local b = require "map_gen.shared.builders" local seed1 = 420420 local seed2 = 696969 local ball = b.circle(16) local line1 = b.translate(b.rectangle(42, 8), 34, 0) local line2 = b.translate(b.rectangle(8, 42), 0, -34) local ball_shape = b.any{ball, line1, line2} local value = b.manhattan_value local ore_shape = b.circle(4) local oil_shape = b.throttle_world_xy(b.circle(2.67), 1, 4, 1, 4) local ores = { {b.resource(ore_shape, "iron-ore", value(1500, 1.5)), 24}, {b.resource(ore_shape, "copper-ore", value(1200, 1.2)), 12}, {b.resource(ore_shape, "stone", value(1200, 0.6)), 4}, {b.resource(ore_shape, "coal", value(1200, 0.6)), 8}, {b.resource(b.circle(2), "uranium-ore", value(450, 0.6)), 1}, {b.resource(oil_shape, "crude-oil", value(375000, 188)), 4}, --{b.empty_shape, 52} } local total_weights = {} local t = 0 for _, v in pairs(ores) do t = t + v[2] table.insert(total_weights, t) end local Random = require "map_gen.shared.random" local random = Random.new(seed1, seed2) local p_cols = 50 local p_rows = 50 local function make_tree() local function crop(x, y) return x > -32 and y < 32 end local pattern = {} for r = 1, p_rows do local row = {} table.insert(pattern, row) for c = 1, p_cols do local i = random:next_int(1, t) local index = table.binary_search(total_weights, i) if (index < 0) then index = bit32.bnot(index) end local shape = ores[index][1] shape = b.apply_entity(ball_shape, shape) shape = b.translate(shape, -16, 16) table.insert(row, shape) end end local tree = b.grid_pattern_overlap(pattern, p_cols, p_rows, 64, 64) local sea = b.tile("water") sea = b.fish(sea, 0.005) tree = b.if_else(tree, sea) tree = b.choose(crop, tree, b.empty_shape) tree = b.translate(tree, 16, -16) local line = b.rectangle(36, 8) line = b.rotate(line, degrees(45)) line = b.translate(line, -23, 23) tree = b.any{line, tree} return tree end local tree_top = b.rotate(make_tree(), degrees(45)) tree_top = b.translate(tree_top, 0, -128) local tree_right = b.rotate(make_tree(), degrees(-45)) tree_right = b.translate(tree_right, 128, 0) local tree_left = b.rotate(make_tree(), degrees(135)) tree_left = b.translate(tree_left, -128, 0) local thickness = 96 local function strip(x, y) return y > -95 and (x > -(thickness - 1) and x <= thickness - 1) end local function outer_strip(x, y) return y > -96 and (x > -thickness and x <= thickness) end local water_band = b.change_tile(outer_strip, true, "water") local map = b.any{tree_top, tree_right, tree_left, strip, water_band} local start_iron = b.resource(b.full_shape, "iron-ore", value(400,0)) local start_copper = b.resource(b.full_shape, "copper-ore", value(250,0)) local start_coal = b.resource(b.full_shape, "coal", value(300,0)) local start_stone = b.resource(b.full_shape, "stone", value(125,0)) local start_circle = b.circle(16) start_circle = b.apply_entity(start_circle, b.segment_pattern{start_iron, start_copper, start_coal, start_stone}) start_circle = b.translate(start_circle, 0, -32) map = b.any{start_circle, map} map = b.change_map_gen_collision_tile(map, "water-tile", "grass-1") map = b.rotate(map, degrees(90)) map = b.scale(map, 3, 3) return map