local b = require 'map_gen.shared.builders' local Random = require 'map_gen.shared.random' local track_seed1 = 33000 local track_seed2 = track_seed1 * 2 local ore_seed1 = 11000 local ore_seed2 = ore_seed1 * 2 local block_size = 30 * 1 local track_lines = 32 local track_chance = 1 / 3 local block_chance = 1 / 5 local number_blocks = 25 local ore_blocks = 32 local ore_block_size = 30 local blocks_size = track_lines * block_size local offset = (track_lines * 0.5 + 0.5) * block_size local h_track = { b.line_x(2), b.translate(b.line_x(2), 0, -3), b.translate(b.line_x(2), 0, 3), b.rectangle(2, 10) } h_track = b.any(h_track) h_track = b.single_x_pattern(h_track, 15) local v_track = { b.line_y(2), b.translate(b.line_y(2), -3, 0), b.translate(b.line_y(2), 3, 0), b.rectangle(10, 2) } v_track = b.any(v_track) v_track = b.single_y_pattern(v_track, 15) local v_line_left = b.translate(v_track, -12, 0) local v_line_right = b.translate(v_track, 18, 0) local h_line_top = b.translate(h_track, 0, -12) local h_line_bottom = b.translate(h_track, 0, 18) local random = Random.new(track_seed1, track_seed2) local random_ore = Random.new(ore_seed1, ore_seed2) local function do_track_lines(lines, track_shape, first_track, last_track) if #lines == 0 then return end local track_pattern = {} table.insert(track_pattern, first_track) local n_i = 2 local n = lines[n_i] for i = 2, track_lines - 1 do local shape if i == n then shape = track_shape n_i = n_i + 1 n = lines[n_i] else shape = b.empty_shape end track_pattern[i] = shape end table.insert(track_pattern, last_track) return track_pattern end local squares = { {shape = b.rectangle(16), weight = 3}, {shape = b.rectangle(32), weight = 2}, {shape = b.rectangle(48), weight = 1} } local total_square_weights = {} local square_t = 0 for _, v in ipairs(squares) do square_t = square_t + v.weight table.insert(total_square_weights, square_t) end local function value(base, mult, pow) return function(x, y) local d = math.sqrt(x * x + y * y) return base + mult * d ^ pow end end local function non_transform(shape) return shape end local function uranium_transform(shape) return b.scale(shape, 0.5) end local function oil_transform(shape) shape = b.scale(shape, 0.5) return b.throttle_world_xy(shape, 1, 4, 1, 4) end local function empty_transform() return b.empty_shape end local ores = { {transform = non_transform, resource = 'iron-ore', value = value(500, 0.75, 1.1), weight = 16}, {transform = non_transform, resource = 'copper-ore', value = value(400, 0.75, 1.1), weight = 10}, {transform = non_transform, resource = 'stone', value = value(250, 0.3, 1.05), weight = 3}, {transform = non_transform, resource = 'coal', value = value(400, 0.8, 1.075), weight = 5}, {transform = uranium_transform, resource = 'uranium-ore', value = value(200, 0.3, 1.025), weight = 3}, {transform = oil_transform, resource = 'crude-oil', value = value(100000, 50, 1.025), weight = 6}, {transform = empty_transform, weight = 300} } local total_ore_weights = {} local ore_t = 0 for _, v in ipairs(ores) do ore_t = ore_t + v.weight table.insert(total_ore_weights, ore_t) end local function do_resources() local pattern = {} for r = 1, ore_blocks do local row = {} pattern[r] = row for c = 1, ore_blocks do local shape local i = random_ore:next_int(1, square_t) local index = table.binary_search(total_square_weights, i) if (index < 0) then index = bit32.bnot(index) end shape = squares[index].shape local ore_data i = random_ore:next_int(1, ore_t) index = table.binary_search(total_ore_weights, i) if (index < 0) then index = bit32.bnot(index) end ore_data = ores[index] shape = ore_data.transform(shape) local