--This file is used by the discord bot to access ingame information --If you launch this scenario standalone, you don't need this file function bot_command_players(filename) game.write_file(filename, string.format("Online players (%d):\n", #game.connected_players), false,0) for _,p in pairs(game.connected_players) do game.write_file(filename, p.name .. "\n", true,0) end end function bot_command_time(filename) local s = math.floor(game.tick/60) local m = math.floor(s/60) local h = math.floor(m/60) local d = math.floor(h/24) s = s % 60 m = m % 60 h = h % 24 if d == 0 then d = "" if h == 0 then h = "" if m == 0 then m = "" end end else d = string.format("%s days ", d) end if m ~= "" then m = string.format("%s minutes ", m) end if h ~= "" then h = string.format("%s hours ", h) end game.write_file(filename,string.format("%s%s%s%s seconds", d, h, m, s), false,0) end