local math = require "utils.math" -- helpers local inv_pi = 1 / math.pi local Builders = {} local function add_entity(tile, entity) if type(tile) == 'table' then if tile.entities then table.insert(tile.entities, entity) else tile.entities = {entity} end elseif tile then tile = { tile = tile, entities = {entity} } end return tile end function Builders.add_entity(tile, entity) return add_entity(tile, entity) end -- shape builders function Builders.empty_shape() return false end function Builders.full_shape() return true end function Builders.no_entity() return nil end function Builders.tile(tile) return function() return tile end end function Builders.path(thickness, optional_thickness_height) local width = thickness / 2 local thickness2 = optional_thickness_height or thickness local height = thickness2 / 2 return function(x, y) return (x > -width and x <= width) or (y > -height and y <= height) end end function Builders.rectangle(width, height) width = width / 2 if height then height = height / 2 else height = width end return function(x, y) return x > -width and x <= width and y > -height and y <= height end end function Builders.line_x(thickness) thickness = thickness / 2 return function(_, y) return y > -thickness and y <= thickness end end function Builders.line_y(thickness) thickness = thickness / 2 return function(x, _) return x > -thickness and x <= thickness end end function Builders.square_diamond(size) size = size / 2 return function(x, y) return math.abs(x) + math.abs(y) <= size end end local rot = math.sqrt(2) / 2 -- 45 degree rotation. function Builders.rectangle_diamond(width, height) width = width / 2 height = height / 2 return function(x, y) local rot_x = rot * (x - y) local rot_y = rot * (x + y) return math.abs(rot_x) < width and math.abs(rot_y) < height end end function Builders.circle(radius) local rr = radius * radius return function(x, y) return x * x + y * y < rr end end function Builders.oval(x_radius, y_radius) local x_rr = x_radius * x_radius local y_rr = y_radius * y_radius return function(x, y) return ((x * x) / x_rr + (y * y) / y_rr) < 1 end end local tau = math.tau function Builders.sine_fill(width, height) local width_inv = tau / width local height_inv = -2 / height return function(x, y) local x2 = x * width_inv local y2 = y * height_inv if y <= 0 then return y2 < math.sin(x2) else return y2 > math.sin(x2) end end end function Builders.sine_wave(width, height, thickness) local width_inv = tau / width local height_inv = 2 / height thickness = thickness * 0.5 return function(x, y) local x2 = x * width_inv local y2 = math.sin(x2) y = y * height_inv local d = math.abs(y2 - y) return d < thickness end end function Builders.rectangular_spiral(x_size, optional_y_size) optional_y_size = optional_y_size or x_size x_size = 1 / x_size optional_y_size = 1 / optional_y_size return function(x, y) x, y = x * x_size, y * optional_y_size x, y = math.floor(x + 0.5), math.floor(y + 0.5) local a = -math.max(math.abs(x), math.abs(y)) if a % 2 == 0 then return y ~= a or x == a else return y == a and x ~= a end end end function Builders.circular_spiral(in_thickness, total_thickness) local half_total_thickness = total_thickness * 0.5 return function(x, y) local d = math.sqrt(x * x + y * y) local angle = 1 + inv_pi * math.atan2(x, y) local offset = d + (angle * half_total_thickness) return offset % total_thickness < in_thickness end end function Builders.circular_spiral_grow(in_thickness, total_thickness, grow_factor) local half_total_thickness = total_thickness * 0.5 local inv_grow_factor = 1 / grow_factor return function(x, y) local d = math.sqrt(x * x + y * y) local factor = (d * inv_grow_factor) + 1 local total_thickness2 = total_thickness * factor local in_thickness2 = in_thickness * factor local half_total_thickness2 = half_total_thickness * factor local angle = 1 + inv_pi * math.atan2(x, y) local offset = d + (angle * half_total_thickness2) return offset % total_thickness2 < in_thickness2 end end function Builders.circular_spiral_n_threads(in_thickness, total_thickness, n_threads) local half_total_thickness = total_thickness * 0.5 * n_threads return function(x, y) local d = math.sqrt(x * x + y * y) local angle = 1 + inv_pi * math.atan2(x, y) local offset = d + (angle * half_total_thickness) return offset % total_thickness < in_thickness end end function