ore = b.resource(shape, ore_data.resource, ore_data.value) row[c] = ore end end local ore_shape = b.grid_pattern_full_overlap(pattern, ore_blocks, ore_blocks, ore_block_size, ore_block_size) return ore_shape end local worm_names = {'small-worm-turret', 'medium-worm-turret', 'big-worm-turret'} local safe_d = 300 local half_spawn_d = 50000 -- distance at which there is a half chance of a worm spawning local max_spawn_rate = 1 / 12 local level_factor = 32 -- higher factor -> more likly to spawn higher level worms local min_big_worm_d = 900 local hd = 1 / (2 * half_spawn_d) local inv_level_factor = 1 / level_factor local function worms(_, _, world) local x, y = world.x, world.y local d = math.sqrt(x * x + y * y) d = d - safe_d if d <= 0 then return nil end local chance = d * hd if math.random() > math.min(chance, max_spawn_rate) then return nil end local lf = inv_level_factor / chance local lvl = math.floor(math.random() ^ lf * 3) + 1 if d < min_big_worm_d and lvl == 3 then lvl = 2 end return {name = worm_names[lvl]} end local empty = b.empty_shape local water = b.tile('water') local function do_blocks() local vertical_lines = {1} local horizontal_lines = {1} local prev_v, prev_h = false, false for i = 3, track_lines - 2 do if prev_v then prev_v = false else if random:next() < track_chance then prev_v = true table.insert(vertical_lines, i) end end if prev_h then prev_h = false else if random:next() < track_chance then prev_h = true table.insert(horizontal_lines, i) end end end if #vertical_lines == 1 then table.insert(vertical_lines, track_lines - 2) end if #horizontal_lines == 1 then table.insert(horizontal_lines, track_lines - 2) end local block_pattern = {} for _ = 1, track_lines do table.insert(block_pattern, {}) end for hi = 1, #horizontal_lines - 1 do local h = horizontal_lines[hi] local h_next = horizontal_lines[hi + 1] for vi = 1, #vertical_lines - 1 do local v = vertical_lines[vi] local v_next = vertical_lines[vi + 1] local shape if random:next() < block_chance then shape = b.full_shape else shape = empty end for row_i = h, h_next do local row = block_pattern[row_i] for col_i = v, v_next do if row[col_i] ~= b.full_shape then row[col_i] = shape end end end end end local v_last = vertical_lines[#vertical_lines] local h_last = horizontal_lines[#horizontal_lines] for h = 1, track_lines do local row = block_pattern[h] for _ = v_last, track_lines do table.insert(row, empty) end end for _ = 1, track_lines - 1 do for h = h_last, track_lines do local row = block_pattern[h] table.insert(row, empty) end end local blocks = b.grid_pattern(block_pattern, track_lines, track_lines, block_size, block_size) local resources = do_resources() blocks = b.apply_entity(blocks, resources) blocks = b.apply_entity(blocks, worms) local h_tracks = do_track_lines(horizontal_lines, h_track, h_line_top, h_line_bottom) h_tracks = b.grid_y_pattern(h_tracks, track_lines, block_size) local v_tracks = do_track_lines(vertical_lines, v_track, v_line_left, v_line_right) v_tracks = b.grid_x_pattern(v_tracks, track_lines, block_size) local tracks = b.any {h_tracks, v_tracks} local map = b.any {blocks, tracks} map = b.if_else(map, water) map = b.translate(map, offset, offset) return map end local blocks_pattern = {} for _ = 1, number_blocks do local row = {} for _ = 1, number_blocks do table.insert(row, do_blocks()) end table.insert(blocks_pattern, row) end local map = b.grid_pattern(blocks_pattern, number_blocks, number_blocks, blocks_size, blocks_size) map = b.change_map_gen_collision_tile(map, 'water-tile', 'grass-1') map = b.fish(map, 0.00125) map = b.translate(map, 1151, 703) return map