local Event = require 'utils.event' local Utils = require 'utils.core' local Game = require 'utils.game' global.original_last_users_by_ent_pos = {} Event.on_init( function() global.ag_surface = game.create_surface('antigrief', {autoplace_controls = {coal = {frequency = 'normal', richness = 'normal', size = 'none'}, ['copper-ore'] = {frequency = 'normal', richness = 'normal', size = 'none'}, ['crude-oil'] = {frequency = 'normal', richness = 'normal', size = 'none'}, desert = {frequency = 'normal', richness = 'normal', size = 'none'}, dirt = {frequency = 'normal', richness = 'normal', size = 'none'}, ['enemy-base'] = {frequency = 'normal', richness = 'normal', size = 'none'}, grass = {frequency = 'normal', richness = 'normal', size = 'none'}, ['iron-ore'] = {frequency = 'normal', richness = 'normal', size = 'none'}, sand = {frequency = 'normal', richness = 'normal', size = 'none'}, stone = {frequency = 'normal', richness = 'normal', size = 'none'}, trees = {frequency = 'normal', richness = 'normal', size = 'none'}, ['uranium-ore'] = {frequency = 'normal', richness = 'normal', size = 'none'}}, cliff_settings = {cliff_elevation_0 = 1024, cliff_elevation_interval = 10, name = 'cliff'}, height = 2000000, peaceful_mode = false, seed = 3461559752, starting_area = 'very-low', starting_points = {{x = 0, y = 0}}, terrain_segmentation = 'normal', water = 'normal', width = 2000000}) global.ag_surface.always_day = true end ) local function is_mocked(entity) return rawget(entity, 'mock') end local function place_entity_on_surface(entity, surface, replace, player) local new_entity = nil for _, e in ipairs(surface.find_entities_filtered {position = entity.position}) do if replace or e.type == 'entity-ghost' then e.destroy() end end local entities_to_be_replaced = surface.find_entities_filtered {position = entity.position} if (replace or #entities_to_be_replaced == 0 or entities_to_be_replaced[1].type == entity.type) then new_entity = surface.create_entity {name = entity.name, position = entity.position, force = entity.force, direction = entity.direction} if new_entity then if not is_mocked(entity) then new_entity.copy_settings(entity) end if player then new_entity.last_user = player end end end return new_entity end Event.add( defines.events.on_chunk_generated, function(event) if event.surface.name == 'antigrief' then local tiles = {} for x = event.area.left_top.x, event.area.right_bottom.x - 1 do for y = event.area.left_top.y, event.area.right_bottom.y - 1 do table.insert(tiles, {name = 'lab-dark-2', position = {x, y}}) end end event.surface.set_tiles(tiles) end end ) local function get_position_str(pos) return string.format('%d|%d', pos.x, pos.y) end local function on_entity_changed(event) local entity = event.entity or event.destination local player = Game.get_player_by_index(event.player_index) if player.admin or not entity.valid then return end --Freebees for admins if entity.last_user ~= player and entity.force == player.force then --commented out to be able to debug place_entity_on_surface(entity, global.ag_surface, true, event.player_index) end if entity.last_user then global.original_last_users_by_ent_pos[get_position_str(entity.position)] = entity.last_user.index end end Event.add( defines.events.on_robot_pre_mined, function(event) --The bot isnt the culprit! The last user is! They marked it for deconstruction! if event.entity.valid and event.entity.last_user then event.player_index = event.entity.last_user.index on_entity_changed(event) end end ) local function get_pre_rotate_direction(entity) --Some entities have 8 rotation steps and some have 4. So a mathmatical reverse is not possible entity.rotate {reverse = true} local direction = entity.direction entity.rotate() return direction end Event.add( defines.events.on_player_rotated_entity, function(event) local entity = event.entity if not entity.valid then return end local ag_entities = global.ag_surface.find_entities_filtered {position = entity.position} --If a player has rotated twice we want to preserve the original state. if #ag_entities == 0 or not ag_entities[1].last_user or ag_entities[1].last_user ~= entity.last_user then --Mock entity us used because the api doesnt support pre_player_rotated entity. --The mocked entity has the entity state before rotation --We also dont know who rotated it and dont want the griefers name there so we set it to 1 local mock_entity = { name = entity.name, position = entity.position, mock = true, last_user = Game.get_player_by_index(1), force = entity.force, direction = get_pre_rotate_direction(entity) } event.entity = mock_entity on_entity_changed(event) end end ) Event.add(defines.events.on_pre_entity_settings_pasted, on_entity_changed) Event.add( defines.events.on_entity_died, function(event) --is a player on the same force as the destroyed object if event.entity and event.entity.valid and event.entity.force.name == 'player' and event.cause and event.cause.force == event.entity.force and event.cause.type == 'player' then local new_entity = place_entity_on_surface(event.entity, global.ag_surface, true, event.cause.player) if new_entity and event.entity.type == 'container' then local items = event.entity.get_inventory(defines.inventory.chest).get_contents() if items then for item, n in pairs(items) do new_entity.insert {name = item, count = n} end end end end end ) Event.add(defines.events.on_player_mined_entity, on_entity_changed) Event.add( defines.events.on_marked_for_deconstruction, function(event) if event.entity.last_user then global.original_last_users_by_ent_pos[get_position_str(event.entity.position)] = event.entity.last_user.index end end ) local Module = {} Module.undo = function(player) if type(player) == 'nil' or type(player) == 'string' then return --No support for strings! elseif type(player) == 'number' then player = Game.get_player_by_index(player) end --Remove all items from all surfaces that player placed an entity on for _, surface in pairs(game.surfaces) do if surface ~= global.ag_surface then for _, e in ipairs(surface.find_entities_filtered {force = player.force.name}) do if e.last_user == player then e.destroy() end end end end for _, e in ipairs(global.ag_surface.find_entities_filtered {}) do if e.last_user == player then --Place removed entity IF no collision is detected local last_user = global.original_last_users_by_ent_pos[get_position_str(e.position)] local new_entity = place_entity_on_surface(e, game.surfaces.nauvis, false, last_user) --Transfer items if new_entity then local player = Utils.ternary(new_entity.last_user, new_entity.last_user, game.player) local event = {created_entity = new_entity, player_index = player.index, stack = {}} script.raise_event(defines.events.on_built_entity, event) if e.type == 'container' then local items = e.get_inventory(defines.inventory.chest).get_contents() if items then for item, n in pairs(items) do new_entity.insert {name = item, count = n} end end end e.destroy() --destory entity only if a new entity was created end end end end Module.antigrief_surface_tp = function() if game.player then if game.player.surface == global.ag_surface then game.player.teleport(game.player.position, game.surfaces.nauvis) else game.player.teleport(game.player.position, global.ag_surface) end end end Module.count_removed_entities = function(player) return #Utils.find_entities_by_last_user(player, global.ag_surface) end return Module