-- This file contains core utilities used by the redmew scenario. -- Dependencies local Game = require 'utils.game' local Color = require 'resources.color_presets' local Server = require 'features.server' -- localized functions local random = math.random local sqrt = math.sqrt local floor = math.floor local format = string.format local match = string.match local insert = table.insert local concat = table.concat -- local constants local prefix = '## - ' local minutes_to_ticks = 60 * 60 local hours_to_ticks = 60 * 60 * 60 local ticks_to_minutes = 1 / minutes_to_ticks local ticks_to_hours = 1 / hours_to_ticks -- local vars local Module = {} --- Measures distance between pos1 and pos2 function Module.distance(pos1, pos2) local dx = pos2.x - pos1.x local dy = pos2.y - pos1.y return sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) end --- Takes msg and prints it to all players except provided player -- @param msg table if locale is used -- @param player the player not to send the message to -- @param color the color to use for the message, defaults to white function Module.print_except(msg, player, color) if not color then color = Color.white end for _, p in pairs(game.connected_players) do if p ~= player then p.print(msg, color) end end end --- Prints a message to all online admins -- @param msg table if locale is used -- @param source string must be the name of a player, nil for server. function Module.print_admins(msg, source) local source_name local chat_color if source then if type(source) == 'string' then source_name = source chat_color = game.get_player(source).chat_color else source_name = source.name chat_color = source.chat_color end else source_name = 'Server' chat_color = Color.yellow end local formatted_msg = {'utils_core.print_admins', prefix, source_name, msg} log(formatted_msg) for _, p in pairs(game.connected_players) do if p.admin then p.print(formatted_msg, chat_color) end end end --- Returns a valid string with the name of the actor of a command. function Module.get_actor() if game.player then return game.player.name end return '' end --- Returns a valid string with the name of the actor for a player_index if they are an admin or the server. function Module.get_admin_or_server_actor(player_index) if not player_index then return '' end local player = game.get_player(player_index) if player.valid and player.admin then return player.name end return nil end function Module.cast_bool(var) if var then return true else return false end end function Module.find_entities_by_last_user(player, surface, filters) if type(player) == 'string' or not player then error( "bad argument #1 to '" .. debug.getinfo(1, 'n').name .. "' (number or LuaPlayer expected, got " .. type(player) .. ')', 1 ) return end if type(surface) ~= 'table' and type(surface) ~= 'number' then error( "bad argument #2 to '" .. debug.getinfo(1, 'n').name .. "' (number or LuaSurface expected, got " .. type(surface) .. ')', 1 ) return end local entities = {} local filter = filters or {} if type(surface) == 'number' then surface = game.surfaces[surface] end if type(player) == 'number' then player = game.get_player(player) end filter.force = player.force.name for _, e in pairs(surface.find_entities_filtered(filter)) do if e.last_user == player then insert(entities, e) end end return entities end function Module.ternary(c, t, f) if c then return t else return f end end --- Takes a time in ticks and returns a string with the time in format "x hour(s) x minute(s)" function Module.format_time(ticks) local result = {} local hours = floor(ticks * ticks_to_hours) if hours > 0 then ticks = ticks - hours * hours_to_ticks insert(result, hours) if hours == 1 then insert(result, 'hour') else insert(result, 'hours') end end local minutes = floor(ticks * ticks_to_minutes) insert(result, minutes) if minutes == 1 then insert(result, 'minute') else insert(result, 'minutes') end return concat(result, ' ') end --- Prints a message letting the player know they cannot run a command -- @param name string name of the command function Module.cant_run(name) Game.player_print("Can't run command (" .. name .. ') - insufficient permission.') end --- Logs the use of a command and its user -- @param actor string with the actor's name (usually acquired by calling get_actor) -- @param command the command's name as table element -- @param parameters the command's parameters as a table (optional) function Module.log_command(actor, command, parameters) local action = concat {'[Admin-Command] ', actor, ' used: ', command} if parameters then action = concat {action, ' ', parameters} end log(action) end function Module.comma_value(n) -- credit http://richard.warburton.it local left, num, right = match(n, '^([^%d]*%d)(%d*)(.-)$') return left .. (num:reverse():gsub('(%d%d%d)', '%1,'):reverse()) .. right end --- Asserts the argument is one of type arg_types -- @param arg the variable to check -- @param arg_types the type as a table of sings -- @return boolean function Module.verify_mult_types(arg, arg_types) for _, arg_type in pairs(arg_types) do if type(arg) == arg_type then return true end end return false end --- Returns a random RGB color as a table function Module.random_RGB() return {r = random(0, 255), g = random(0, 255), b = random(0, 255)} end --- Sets a table element to value while also returning value. -- @param tbl table to change the element of -- @param key string -- @param value nil|boolean|number|string|table to set the element to -- @return value function Module.set_and_return(tbl, key, value) tbl[key] = value return value end --- Takes msg and prints it to all players. Also prints to the log and discord -- @param msg The message to print -- @param warning_prefix The name of the module/warning function Module.action_warning(warning_prefix, msg) game.print(prefix .. msg, Color.yellow) msg = format('%s %s', warning_prefix, msg) log(msg) Server.to_discord_bold(msg) end --- Takes msg and prints it to all players except provided player. Also prints to the log and discord -- @param msg The message to print -- @param warning_prefix The name of the module/warning -- @param player the player not to send the message to function Module.silent_action_warning(warning_prefix, msg, player) Module.print_except(prefix .. msg, player, Color.yellow) msg = format('%s %s', warning_prefix, msg) log(msg) Server.to_discord_bold(msg) end --- Takes a string, number, or LuaPlayer and returns a valid LuaPlayer or nil. -- Intended for commands as there are extra checks in place. -- @param -- @return the LuaPlayer, their name, and their index function Module.validate_player(player_ident) local data_type = type(player_ident) local player if data_type == 'table' and player_ident.valid then local is_player = player_ident.is_player() if is_player then player = player_ident end elseif data_type == 'number' or data_type == 'string' then player = game.get_player(player_ident) else return end if not player or not player.valid then return end return player, player.name, player.index end local non_breaking_space = '​' -- This is \u200B an invisible space charcater. local sensitive_characters_map = { ['\\'] = '\\\\', ['*'] = '\\*', ['_'] = '\\_', ['~'] = '\\~', ['`'] = '\\`', ['|'] = '\\|', ['>'] = '\\>', ['@'] = '@' .. non_breaking_space } --- Escapes markdown characters mentions. Intended to make it safe to send user input to discord. -- @param message -- @return function Module.sanitise_string_for_discord(message) for character, replace in pairs(sensitive_characters_map) do message = string.gsub(message, character, replace) end return message end -- add utility functions that exist in base factorio/util require 'util' --- Moves a position according to the parameters given -- Notice: only accepts cardinal directions as direction -- @param position
table containing a map position -- @param direction north, east, south, west -- @param distance -- @return
modified position Module.move_position = util.moveposition --- Takes a direction and gives you the opposite -- @param direction north, east, south, west, northeast, northwest, southeast, southwest -- @return representing the direction Module.opposite_direction = util.oppositedirection --- Takes the string of a module and returns whether is it available or not -- @param name the name of the module (ex. 'utils.core') -- @return Module.is_module_available = util.ismoduleavailable return Module