local Event = require 'utils.event' local Color = require 'resources.color_presets' local Item_to_chest = require 'map_gen.maps.quadrants.item_to_chest' local Settings = require 'map_gen.maps.quadrants.settings' local pow = math.pow local rail_locations = {24, 32, 192, 224} --192 to 224 --32 to 24 local function clear_inventory_train(event) local player_index = event.player_index local player = game.get_player(player_index) if (not player.driving and event.trigger == nil) or (player.driving and event.trigger) then return false end if not(Settings.features.train_crossings.enabled) then return true end local pos = player.position local force = player.force local within_range = false local rail_location if string.find(force.name, 'quadrant') then if (force.name == 'quadrant1') then within_range = (pos.x >= 0 and pos.y <= 0) rail_location = { {{x = rail_locations[3], y = -rail_locations[2]}, {x = rail_locations[4], y = -rail_locations[1]}}, {{x = rail_locations[1], y = -rail_locations[3]}, {x = rail_locations[2], y = -rail_locations[4]}}, {{x = rail_locations[1], y = -rail_locations[1]}, {x = rail_locations[4], y = -rail_locations[4]}}, 'Quadrant #1' } elseif (force.name == 'quadrant2') then within_range = (pos.x <= 0 and pos.y <= 0) rail_location = { {{x = -rail_locations[3], y = -rail_locations[2]}, {x = -rail_locations[4], y = -rail_locations[1]}}, {{x = -rail_locations[1], y = -rail_locations[3]}, {x = -rail_locations[2], y = -rail_locations[4]}}, {{x = -rail_locations[1], y = -rail_locations[1]}, {x = -rail_locations[4], y = -rail_locations[4]}}, 'Quadrant #2' } elseif (force.name == 'quadrant3') then within_range = (pos.x <= 0 and pos.y >= 0) rail_location = { {{x = -rail_locations[3], y = rail_locations[2]}, {x = -rail_locations[4], y = rail_locations[1]}}, {{x = -rail_locations[1], y = rail_locations[3]}, {x = -rail_locations[2], y = rail_locations[4]}}, {{x = -rail_locations[1], y = rail_locations[1]}, {x = -rail_locations[4], y = rail_locations[4]}}, 'Quadrant #3' } elseif (force.name == 'quadrant4') then within_range = (pos.x >= 0 and pos.y >= 0) rail_location = { {{x = rail_locations[3], y = rail_locations[2]}, {x = rail_locations[4], y = rail_locations[1]}}, {{x = rail_locations[1], y = rail_locations[3]}, {x = rail_locations[2], y = rail_locations[4]}}, {{x = rail_locations[1], y = rail_locations[1]}, {x = rail_locations[4], y = rail_locations[4]}}, 'Quadrant #4' } end end if within_range then return false end player.clean_cursor() if player.get_inventory(defines.inventory.character_main).is_empty() and player.get_inventory(defines.inventory.character_trash).is_empty() then return true end local distance1 = pow(pow(rail_location[1][1].x - pos.x, 2) + pow(rail_location[1][1].y - pos.y, 2), 0.5) local distance2 = pow(pow(rail_location[2][1].x - pos.x, 2) + pow(rail_location[2][1].y - pos.y, 2), 0.5) local function wrap_transfer(bounding_box, radius) return Item_to_chest.transfer_inventory( player_index, {defines.inventory.character_main, defines.inventory.character_trash}, nil, radius, bounding_box ) end local success if distance1 <= distance2 then success = wrap_transfer(rail_location[1]) or wrap_transfer(rail_location[2]) else success = wrap_transfer(rail_location[2]) or wrap_transfer(rail_location[1]) end if not success then success = wrap_transfer(rail_location[3]) or wrap_transfer(nil, 0) end player.print({"", {'quadrants.train_notice1', rail_location[4]}, " [gps=" .. success.x .. ', ' .. success.y .. "]"}, Color.red) return success end local function clear_inventory(event) event.trigger = true if not clear_inventory_train(event) then return end local player = game.get_player(event.player_index) local pos = player.position local quadrant if (pos.x >= 0 and pos.y <= 0) then quadrant = 1 elseif (pos.x <= 0 and pos.y <= 0) then quadrant = 2 elseif (pos.x <= 0 and pos.y >= 0) then quadrant = 3 elseif (pos.x >= 0 and pos.y >= 0) then quadrant = 4 end player.force = game.forces['quadrant' .. quadrant] end Event.add(defines.events.on_player_driving_changed_state, clear_inventory) Event.add(defines.events.on_player_dropped_item, clear_inventory_train) Event.add(defines.events.on_player_fast_transferred, clear_inventory_train) Event.add(defines.events.on_gui_opened, clear_inventory_train)