Builders.circular_spiral_grow_n_threads(in_thickness, total_thickness, grow_factor, n_threads) local half_total_thickness = total_thickness * 0.5 * n_threads local inv_grow_factor = 1 / grow_factor return function(x, y) local d = math.sqrt(x * x + y * y) local factor = (d * inv_grow_factor) + 1 local total_thickness2 = total_thickness * factor local in_thickness2 = in_thickness * factor local half_total_thickness2 = half_total_thickness * factor local angle = 1 + inv_pi * math.atan2(x, y) local offset = d + (angle * half_total_thickness2) return offset % total_thickness2 < in_thickness2 end end local tile_map = { [1] = false, [2] = true, [3] = 'concrete', [4] = 'deepwater-green', [5] = 'deepwater', [6] = 'dirt-1', [7] = 'dirt-2', [8] = 'dirt-3', [9] = 'dirt-4', [10] = 'dirt-5', [11] = 'dirt-6', [12] = 'dirt-7', [13] = 'dry-dirt', [14] = 'grass-1', [15] = 'grass-2', [16] = 'grass-3', [17] = 'grass-4', [18] = 'hazard-concrete-left', [19] = 'hazard-concrete-right', [20] = 'lab-dark-1', [21] = 'lab-dark-2', [22] = 'lab-white', [23] = 'out-of-map', [24] = 'red-desert-0', [25] = 'red-desert-1', [26] = 'red-desert-2', [27] = 'red-desert-3', [28] = 'sand-1', [29] = 'sand-2', [30] = 'sand-3', [31] = 'stone-path', [32] = 'water-green', [33] = 'water' } function Builders.decompress(pic) local data = pic.data local width = pic.width local height = pic.height local uncompressed = {} for y = 1, height do local row = data[y] local u_row = {} uncompressed[y] = u_row local x = 1 for index = 1, #row, 2 do local pixel = tile_map[row[index]] local count = row[index + 1] for _ = 1, count do u_row[x] = pixel x = x + 1 end end end return {width = width, height = height, data = uncompressed} end function Builders.picture(pic) local data = pic.data local width = pic.width local height = pic.height -- the plus one is because lua tables are one based. local half_width = math.floor(width / 2) + 1 local half_height = math.floor(height / 2) + 1 return function(x, y) x = math.floor(x) y = math.floor(y) local x2 = x + half_width local y2 = y + half_height if y2 > 0 and y2 <= height and x2 > 0 and x2 <= width then return data[y2][x2] else return false end end end -- transforms and shape helpers function Builders.translate(shape, x_offset, y_offset) return function(x, y, world) return shape(x - x_offset, y - y_offset, world) end end function Builders.scale(shape, x_scale, y_scale) y_scale = y_scale or x_scale x_scale = 1 / x_scale y_scale = 1 / y_scale return function(x, y, world) return shape(x * x_scale, y * y_scale, world) end end function Builders.rotate(shape, angle) local qx = math.cos(angle) local qy = math.sin(angle) return function(x, y, world) local rot_x = qx * x - qy * y local rot_y = qy * x + qx * y return shape(rot_x, rot_y, world) end end function Builders.flip_x(shape) return function(x, y, world) return shape(-x, y, world) end end function Builders.flip_y(shape) return function(x, y, world) return shape(x, -y, world) end end function Builders.flip_xy(shape) return function(x, y, world) return shape(-x, -y, world) end end function Builders.any(shapes) return function(x, y, world) for _, s in ipairs(shapes) do local tile = s(x, y, world) if tile then return tile end end return false end end function Builders.all(shapes) return function(x, y, world) local tile for _, s in ipairs(shapes) do tile = s(x, y, world) if not tile then return false end end return tile end end function Builders.combine(shapes) return function(x, y, world) local function combine_table(tile, index) local i, s = next(shapes, index) while i do local t = s(x, y, world) if type(t) == 'table' then if not tile.tile then tile.tile = t.tile end local es = t.entities if es then for _, e in ipairs(es) do add_entity(tile, e) end end else if not tile.tile then tile.tile = t end end i, s = next(shapes, i) end return tile end local tile = false local i, s = next(shapes, nil) while i do local t = s(x, y, world) if not tile then tile = t elseif type(t) == 'table' then t.tile = tile return combine_table(t, i) end if type(tile) == 'table' then return combine_table(tile, i) end i, s = next(shapes, i) end return tile end end function Builders.subtract(shape, minus_shape) return function(x, y, world) if minus_shape(x, y, world) then return false else return shape(x, y, world) end end end function Builders.invert(shape) return function(x, y, world) return