.' }, function(_, player) local p = player.print local stat_mod = Performance.get_player_stat_modifier() p(format('Game speed: %.2f', Performance.get_time_scale())) p(format('Running speed: %.2f -- mining speed: %.2f -- crafting speed: %.2f', stat_mod, stat_mod, stat_mod)) end ) return Performance