--Reactors melt down if: --temperature is at 1000°C and health is 0 or reactor is picked up -- --a reactors loses 2 damage per second at 1000°C local Event = require 'utils.event' local Game = require 'utils.game' local Command = require 'utils.command' local Global = require 'utils.global' local Ranks = require 'resources.ranks' local primitives = {reactors_enabled = {global.config.reactor_meltdown.on_by_default}} local wastelands = {} local reactors = {} Global.register( { primitives = primitives, wastelands = wastelands, reactors = reactors }, function(tbl) primitives = tbl.primitives wastelands = tbl.wastelands reactors = tbl.reactors end ) local wasteland_duration_seconds = 300 local function spawn_wasteland(surface, position) local positions = { {0, 0}, {0, 12}, {0, -12}, {12, 0}, {-12, 0}, {-8.5, 8.5}, {-8.5, -8.5}, {8.5, -8.5}, {8.5, 8.5}, {4, 4}, {-4, 4}, {-4, -4}, {4, -4}, {13, 7.5}, {-13, 7.5}, {-13, -7.5}, {13, -7.5}, {7.5, 13}, {-7.5, 13}, {-7.5, -13}, {7.5, -13}, {0, 15}, {-15, 0}, {15, 0}, {0, -15} } for _, rel_position in pairs(positions) do surface.create_entity { name = 'poison-capsule', position = position, target = {position.x + rel_position[1], position.y + rel_position[2]}, speed = 0.4 } end end local function entity_destroyed(event) if not primitives.reactors_enabled or not event.entity.valid or event.entity.name ~= 'nuclear-reactor' then return end local reactor = event.entity if reactor.temperature > 700 then reactor.surface.create_entity {name = 'atomic-rocket', position = reactor.position, target = reactor, speed = 1} spawn_wasteland(reactor.surface, reactor.position) wastelands[reactor.position.x .. '/' .. reactor.position.y] = { position = reactor.position, surface_id = reactor.surface.index, creation_time = game.tick } end end local function alert(reactor) for _, p in pairs(game.players) do p.add_custom_alert(reactor, {type = 'item', name = 'nuclear-reactor'}, string.format('Reactor at %s°C', math.floor(reactor.temperature)), true) end end local function check_reactors() for _ in pairs(game.surfaces) do for i, reactor in pairs(reactors) do if reactor.valid then if reactor.temperature > 800 then alert(reactor) end if reactor.temperature == 1000 then reactor.force = 'enemy' reactor.destructible = false reactor.health = 0 reactor.surface.create_entity { name = 'atomic-rocket', position = reactor.position, target = reactor, speed = 1 } spawn_wasteland(reactor.surface, reactor.position) wastelands[reactor.position.x .. '/' .. reactor.position.y] = { position = reactor.position, surface_id = reactor.surface.index, creation_time = game.tick } table.remove(reactors, i) else reactor.health = 500 - (reactor.temperature - 800) * 2.5 end else table.remove(reactors, i) end end --global.last_reactor_warning = last_reactor_warning end end local function check_wastelands() for index, wl in pairs(wastelands) do local age = game.tick - wl.creation_time wl.last_checked = wl.last_checked or 0 if (game.tick - wl.last_checked) > 899 then wl.last_checked = game.tick spawn_wasteland(game.surfaces[wl.surface_id], wl.position) if age > wasteland_duration_seconds * 60 - 1 then wastelands[index] = nil local wasteland_reactors = game.surfaces[wl.surface_id].find_entities_filtered { position = wl.position, name = 'nuclear-reactor' } if wasteland_reactors[1] then wasteland_reactors[1].destroy() end end end end end local function on_tick() if primitives.reactors_enabled then check_wastelands() check_reactors() end end local function entity_build(event) if not event.created_entity.valid then return end if event.created_entity.name == 'nuclear-reactor' and event.created_entity.surface.name ~= 'antigrief' then table.insert(reactors, event.created_entity) end end local function reactor_toggle() primitives.reactors_enabled = not primitives.reactors_enabled if primitives.reactors_enabled then game.print('Reactor meltdown activated.') else game.print('Reactor meltdown deactivated.') end end local function is_meltdown() if primitives.reactors_enabled then Game.player_print('Reactor meltdown is enabled.') else Game.player_print('Reactor meltdown is disabled.') end end Command.add( 'meltdown', { description = 'Toggles if reactors blow up', required_rank = Ranks.admin, allowed_by_server = true, log_command = true }, reactor_toggle ) Command.add( 'is-meltdown', { description = 'Prints if meltdown is enabled', allowed_by_server = true }, is_meltdown ) Event.on_nth_tick(60, on_tick) Event.add(defines.events.on_player_mined_entity, entity_destroyed) Event.add(defines.events.on_robot_mined_entity, entity_destroyed) Event.add(defines.events.on_entity_died, entity_destroyed) Event.add(defines.events.on_built_entity, entity_build) Event.add(defines.events.on_robot_built_entity, entity_build)