-- If you're looking to configure anything, you want config.lua. Nearly everything in this file is dictated by the config. -- Info on the data lifecycle and how we use it: https://github.com/Refactorio/RedMew/wiki/The-data-lifecycle require 'resources.data_stages' _LIFECYCLE = _STAGE.control -- Control stage -- Overrides the _G.print function require 'utils.print_override' -- Omitting the math library is a very bad idea require 'utils.math' -- Global Debug and make sure our version file is registered Debug = require 'utils.debug' require 'resources.version' -- Config and map_loader dictate the map you play and the settings in it local config = require 'config' require 'map_gen.shared.map_loader' -- to change the map you're playing, modify map_selection.lua -- Specific to RedMew hosts, can be disabled safely if not hosting on RedMew servers require 'features.server' require 'features.server_commands' -- Library modules -- If missing, will cause other feature modules to fail require 'features.player_create' require 'features.rank_system' require 'features.redmew_settings_sync' if config.player_colors.enabled then require 'features.player_colors' end -- Feature modules -- Each can be disabled safely if config.train_saviour.enabled then require 'features.train_saviour' end if config.infinite_storage_chest.enabled then require 'features.infinite_storage_chest' end if config.landfill_remover.enabled then require 'features.landfill_remover' end if config.autodeconstruct.enabled then require 'features.autodeconstruct' end if config.hodor.enabled or config.auto_respond.enabled or config.mentions.enabled then require 'features.chat_triggers' end if config.corpse_util.enabled then require 'features.corpse_util' end if config.admin_commands.enabled then require 'features.admin_commands' end if config.redmew_commands.enabled then require 'features.redmew_commands' end if config.donator_commands.enabled then require 'features.donator_commands' end if config.market.enabled then require 'features.market' end if config.nuke_control.enabled then require 'features.nuke_control' end if config.reactor_meltdown.enabled then require 'features.reactor_meltdown' end if config.performance.enabled then require 'features.performance' end if config.hail_hydra.enabled then require 'map_gen.shared.hail_hydra' end if config.lazy_bastard.enabled then require 'features.lazy_bastard' end if config.redmew_qol.enabled then require 'features.redmew_qol' end if config.camera.enabled then require 'features.gui.camera' end if config.day_night.enabled then require 'map_gen.shared.day_night' end if config.apocalypse.enabled then require 'features.apocalypse' end if config.player_onboarding.enabled then require 'features.player_onboarding' end if config.biter_attacks.enabled then require 'map_gen.shared.biter_attacks' end if config.player_quick_bars.enabled then require 'features.player_quick_bars' end if config.biter_corpse_remover.enabled then require 'features.biter_corpse_remover' end if config.turret_active_delay.enabled then require 'features.turret_active_delay' end if config.research_printer.enabled then require 'features.research_printer' end -- GUIs -- The order determines the order they appear from left to right. -- These can be safely disabled if you want less GUI items. -- Some map presets will add GUI modules themselves. if config.map_info.enabled then require 'features.gui.info' require 'features.gui.description_generator' end if config.player_list.enabled then require 'features.gui.player_list' end if config.redmew_settings.enabled then require 'features.gui.redmew_settings' end if config.autofill.enabled then require 'features.gui.autofill' end if config.evolution_progress.enabled then require 'features.gui.evolution_progress' end if config.poll.enabled then require 'features.gui.poll' end if config.tag_group.enabled then require 'features.gui.tag_group' end if config.tasklist.enabled then require 'features.gui.tasklist' end if config.blueprint_helper.enabled then require 'features.gui.blueprint_helper' end if config.paint.enabled then require 'features.gui.paint' end if config.popup.enabled then require 'features.gui.popup' end if config.rich_text_gui.enabled then require 'features.gui.rich_text' end if config.radio.enabled or _DEBUG then require 'features.gui.radio' end if config.score.enabled then require 'features.gui.score' end --require 'features.snake.control' -- Debug-only modules if _DEBUG then require 'features.scenario_data_manipulation' end if _DUMP_ENV then require 'utils.dump_env' end if _DEBUG then require('utils.test.main') end -- Needs to be at bottom so tokens are registered last. if _DEBUG then require 'features.gui.debug.command' end