local Event = require 'utils.event' local Global = require 'utils.global' local Gui = require 'utils.gui' local Rank = require 'features.rank_system' local Donator = require 'features.donator' local PlayerStats = require 'features.player_stats' local Utils = require 'utils.core' local LocaleBuilder = require 'utils.locale_builder' local Report = require 'features.report' local table = require 'utils.table' local Color = require 'resources.color_presets' local Settings = require 'utils.redmew_settings' local poke_messages = require 'resources.poke_messages' local player_sprites = require 'resources.player_sprites' local ScoreTracker = require 'utils.score_tracker' local get_for_global = ScoreTracker.get_for_global local get_for_player = ScoreTracker.get_for_player local player_count_name = 'player-count' local coins_spent_name = 'coins-spent' local coins_earned_name = 'coins-earned' local player_deaths_name = 'player-deaths' local player_distance_walked_name = 'player-distance-walked' local random = math.random local ipairs = ipairs local pairs = pairs local abs = math.abs local round = math.round local insert = table.insert local concat = table.concat local get_rank_color = Rank.get_rank_color local get_rank_name = Rank.get_rank_name local get_player_rank = Rank.get_player_rank local donator_is_donator = Donator.is_donator local tooltip_lines_cap = 53 local poke_cooldown_time = 240 -- in ticks. local sprite_time_step = 54000 -- in ticks local symbol_asc = ' ▲' local symbol_desc = ' ▼' local focus_color = Color.dark_orange local donator_color = Color.donator local notify_name = 'notify_poke' Settings.register(notify_name, Settings.types.boolean, true, 'player_list.poke_notify_caption_short') local rank_column_width = 100 local inv_sprite_time_step = 1 / sprite_time_step local donator_label_caption = {'', '(', {'ranks.donator_abbreviation'}, ')'} local player_poke_cooldown = {} local player_pokes = {} local player_settings = {} local no_notify_players = {} local prototype_locale_string_cache = {} Global.register( { player_poke_cooldown = player_poke_cooldown, player_pokes = player_pokes, player_settings = player_settings, no_notify_players = no_notify_players }, function(tbl) player_poke_cooldown = tbl.player_poke_cooldown player_pokes = tbl.player_pokes player_settings = tbl.player_settings no_notify_players = tbl.no_notify_players end ) local main_button_name = Gui.uid_name() local main_frame_name = Gui.uid_name() local notify_checkbox_name = Gui.uid_name() local sprite_heading_name = Gui.uid_name() local player_name_heading_name = Gui.uid_name() local time_heading_name = Gui.uid_name() local rank_heading_name = Gui.uid_name() local distance_heading_name = Gui.uid_name() local coin_heading_name = Gui.uid_name() local deaths_heading_name = Gui.uid_name() local poke_name_heading_name = Gui.uid_name() local report_heading_name = Gui.uid_name() local sprite_cell_name = Gui.uid_name() local player_name_cell_name = Gui.uid_name() local time_cell_name = Gui.uid_name() local rank_cell_name = Gui.uid_name() local distance_cell_name = Gui.uid_name() local coin_cell_name = Gui.uid_name() local deaths_cell_name = Gui.uid_name() local poke_cell_name = Gui.uid_name() local report_cell_name = Gui.uid_name() local function lighten_color(color) color.r = color.r * 0.6 + 0.4 color.g = color.g * 0.6 + 0.4 color.b = color.b * 0.6 + 0.4 color.a = 1 end local function format_distance(tiles) return round(tiles * 0.001, 1) .. ' km' end local function do_poke_spam_protection(player) if player.admin then return true end local tick = player_poke_cooldown[player.index] or 0 if tick < game.tick then player_poke_cooldown[player.index] = game.tick + poke_cooldown_time return true else return false end end local function apply_heading_style(style) style.font_color = focus_color style.font = 'default-bold' style.horizontal_align = 'center' end local column_builders = { [sprite_heading_name] = { create_data = function(player) local ticks = player.online_time local level = math.floor(ticks * inv_sprite_time_step) + 1 level = math.min(level, #player_sprites) return level end, sort = function(a, b) return a < b end, draw_heading = function(parent) local label = parent.add {type = 'label', name = sprite_heading_name, caption = ' '} local label_style = label.style apply_heading_style(label_style) label_style.width = 32 return label end, draw_cell = function(parent, cell_data) local label = parent.add { type = 'sprite', name = sprite_cell_name, sprite = player_sprites[cell_data] } local label_style = label.style label_style.horizontal_align = 'center' label_style.width = 32 return label end }, [player_name_heading_name] = { create_data = function(player) return player end, sort = function(a, b) return a.name:lower() < b.name:lower() end, draw_heading = function(parent, sort_symbol) local caption = {'player_list.name_caption', sort_symbol} local label = parent.add {type = 'label', name = player_name_heading_name, caption = caption} local label_style = label.style apply_heading_style(label_style) label_style.width = 150 return label end, draw_cell = function(parent, cell_data) local color = cell_data.color lighten_color(color) local name = cell_data.name local label = parent.add { type = 'label', name = player_name_cell_name, caption = name, tooltip = name } local label_style = label.style label_style.font_color = color label_style.horizontal_align = 'left' label_style.width = 150 return label end }, [time_heading_name] = { create_data = function(player) return player.online_time end, sort = function(a, b) return a < b end, draw_heading = function(parent, sort_symbol) local caption = {'player_list.time_caption', sort_symbol} local label = parent.add {type = 'label', name = time_heading_name, caption = caption} local label_style = label.style apply_heading_style(label_style) label_style.width = 125 return label end, draw_cell = function(parent, cell_data) local text = Utils.format_time(cell_data) local label = parent.add {type = 'label', name = time_cell_name, caption = text} local label_style = label.style label_style.horizontal_align = 'left' label_style.width = 125 return label end }, [rank_heading_name] = { create_data = function(player) local player_name = player.name return { rank = get_player_rank(player_name), is_donator = donator_is_donator(player_name) } end, sort = function(a, b) local a_rank, b_rank = a.rank, b.rank if a_rank == b_rank then return b.is_donator and not a.is_donator end return a_rank < b_rank end, draw_heading = function(parent, sort_symbol) local caption = {'player_list.rank_caption', sort_symbol} local label = parent.add {type = 'label', name = rank_heading_name, caption = caption} local label_style = label.style apply_heading_style(label_style) label_style.width = rank_column_width return label end, draw_cell = function(parent, cell_data) local is_donator = cell_data.is_donator local rank = cell_data.rank if is_donator then local flow = parent.add {type = 'flow', name = rank_cell_name, direction = 'horizontal'} local flow_style = flow.style flow_style.horizontal_align = 'left' flow_style.width = rank_column_width local label_rank = flow.add {type = 'label', caption = get_rank_name(rank)} label_rank.style.font_color = get_rank_color(rank) local label_donator = flow.add {type = 'label', caption = donator_label_caption} label_donator.style.font_color = donator_color return flow else local label = parent.add {type = 'label', name = rank_cell_name, caption = get_rank_name(rank)} local label_style = label.style label_style.horizontal_align = 'left' label_style.font_color = get_rank_color(rank) label_style.width = rank_column_width return label end end }, [distance_heading_name] = { create_data = function(player) return get_for_player(player.index, player_distance_walked_name) end, sort = function(a, b) return a < b end, draw_heading = function(parent, sort_symbol) local caption = {'player_list.distance_caption', sort_symbol} local label = parent.add {type = 'label', name = distance_heading_name, caption = caption} local label_style = label.style apply_heading_style(label_style) label_style.width = 70 return label end, draw_cell = function(parent, cell_data) local text = format_distance(cell_data) local label = parent.add {type = 'label', name = distance_cell_name, caption = text} local label_style = label.style label_style.horizontal_align = 'center' label_style.width = 70 