not shape(x, y, world) end end function Builders.throttle_x(shape, x_in, x_size) return function(x, y, world) if x % x_size < x_in then return shape(x, y, world) else return false end end end function Builders.throttle_y(shape, y_in, y_size) return function(x, y, world) if y % y_size < y_in then return shape(x, y, world) else return false end end end function Builders.throttle_xy(shape, x_in, x_size, y_in, y_size) return function(x, y, world) if x % x_size < x_in and y % y_size < y_in then return shape(x, y, world) else return false end end end function Builders.throttle_world_xy(shape, x_in, x_size, y_in, y_size) return function(x, y, world) if world.x % x_size < x_in and world.y % y_size < y_in then return shape(x, y, world) else return false end end end function Builders.choose(condition, true_shape, false_shape) return function(x, y, world) if condition(x, y, world) then return true_shape(x, y, world) else return false_shape(x, y, world) end end end function Builders.if_else(shape, else_shape) return function(x, y, world) return shape(x, y, world) or else_shape(x, y, world) end end function Builders.linear_grow(shape, size) return function(x, y, world) local t = math.ceil((y / size) + 0.5) local n = math.ceil((math.sqrt(8 * t + 1) - 1) / 2) local t_upper = n * (n + 1) * 0.5 local t_lower = t_upper - n y = (y - size * (t_lower + n / 2 - 0.5)) / n x = x / n return shape(x, y, world) end end function Builders.grow(in_shape, out_shape, size, offset) local half_size = size / 2 return function(x, y, world) local tx = math.ceil(math.abs(x) / half_size) local ty = math.ceil(math.abs(y) / half_size) local t = math.max(tx, ty) for i = t, 2.5 * t, 1 do local out_t = 1 / (i - offset) local in_t = 1 / i if out_shape(out_t * x, out_t * y, world) then return nil end local tile = in_shape(in_t * x, in_t * y, world) if tile then return tile end end return nil end end function Builders.project(shape, size, r) local ln_r = math.log(r) local r2 = 1 / (r - 1) local a = 1 / size return function(x, y, world) local offset = 0.5 * size local sn = math.ceil(y + offset) local n = math.ceil(math.log((r - 1) * sn * a + 1) / ln_r - 1) local rn = r ^ n local rn2 = 1 / rn local c = size * rn local sn_upper = size * (r ^ (n + 1) - 1) * r2 x = x * rn2 y = (y - (sn_upper - 0.5 * c) + offset) * rn2 return shape(x, y, world) end end function Builders.project_pattern(pattern, size, r, columns, rows) local ln_r = math.log(r) local r2 = 1 / (r - 1) local a = 1 / size local half_size = size / 2 return function(x, y, world) local offset = 0.5 * size local sn = math.ceil(y + offset) local n = math.ceil(math.log((r - 1) * sn * a + 1) / ln_r - 1) local rn = r ^ n local rn2 = 1 / rn local c = size * rn local sn_upper = size * (r ^ (n + 1) - 1) * r2 x = x * rn2 y = (y - (sn_upper - 0.5 * c) + offset) * rn2 local row_i = n % rows + 1 local row = pattern[row_i] local x2 = ((x + half_size) % size) - half_size local col_pos = math.floor(x / size + 0.5) local col_i = col_pos % columns + 1 local shape = row[col_i] return shape(x2, y, world) end end function Builders.project_overlap(shape, size, r) local ln_r = math.log(r) local r2 = 1 / (r - 1) local a = 1 / size local offset = 0.5 * size return function(x, y, world) local sn = math.ceil(y + offset) local n = math.ceil(math.log((r - 1) * sn * a + 1) / ln_r - 1) local rn = r ^ n local rn2 = 1 / rn local c = size * rn local sn_upper = size * (r ^ (n + 1) - 1) * r2 x = x * rn2 y = (y - (sn_upper - 0.5 * c) + offset) * rn2 local tile tile = shape(x, y, world) if tile then return tile end local rn_above = rn / r local rn2_above = 1 / rn_above local c_above = size * rn_above local sn_upper_above = sn_upper - c local x_above = x * rn2_above local y_above = (y - (sn_upper_above - 0.5 * c_above) + offset) * rn2_above tile = shape(x_above, y_above, world) if tile then return tile end local rn_below = rn * r local rn2_below = 1 / rn_below local c_below = size * rn_below local sn_upper_below = sn_upper + c_below local x_below = x * rn2_below local y_below = (y - (sn_upper_below - 0.5 * c_below) + offset) * rn2_below return shape(x_below, y_below, world) end end -- Entity generation function Builders.entity(shape, name) return function(x, y, world) if shape(x, y, world) then return {name = name} end end end function Builders.entity_func(shape, func) return function(x, y, world) if