--[[-- info Provides the ability to collect artefacts and send them to space. ]] -- dependencies local Event = require 'utils.event' local Game = require 'utils.game' local ScoreTable = require 'map_gen.Diggy.ScoreTable' local Debug = require 'map_gen.Diggy.Debug' local Template = require 'map_gen.Diggy.Template' local Perlin = require 'map_gen.shared.perlin_noise' local random = math.random local ceil = math.ceil local Gui = require 'utils.gui' local utils = require 'utils.utils' -- this local ArtefactHunting = {} -- some GUI stuff local function redraw_table(data) local list = data.list Gui.clear(list) data.frame.caption = 'Scoretable' local score_keys = ScoreTable.all_keys() for _, data in pairs(score_keys) do local val = ScoreTable.get(data) local table = list.add({type = 'table', column_count = 2}) local key = table.add({type = 'label', name = 'Diggy.ArtefactHunting.Frame.List.Key', caption = data}) key.style.minimal_width = 175 local val = table.add({type = 'label', name = 'Diggy.ArtefactHunting.Frame.List.Val', caption = utils.comma_value(val)}) val.style.minimal_width = 225 end end local function toggle(event) local player = event.player local center = player.gui.left local frame = center['Diggy.ArtefactHunting.Frame'] if (frame) then Gui.destroy(frame) return end frame = center.add({name = 'Diggy.ArtefactHunting.Frame', type = 'frame', direction = 'vertical'}) local scroll_pane = frame.add({type = 'scroll-pane'}) scroll_pane.style.maximal_height = 400 frame.add({ type = 'button', name = 'Diggy.ArtefactHunting.Button', caption = 'Close'}) local data = { frame = frame, list = scroll_pane } redraw_table(data) Gui.set_data(frame, data) end local function on_player_created(event) Game.get_player_by_index(event.player_index).gui.top.add({ name = 'Diggy.ArtefactHunting.Button', type = 'sprite-button', sprite = 'item/steel-axe', }) end Gui.on_click('Diggy.ArtefactHunting.Button', toggle) Gui.on_custom_close('Diggy.ArtefactHunting.Frame', function (event) event.element.destroy() end) function ArtefactHunting.update_gui() for _, p in ipairs(game.connected_players) do local frame = p.gui.left['Diggy.ArtefactHunting.Frame'] if frame and frame.valid then local data = {player = p} toggle(data) toggle(data) -- double cause toggle() close the windi if its opened end end end --[[-- Registers all event handlers. ]] function ArtefactHunting.register(config) Event.add(defines.events.on_player_created, on_player_created) ScoreTable.reset('Artefacts sent to space') local seed local function get_noise(surface, x, y) seed = seed or surface.map_gen_settings.seed + surface.index + 300 return Perlin.noise(x * config.noise_variance * 0.9, y * config.noise_variance * 1.1, seed) end local distance_required = config.minimal_treasure_chest_distance * config.minimal_treasure_chest_distance Event.add(defines.events.on_rocket_launched, function (event) local coins = event.rocket.get_inventory(defines.inventory.rocket).get_item_count('coin') if coins > 0 then local sum = ScoreTable.add('Artefacts sent to space', coins) game.print('sent ' .. coins .. ' artefacts into space! The space station is now holding ' .. sum .. ' artefacts.') ArtefactHunting.update_gui() end end) Event.add(Template.events.on_void_removed, function (event) local position = event.position local x = position.x local y = position.y if (x * x + y * y <= distance_required) then return end local surface = event.surface if get_noise(surface, x, y) < config.treasure_chest_noise_threshold then return end local chest = surface.create_entity({name = 'steel-chest', position = position, force = game.forces.player}) if not chest then return end for name, prototype in pairs(config.treasure_chest_raffle) do if random() <= prototype.chance then chest.insert({name = name, count = random(prototype.min, prototype.max)}) end end end) local modifiers = config.alien_coin_modifiers local function picked_up_coins(player_index, count) local text if count == 1 then text = '+1 coin' ScoreTable.increment('Collected coins') else text = '+' .. count ..' coins' ScoreTable.add('Collected coins', count) end Game.print_player_floating_text(player_index, text, {r = 255, g = 215, b = 0}) ArtefactHunting.update_gui() end ScoreTable.reset('Collected coins') Event.add(defines.events.on_entity_died, function (event) local entity = event.entity local force = entity.force if force.name ~= 'enemy' then return end local cause = event.cause if not cause or cause.type ~= 'player' or not cause.valid then return end local modifier = modifiers[entity.name] or 1 local evolution_multiplier = force.evolution_factor * 11 local count = random( ceil(2 * evolution_multiplier * 0.1), ceil(5 * (evolution_multiplier * evolution_multiplier + modifier) * 0.1) ) entity.surface.create_entity({ name = 'item-on-ground', position = entity.position, stack = {name = 'coin', count = count} }) end) Event.add(defines.events.on_picked_up_item, function (event) local stack = event.item_stack if stack.name ~= 'coin' then return end picked_up_coins(event.player_index, stack.count) end) Event.add(defines.events.on_pre_player_mined_item, function (event) if event.entity.type ~= 'simple-entity' then return end if random() > config.mining_artefact_chance then return end local count = random(config.mining_artefact_amount.min, config.mining_artefact_amount.max) local player_index = event.player_index Game.get_player_by_index(player_index).insert({name = 'coin', count = count}) picked_up_coins(player_index, count) end) if (config.display_chest_locations) then Event.add(defines.events.on_chunk_generated, function (event) local surface = event.surface local area = event.area for x = area.left_top.x, area.left_top.x + 31 do local sq_x = x * x for y = area.left_top.y, area.left_top.y + 31 do if sq_x + y * y >= distance_required and get_noise(surface, x, y) >= config.treasure_chest_noise_threshold then Debug.print_grid_value('chest', surface, {x = x, y = y}, nil, nil, true) end end end end) end end function ArtefactHunting.get_extra_map_info(config) return 'Artefact Hunting, find precious coins while mining and launch them to the surface!' end return ArtefactHunting