return label end }, [coin_heading_name] = { create_data = function(player) local index = player.index return { coin_earned = get_for_player(index, coins_earned_name), coin_spent = get_for_player(index, coins_spent_name) } end, sort = function(a, b) local a_coin_earned, b_coin_earned = a.coin_earned, b.coin_earned if a_coin_earned == b_coin_earned then return a.coin_spent < b.coin_spent else return a_coin_earned < b_coin_earned end end, draw_heading = function(parent, sort_symbol) local caption = {'player_list.coins_caption', sort_symbol} local label = parent.add { type = 'label', name = coin_heading_name, caption = caption, tooltip = 'Coins earned / spent.' } local label_style = label.style apply_heading_style(label_style) label_style.width = 80 return label end, draw_cell = function(parent, cell_data) local text = concat({cell_data.coin_earned, '/', cell_data.coin_spent}) local label = parent.add {type = 'label', name = coin_cell_name, caption = text} local label_style = label.style label_style.horizontal_align = 'center' label_style.width = 80 return label end }, [deaths_heading_name] = { create_data = function(player) local player_index = player.index return { count = get_for_player(player_index, player_deaths_name), causes = PlayerStats.get_all_death_causes_by_player(player_index) } end, sort = function(a, b) return a.count < b.count end, draw_heading = function(parent, sort_symbol) local caption = {'player_list.deaths_caption', sort_symbol} local label = parent.add {type = 'label', name = deaths_heading_name, caption = caption} local label_style = label.style apply_heading_style(label_style) label_style.width = 60 return label end, draw_cell = function(parent, cell_data) local tooltip = LocaleBuilder.new() local causes = cell_data.causes local lines = 1 for name, count in pairs(causes) do if lines > tooltip_lines_cap then break end lines = lines + 1 if not prototype_locale_string_cache[name] then local prototype = game.entity_prototypes[name] if not prototype then prototype = game.item_prototypes[name] end prototype_locale_string_cache[name] = prototype and prototype.localised_name or {'', name} end local str = ': ' .. count if next(causes, name) ~= nil then str = str .. '\n' end tooltip = tooltip:add(prototype_locale_string_cache[name]):add(str) end local label = parent.add {type = 'label', name = deaths_cell_name, caption = cell_data.count, tooltip = tooltip} local label_style = label.style label_style.horizontal_align = 'center' label_style.width = 60 return label end }, [poke_name_heading_name] = { create_data = function(player) return {poke_count = player_pokes[player.index] or 0, player = player} end, sort = function(a, b) return a.poke_count < b.poke_count end, draw_heading = function(parent, sort_symbol, data) local caption = {'player_list.poke_caption', sort_symbol} local label = parent.add {type = 'label', name = poke_name_heading_name, caption = caption} local label_style = label.style apply_heading_style(label_style) label_style.width = 60 data.poke_buttons = {} return label end, draw_cell = function(parent, cell_data, data) local player = cell_data.player local parent_style = parent.style parent_style.width = 64 parent_style.horizontal_align = 'center' local label = parent.add {type = 'button', name = poke_cell_name, caption = cell_data.poke_count} local label_style = label.style label_style.horizontal_align = 'center' label_style.minimal_width = 32 label_style.height = 24 label_style.font = 'default-bold' label_style.top_padding = 0 label_style.bottom_padding = 0 label_style.left_padding = 0 label_style.right_padding = 0 data.poke_buttons[player.index] = label Gui.set_data(label, {data = data, player = player}) return label end }, [report_heading_name] = { create_data = function(player) return player end, sort = function(a, b) return a.name:lower() < b.name:lower() end, draw_heading = function(parent, sort_symbol) local caption = {'player_list.report_caption', sort_symbol} local label = parent.add { type = 'label', name = report_heading_name, caption = caption, tooltip = {'player_list.report_tooltip'} } local label_style = label.style apply_heading_style(label_style) label_style.width = 58 return label end, draw_cell = function(parent, cell_data) local parent_style = parent.style parent_style.width = 58 parent_style.horizontal_align = 'center' local label = parent.add { type = 'sprite-button', name = report_cell_name, sprite = 'utility/force_editor_icon', tooltip = {'player_list.report_button_tooltip', cell_data.name} } local label_style = label.style label_style.horizontal_align = 'center' label_style.minimal_width = 32 label_style.height = 24 label_style.font = 'default-bold' label_style.top_padding = 0 label_style.bottom_padding = 0 label_style.left_padding = 0 label_style.right_padding = 0 Gui.set_data(label, cell_data) return label end } } local function get_default_player_settings() local columns = { sprite_heading_name, player_name_heading_name, time_heading_name, rank_heading_name, distance_heading_name } local offset = 6 if global.config.player_list.show_coin_column then columns[6] = coin_heading_name offset = 7 end columns[offset] = deaths_heading_name columns[offset + 1] = poke_name_heading_name columns[offset + 2] = report_heading_name return { columns = columns, sort = -3 } end local function redraw_title(data) local frame = data.frame local online_count = #game.connected_players local total_count = get_for_global(player_count_name) frame.caption = {'player_list.title', online_count, total_count} end local function redraw_headings(data) local settings = data.settings local columns = settings.columns local sort = settings.sort local sort_column = abs(sort) local heading_table_flow = data.heading_table_flow Gui.clear(heading_table_flow) local heading_table = heading_table_flow.add {type = 'table', column_count = #columns} for i, c in ipairs(settings.columns) do local sort_symbol = '' if i == sort_column then sort_symbol = sort > 0 and symbol_asc or symbol_desc end local heading = column_builders[c].draw_heading(heading_table, sort_symbol, data) Gui.set_data(heading, {data = data, index = i}) end end local function redraw_cells(data) local settings = data.settings local columns = settings.columns local sort = settings.sort local sort_column = abs(sort) local column_name = columns[sort_column] local column_sort = column_builders[column_name].sort local comp if sort > 0 then comp = function(a, b) return column_sort(a[sort_column], b[sort_column]) end else comp = function(a, b) return column_sort(b[sort_column], a[sort_column]) end end local cell_table_scroll_pane = data.cell_table_scroll_pane Gui.clear(cell_table_scroll_pane) local grid = cell_table_scroll_pane.add {type = 'table', column_count = #columns} local list_data = {} for _, p in ipairs(game.connected_players) do local row = {} for _, c in ipairs(columns) do local cell_data = column_builders[c].create_data(p) insert(row, cell_data) end insert(list_data, row) end table.sort(list_data, comp) for _, row in ipairs(list_data) do for c_i, c in ipairs(columns) do local flow = grid.add {type = 'flow'} column_builders[c].draw_cell(flow, row[c_i], data) end end end local function draw_main_frame(left, player) local player_index = player.index local frame = left.add {type = 'frame', name = main_frame_name, direction = 'vertical'} local heading_table_flow = frame.add {type = 'flow'} local cell_table_scroll_pane = frame.add {type = 'scroll-pane'} cell_table_scroll_pane.style.maximal_height = 400 local state = Settings.get(player.index, notify_name) local notify_checkbox = frame.add { type = 'checkbox', name = notify_checkbox_name, state = state, caption = {'player_list.poke_notify_caption'}, tooltip = {'player_list.poke_notify_tooltip'} } Gui.make_close_button(frame, main_button_name) local settings = player_settings[player_index] or get_default_player_settings() local data = { frame = frame, heading_table_flow = heading_table_flow, cell_table_scroll_pane = cell_table_scroll_pane, settings = settings, notify_checkbox = notify_checkbox } redraw_title(data) redraw_headings(data) redraw_cells(data) Gui.set_data(frame, data) end local function remove_main_frame(frame, player) local frame_data = Gui.get_data(frame) player_settings[player.index] = frame_data.settings Gui.destroy(frame) end local function toggle(event) local player = event.player local gui = player.gui local left = gui.left local