shape(x, y, world) then return func(x, y, world) end end end function Builders.resource(shape, resource_type, amount_function, always_place) amount_function = amount_function or function() return 404 end return function(x, y, world) if shape(x, y, world) then return { name = resource_type, amount = amount_function(world.x, world.y), always_place = always_place } end end end function Builders.apply_entity(shape, entity_shape) return function(x, y, world) local tile = shape(x, y, world) if not tile then return false end local e = entity_shape(x, y, world) if e then tile = add_entity(tile, e) end return tile end end function Builders.apply_entities(shape, entity_shapes) return function(x, y, world) local tile = shape(x, y, world) if not tile then return false end for _, es in ipairs(entity_shapes) do local e = es(x, y, world) if e then tile = add_entity(tile, e) end end return tile end end -- pattern builders. function Builders.single_pattern(shape, width, height) shape = shape or Builders.empty_shape local half_width = width / 2 local half_height if height then half_height = height / 2 else half_height = half_width end return function(x, y, world) y = ((y + half_height) % height) - half_height x = ((x + half_width) % width) - half_width return shape(x, y, world) end end function Builders.single_pattern_overlap(shape, width, height) shape = shape or Builders.empty_shape local half_width = width / 2 local half_height if height then half_height = height / 2 else half_height = half_width end return function(x, y, world) y = ((y + half_height) % height) - half_height x = ((x + half_width) % width) - half_width return shape(x, y, world) or shape(x + width, y, world) or shape(x - width, y, world) or shape(x, y + height, world) or shape(x, y - height, world) end end function Builders.single_x_pattern(shape, width) shape = shape or Builders.empty_shape local half_width = width / 2 return function(x, y, world) x = ((x + half_width) % width) - half_width return shape(x, y, world) end end function Builders.single_y_pattern(shape, height) shape = shape or Builders.empty_shape local half_height = height / 2 return function(x, y, world) y = ((y + half_height) % height) - half_height return shape(x, y, world) end end function Builders.grid_x_pattern(pattern, columns, width) local half_width = width / 2 return function(x, y, world) local x2 = ((x + half_width) % width) - half_width local columns_pos = math.floor(x / width + 0.5) local column_i = columns_pos % columns + 1 local shape = pattern[column_i] or Builders.empty_shape return shape(x2, y, world) end end function Builders.grid_y_pattern(pattern, rows, height) local half_height = height / 2 return function(x, y, world) local y2 = ((y + half_height) % height) - half_height local row_pos = math.floor(y / height + 0.5) local row_i = row_pos % rows + 1 local shape = pattern[row_i] or Builders.empty_shape return shape(x, y2, world) end end function Builders.grid_pattern(pattern, columns, rows, width, height) local half_width = width / 2 local half_height = height / 2 return function(x, y, world) local y2 = ((y + half_height) % height) - half_height local row_pos = math.floor(y / height + 0.5) local row_i = row_pos % rows + 1 local row = pattern[row_i] or {} local x2 = ((x + half_width) % width) - half_width local col_pos = math.floor(x / width + 0.5) local col_i = col_pos % columns + 1 local shape = row[col_i] or Builders.empty_shape return shape(x2, y2, world) end end function Builders.grid_pattern_overlap(pattern, columns, rows, width, height) local half_width = width / 2 local half_height = height / 2 return function(x, y, world) local y2 = ((y + half_height) % height) - half_height local row_pos = math.floor(y / height + 0.5) local row_i = row_pos % rows + 1 local row = pattern[row_i] or {} local x2 = ((x + half_width) % width) - half_width local col_pos = math.floor(x / width + 0.5) local col_i = col_pos % columns + 1 local shape = row[col_i] or Builders.empty_shape local tile = shape(x2, y2, world) if tile then return tile end -- edges local col_i_left = (col_pos - 1) % columns + 1 shape = row[col_i_left] or Builders.empty_shape tile = shape(x2 + width, y2, world) if tile then return tile end local col_i_right = (col_pos + 1) % columns + 1 shape = row[col_i_right] or Builders.empty_shape tile = shape(x2 - width, y2, world) if