-- Libraries. Removing these will likely lead to game crashes require 'config' require 'utils.utils' require 'utils.list_utils' require 'utils.math' require 'map_gen.shared.perlin_noise' require 'map_layout' -- Specific to RedMew hosts, can be disabled safely if not hosting on RedMew servers require 'features.bot' -- Library modules which, if missing, will cause other feature modules to fail require 'features.base_data' require 'features.follow' require 'features.player_create' require 'features.user_groups' -- Feature modules, each can be disabled require 'features.autodeconstruct' require 'features.chat_triggers' require 'features.corpse_util' require 'features.donator_messages' require 'features.train_saviour' require 'features.fish_market' require 'features.free_item_logging' --require 'features.infinite_storage_chest' require 'features.nuke_control' require 'features.player_colors' require 'features.reactor_meltdown' require 'features.train_station_names' require 'features.walkabout' -- Contains various commands for users and admins alike require 'features.custom_commands' -- GUIs the order determines the order they appear from left to right. -- These can be safely disabled. Some map presets will add GUI modules themselves. require 'features.gui.info' require 'features.gui.player_list' require 'features.gui.poll' require 'features.gui.tag_group' require 'features.gui.tasklist' require 'features.gui.blueprint_helper' require 'features.gui.paint' require 'features.gui.score' require 'features.gui.popup'