main_frame = left[main_frame_name] local main_button = gui.top[main_button_name] if main_frame then remove_main_frame(main_frame, player) main_button.style = 'icon_button' else main_button.style = 'slot_sized_button' local style = main_button.style style.width = 38 style.height = 38 draw_main_frame(left, player) end end local function tick() for _, p in ipairs(game.connected_players) do local frame = p.gui.left[main_frame_name] if frame and frame.valid then local data = Gui.get_data(frame) redraw_cells(data) end end end local function player_created(event) local player = game.get_player(event.player_index) if not player or not player.valid then return end player.gui.top.add( { type = 'sprite-button', name = main_button_name, sprite = 'entity/character', tooltip = {'player_list.tooltip'} } ) end local function update_player_list() for _, p in ipairs(game.connected_players) do local frame = p.gui.left[main_frame_name] if frame and frame.valid then local data = Gui.get_data(frame) redraw_title(data) redraw_cells(data) end end end Event.on_nth_tick(1800, tick) Event.add(defines.events.on_player_created, player_created) Event.add(defines.events.on_player_joined_game, update_player_list) Event.add(defines.events.on_player_left_game, update_player_list) Gui.on_click(main_button_name, toggle) Gui.on_checked_state_changed( notify_checkbox_name, function(event) local player_index = event.player_index local checkbox = event.element local state = checkbox.state local no_notify if state then no_notify = nil else no_notify = true end no_notify_players[player_index] = no_notify Settings.set(player_index, notify_name, state) end ) local function headings_click(event) local heading_data = Gui.get_data(event.element) local data = heading_data.data local settings = data.settings local index = heading_data.index local sort = settings.sort local sort_column = abs(sort) if sort_column == index then sort = -sort else sort = -index end settings.sort = sort redraw_headings(data) redraw_cells(data) end for name, _ in pairs(column_builders) do Gui.on_click(name, headings_click) end Gui.on_click( poke_cell_name, function(event) local element = event.element local button_data = Gui.get_data(element) local poke_player = button_data.player local player = event.player if poke_player == player then return end local poke_player_index = poke_player.index if not do_poke_spam_protection(player) then return end local count = (player_pokes[poke_player_index] or 0) + 1 player_pokes[poke_player_index] = count local poke_str = poke_messages[random(#poke_messages)] local message = concat({'>> ', player.name, ' has poked ', poke_player.name, ' with ', poke_str, ' <<'}) for _, p in ipairs(game.connected_players) do local frame = p.gui.left[main_frame_name] if frame and frame.valid then local frame_data = Gui.get_data(frame) local poke_bottons = frame_data.poke_buttons if poke_bottons then local settings = frame_data.settings local columns = settings.columns local sort = settings.sort local sorted_column = columns[abs(sort)] if sorted_column == poke_name_heading_name then redraw_cells(frame_data) else local poke_button = poke_bottons[poke_player_index] poke_button.caption = count end end end if not no_notify_players[p.index] then p.print(message) end end end ) Gui.on_click( report_cell_name, function(event) local reporting_player = event.player local reported_player = Gui.get_data(event.element) if reporting_player.admin then Report.jail(reported_player, reporting_player) else Report.spawn_reporting_popup(reporting_player, reported_player) end end ) Gui.allow_player_to_toggle_top_element_visibility(main_button_name) Event.add( Settings.events.on_setting_set, function(event) if event.setting_name ~= notify_name then return end local player_index = event.player_index local player = game.get_player(player_index) if not player or not player.valid then return end local state = event.new_value local no_notify if state then no_notify = nil else no_notify = true end no_notify_players[player_index] = no_notify local frame = player.gui.left[main_frame_name] if not frame then return end local data = Gui.get_data(frame) local checkbox = data.notify_checkbox checkbox.state = state end )