tile then return tile end local row_i_up = (row_pos - 1) % rows + 1 local row_up = pattern[row_i_up] or {} shape = row_up[col_i] or Builders.empty_shape tile = shape(x2, y2 + height, world) if tile then return tile end local row_i_down = (row_pos + 1) % rows + 1 local row_down = pattern[row_i_down] or {} shape = row_down[col_i] or Builders.empty_shape return shape(x2, y2 - height, world) end end function Builders.grid_pattern_full_overlap(pattern, columns, rows, width, height) local half_width = width / 2 local half_height = height / 2 return function(x, y, world) local y2 = ((y + half_height) % height) - half_height local row_pos = math.floor(y / height + 0.5) local row_i = row_pos % rows + 1 local row = pattern[row_i] or {} local x2 = ((x + half_width) % width) - half_width local col_pos = math.floor(x / width + 0.5) local col_i = col_pos % columns + 1 local row_i_up = (row_pos - 1) % rows + 1 local row_up = pattern[row_i_up] or {} local row_i_down = (row_pos + 1) % rows + 1 local row_down = pattern[row_i_down] or {} local col_i_left = (col_pos - 1) % columns + 1 local col_i_right = (col_pos + 1) % columns + 1 -- start from top left, move left to right then down local shape = row_up[col_i_left] or Builders.empty_shape local tile = shape(x2 + width, y2 + height, world) if tile then return tile end shape = row_up[col_i] or Builders.empty_shape tile = shape(x2, y2 + height, world) if tile then return tile end shape = row_up[col_i_right] or Builders.empty_shape tile = shape(x2 - width, y2 + height, world) if tile then return tile end shape = row[col_i_left] or Builders.empty_shape tile = shape(x2 + width, y2, world) if tile then return tile end shape = row[col_i] or Builders.empty_shape tile = shape(x2, y2, world) if tile then return tile end shape = row[col_i_right] or Builders.empty_shape tile = shape(x2 - width, y2, world) if tile then return tile end shape = row_down[col_i_left] or Builders.empty_shape tile = shape(x2 + width, y2 - height, world) if tile then return tile end shape = row_down[col_i] or Builders.empty_shape tile = shape(x2, y2 - height, world) if tile then return tile end shape = row_down[col_i_right] or Builders.empty_shape return shape(x2 - width, y2 - height, world) end end local function is_spiral(x, y) local a = -math.max(math.abs(x), math.abs(y)) if a % 2 == 0 then return y ~= a or x == a else return y == a and x ~= a end end function Builders.single_spiral_pattern(shape, width, height) local inv_width = 1 / width local inv_height = 1 / height return function(x, y, world) local x1 = math.floor(x * inv_width + 0.5) local y1 = math.floor(y * inv_height + 0.5) if is_spiral(x1, y1) then x1 = x - x1 * width y1 = y - y1 * height return shape(x1, y1, world) else return false end end end local function rotate_0(x, y) return x, y end local function rotate_90(x, y) return y, -x end local function rotate_180(x, y) return -x, -y end local function rotate_270(x, y) return -y, x end local function spiral_rotation(x, y) local a = -math.max(math.abs(x), math.abs(y)) if a % 2 == 0 then if y ~= a or x == a then if x == a then return rotate_0 elseif y >= x then return rotate_270 else return rotate_180 end end else if y == a and x ~= a then return rotate_90 end end end function Builders.single_spiral_rotate_pattern(shape, width, optional_height) optional_height = optional_height or width local inv_width = 1 / width local inv_height = 1 / optional_height return function(x, y, world) local x1 = math.floor(x * inv_width + 0.5) local y1 = math.floor(y * inv_height + 0.5) local t = spiral_rotation(x1, y1) if t then x1 = x - x1 * width y1 = y - y1 * optional_height x1, y1 = t(x1, y1) return shape(x1, y1, world) else return false end end end function Builders.circular_spiral_pattern(in_thickness, total_thickness, pattern) local n_threads = #pattern total_thickness = total_thickness * n_threads local half_total_thickness = total_thickness * 0.5 local delta = total_thickness / n_threads return function(x, y, world) local d = math.sqrt(x * x + y * y) local angle = 1 + inv_pi * math.atan2(x, y) local offset = d + (angle * half_total_thickness) if offset % total_thickness < in_thickness then return pattern[1](x, y, world) end for i = 2, n_threads do offset = offset + delta if offset % total_thickness < in_thickness then return pattern[i](x, y, world) end end return false end end function Builders.circular_spiral_grow_pattern(in_thickness, total_thickness, grow_factor, pattern) local n_threads = #pattern total_thickness = total_thickness * n_threads local half_total_thickness = total_thickness * 0.5 local inv_grow_factor = 1 / grow_factor local delta = total_thickness / n_threads return function(x, y, world) local d = math.sqrt(x * x + y * y) local factor = (d * inv_grow_factor) + 1 local total_thickness2 = total_thickness * factor local in_thickness2 = in_thickness * factor local half_total_thickness2 = half_total_thickness * factor local delta2 = delta * factor local angle = 1 + inv_pi * math.atan2(x, y) local offset = d + (angle * half_total_thickness2) if offset % total_thickness2 < in_thickness2 then return pattern[1](x, y, world) end for i = 2, n_threads do offset = offset + delta2 if offset % total_thickness2 < in_thickness2 then return pattern[i](x, y, world) end end return false end end function Builders.segment_pattern(pattern) local count = #pattern return function(x, y, world) local angle = math.atan2(-y, x) local index = math.floor(angle / tau * count) % count + 1 local shape = pattern[index] or Builders.empty_shape return shape(x, y, world) end end function Builders.pyramid_pattern(pattern, columns, rows, width, height) local half_width = width / 2 local half_height = height / 2 return function(x, y, world) local y2 = ((y + half_height) % height) - half_height local row_pos = math.floor(y / height + 0.5) local row_i = row_pos % rows + 1 local row = pattern[row_i] or {} if row_pos % 2 ~= 0 then x = x - half_width end local x2 = ((x + half_width) % width) - half_width local col_pos = math.floor(x / width + 0.5) local col_i = col_pos % columns + 1 if col_pos > row_pos / 2 or -col_pos > (row_pos + 1) / 2 then return false end local shape = row[col_i] or Builders.empty_shape return shape(x2, y2, world) end end function Builders.pyramid_pattern_inner_overlap(pattern, columns, rows, width, height) local half_width = width / 2 local half_height = height / 2 return function(x, y, world) local y2 = ((y + half_height) % height) - half_height local row_pos = math.floor(y / height + 0.5) local row_i = row_pos % rows + 1 local row = pattern[row_i] or {} local x_odd local x_even if row_pos % 2 == 0 then x_even = x x_odd = x - half_width else x_even = x - half_width x_odd = x x = x - half_width end x_even = ((x_even + half_width) % width) - half_width x_odd = ((x_odd + half_width) % width) - half_width local col_pos = math.floor(x / width + 0.5) local offset = 1 local offset_odd = 0 if (col_pos % 2) == (row_pos % 2) then offset = 0 offset_odd = 1 end local col_i = (col_pos - offset) % columns + 1 local col_i_odd = (col_pos - offset_odd) % columns + 1 if col_pos > row_pos / 2 or -col_pos > (row_pos + 1) / 2 then return false end local row_i_up = (row_pos - 1) % rows + 1 local row_up = pattern[row_i_up] or {} local row_i_down = (row_pos + 1) % rows + 1 local row_down = pattern[row_i_down] or {} local col_i_left = (col_pos - 1) % columns + 1 local col_i_right = (col_pos + 1) % columns + 1 -- start from top left, move left to right then down local shape = row_up[col_i_left] or Builders.empty_shape local tile = shape(x_even + width, y2 + height, world) if tile then return tile end shape = row_up[col_i_odd] or Builders.empty_shape tile = shape(x_odd, y2 + height, world) if tile then return tile end shape = row_up[col_i_right] or Builders.empty_shape tile = shape(x_even - width, y2 + height, world) if tile then return tile end shape = row[col_i_left] or Builders.empty_shape tile = shape(x_even + width, y2, world) if tile then return tile end shape = row[col_i] or Builders.empty_shape tile = shape(x_even, y2, world) if tile then return tile end shape = row[col_i_right] or Builders.empty_shape tile = shape(x_even - width, y2, world) if tile then return tile end shape = row_down[col_i_left] or Builders.empty_shape tile = shape(x_even + width, y2 - height, world) if tile then return tile end shape = row_down[col_i_odd] or Builders.empty_shape tile = shape(x_odd, y2 - height, world) if tile then return tile end shape = row_down[col_i_right] or Builders.empty_shape return shape(x_even - width, y2 - height, world) end end function Builders.grid_pattern_offset(pattern, columns, rows, width, height) local half_width = width / 2 local half_height = height / 2 return function(x, y, world) local y2 = ((y + half_height) % height) - half_height local row_pos = math.floor(y / height + 0.5) local row_i = row_pos % rows + 1 local row = pattern[row_i] or {} local x2 = ((x + half_width) % width) - half_width local col_pos = math.floor(x / width + 0.5) local col_i = col_pos % columns + 1 y2 = y2 + height * math.floor((row_pos + 1) / rows) x2 = x2 + width * math.floor((col_pos + 1) / columns) local shape = row[col_i] or Builders.empty_shape return shape(x2, y2, world) end end -- tile converters function Builders.change_tile(shape, old_tile, new_tile) return function(x, y, world) local tile = shape(x, y, world) if type(tile) == 'table' then if tile.tile == old_tile then tile.tile = new_tile end else if tile == old_tile then tile = new_tile end end return tile end end function Builders.change_collision_tile(shape, collides, new_tile) return function(x, y, world) local tile = shape(x, y, world) if type(tile) == 'table' then if tile.tile.collides_with(collides) then tile.tile = new_tile return tile end else if tile.collides_with(collides) then return new_tile end end return tile end end -- only changes tiles made by the factorio map generator. function Builders.change_map_gen_tile(shape, old_tile, new_tile) return function(x, y, world) local function handle_tile(tile) if type(tile) == 'boolean' and tile then local gen_tile = world.surface.get_tile(world.x, world.y).name if gen_tile == old_tile then return new_tile end end return tile end local tile = shape(x, y, world) if type(tile) == 'table' then tile.tile = handle_tile(tile.tile) else tile = handle_tile(tile) end return tile end end -- only changes tiles made by the factorio map generator. function Builders.change_map_gen_collision_tile(shape, collides, new_tile) return function(x, y, world) local function handle_tile(tile) if type(tile) == 'boolean' and tile then local gen_tile = world.surface.get_tile(world.x, world.y) if gen_tile.collides_with(collides) then return new_tile end end return tile end local tile = shape(x, y, world) if type(tile) == 'table' then tile.tile = handle_tile(tile.tile) else tile = handle_tile(tile) end return tile end end local bad_tiles = { ['out-of-map'] = true, ['water'] = true, ['deepwater'] = true, ['water-green'] = true, ['deepwater-green'] = true } function Builders.overlay_tile_land(shape, tile_shape) return function(x, y, world) local function handle_tile(tile) if type(tile) == 'boolean' then return tile and not world.surface.get_tile(world.x, world.y).collides_with('water-tile') else return not bad_tiles[tile] end end local tile = shape(x, y, world) if type(tile) == 'table' then if handle_tile(tile.tile) then tile.tile = tile_shape(x, y, world) or tile.tile end else if handle_tile(tile) then tile = tile_shape(x, y, world) or tile end end return tile end end local water_tiles = { ['water'] = true, ['deepwater'] = true, ['water-green'] = true, ['deepwater-green'] = true } function Builders.fish(shape, spawn_rate) return function(x, y, world) local function handle_tile(tile) if type(tile) == 'string' then if water_tiles[tile] and spawn_rate >= math.random() then return {name = 'fish'} end elseif tile then if world.surface.get_tile(world.x, world.y).collides_with('water-tile') and spawn_rate >= math.random() then return {name = 'fish'} end end end local tile = shape(x, y, world) if type(tile) == 'table' then local entity = handle_tile(tile.tile) if entity then add_entity(tile, entity) end else local entity = handle_tile(tile) if entity then tile = { tile = tile, entities = {entity} } end end return tile end end function Builders.apply_effect(shape, func) return function(x, y, world) local tile = shape(x, y, world) return func(x, y, world, tile) end end function Builders.manhattan_value(base, mult) return function(x, y) return mult * (math.abs(x) + math.abs(y)) + base end end function Builders.euclidean_value(base, mult) return function(x, y) return mult * math.sqrt(x * x + y * y) + base end end function Builders.exponential_value(base, mult, pow) return function(x, y) local d_sq = x * x + y * y return base + mult * d_sq ^ (pow / 2) end end function Builders.prepare_weighted_array(array) local total = 0 local weights = {} for _, v in ipairs(array) do total = total + v.weight table.insert(weights, total) end weights.total = total return weights end return Builders