local Global = require 'utils.global' local Task = require 'utils.task' local Token = require 'utils.token' local Queue = require 'utils.queue' local random = math.random local queue_new = Queue.new local push = Queue.push local push_to_end = Queue.push_to_end local pop = Queue.pop local peek = Queue.peek local peek_start = Queue.peek_start local peek_index = Queue.peek_index local queue_size = Queue.size local queue_pairs = Queue.pairs local pairs = pairs set_timeout_in_ticks = Task.set_timeout_in_ticks local snakes = {} -- player_index -> snake_data {is_marked_for_destroy:bool, queue :Queue of {entity, cord} } local board = { size = 0, surface = nil, position = nil, food_count = 0, is_running = false, update_rate = 30, max_food = 6 } local cords_map = {} -- cords -> positions Global.register( {snakes = snakes, board = board, cords_map = cords_map}, function(tbl) snakes = tbl.snakes board = tbl.board cords_map = tbl.cords_map end ) local vectors = { [0] = {x = 0, y = -1}, [1] = {x = 0, y = -1}, [2] = {x = 1, y = 0}, [3] = {x = 1, y = 0}, [4] = {x = 0, y = 1}, [5] = {x = 0, y = 1}, [6] = {x = -1, y = 0}, [7] = {x = -1, y = 0} } local function destroy_snake(index, snake) for _, element in queue_pairs(snake.queue) do local e = element.entity if e and e.valid then e.destroy() end end snakes[index] = nil local player = game.get_player(index) if not player or not player.valid then return end game.print(table.concat {player.name, ' has been destroyed with a score of ', queue_size(snake.queue), '.'}) end local function destroy_dead_snakes() for index, snake in pairs(snakes) do if snake.is_marked_for_destroy then destroy_snake(index, snake) end end end local function spawn_food() local size = board.size local center = math.ceil(size / 2) local surface = board.surface local find_entity = surface.find_entity local food_count = board.food_count local max_food = board.max_food local tries = max_food - food_count + 10 while food_count < max_food and tries > 0 do while tries > 0 do tries = tries - 1 local x, y = random(size), random(size) if x == center and y == center then goto continue end local pos = cords_map[x][y] local entity = find_entity('character', pos) or find_entity('compilatron', pos) if entity then goto continue end entity = surface.create_entity({name = 'compilatron', position = pos, force = 'neutral', direction = random(7)}) entity.active = false food_count = food_count + 1 break ::continue:: end end board.food_count = food_count end local function destroy_food() local position = board.position local size = board.size local food = board.surface.find_entities_filtered( { name = 'compilatron', area = {left_top = position, right_bottom = {position.x + size * 2, position.y + size * 2}} } ) for i = 1, #food do local e = food[i] if e.valid then e.destroy() end end board.food_count = 0 end local function get_new_head_cord(head_cord, direction) local vector = vectors[direction] local vec_x, vec_y = vector.x, vector.y local x, y = head_cord.x + vec_x, head_cord.y + vec_y return x, y end local function tick_snake(index, snake) local player = game.get_player(index) if not player or not player.valid then snake.is_marked_for_destroy = true return end local character = player.character if not character or not character.valid then snake.is_marked_for_destroy = true return end local surface = board.surface local find_entity = surface.find_entity local snake_queue = snake.queue local snake_size = queue_size(snake_queue) local head = peek_start(snake_queue) local tail = peek(snake_queue) local head_cord = head.cord local tail_entity = tail.entity local tail_cord = tail.cord local size = board.size local walking_state = character.walking_state walking_state.walking = true local direction = walking_state.direction local x, y = get_new_head_cord(head_cord, direction) if x <= 0 or x > size or y <= 0 or y > size then snake.is_marked_for_destroy = true tail_entity.destroy() return end local new_head_position = cords_map[x][y] if snake_size > 1 and find_entity('character', new_head_position) == peek_index(snake_queue, snake_size - 1).entity then direction = (direction + 4) % 8 walking_state.direction = direction x, y = get_new_head_cord(head_cord, direction) end if x <= 0 or x > size or y <= 0 or y > size then snake.is_marked_for_destroy = true tail_entity.destroy() return end new_head_position = cords_map[x][y] tail_entity.teleport(new_head_position) tail.cord = {x = x, y = y} pop(snake_queue) push(snake_queue, tail) player.character = nil player.character = tail_entity tail_entity.walking_state = walking_state head.entity.active = false tail_entity.active = true local entity = find_entity('compilatron', new_head_position) if entity and entity.valid then entity.destroy() entity = surface.create_entity {name = 'character', position = cords_map[tail_cord.x][tail_cord.y], force = 'player'} entity.character_running_speed_modifier = -1 entity.color = player.color entity.active = false push_to_end(snake_queue, {entity = entity, cord = tail_cord}) board.food_count = board.food_count - 1 end end local function tick_snakes() for index, snake in pairs(snakes) do tick_snake(index, snake) end end local function check_snakes_for_collisions() local count_entities_filtered = board.surface.count_entities_filtered for index, snake in pairs(snakes) do if snake.is_marked_for_destroy then goto continue end if count_entities_filtered({name = 'character', position = peek_start(snake.queue).entity.position}) > 1 then snake.is_marked_for_destroy = true end ::continue:: end end local tick tick = Token.register( function() if not board.is_running then return end tick_snakes() check_snakes_for_collisions() destroy_dead_snakes() spawn_food() set_timeout_in_ticks(board.update_rate, tick) end ) local function make_board() local size = board.size local position = board.position local surface = board.surface local pos_x, pos_y = position.x, position.y for x = 1, size do local col = {} cords_map[x] = col for y = 1, size do col[y] = {pos_x + 2 * x - 0.5, pos_y + 2 * y - 0.5} end end size = size * 2 local tiles = {} for x = 0, size do for y = 0, size do local pos = {pos_x + x, pos_y + y} local tile_name if x == 0 or x == size or y == 0 or y == size then tile_name = 'deepwater' elseif x % 2 == 1 and y % 2 == 1 then tile_name = 'grass-1' else tile_name = 'water' end tiles[#tiles + 1] = {position = pos, name = tile_name} end end surface.set_tiles(tiles) end local function find_new_snake_position() local size = board.size local find_entity = board.surface.find_entity local min = math.min(4, size) local max = math.max(1, size - 4) if min > max then min, max = max, min elseif min == max then min = 1 max = size end local tries = 10 while tries > 0 do tries = tries - 1 local x, y = random(min, max), random(min, max) local pos = cords_map[x][y] local entity = find_entity('character', pos) or find_entity('compilatron', pos) if not entity then return {x = x, y = y}, pos end end end local function new_snake(player) if not board.is_running then return end if not player or not player.valid then return end if snakes[player.index] then return end local character = player.character if character and character.valid then character.destroy() end local cord, pos = find_new_snake_position() if not cord then player.print('Unable to spawn snake, please try again.') return end player.teleport(pos) player.create_character() character = player.character character.character_running_speed_modifier = -1 local queue = queue_new() push(queue, {entity = character, cord = cord}) local snake = {queue = queue} snakes[player.index] = snake end local function new_game(surface, position, size, update_rate, max_food) board.size = size or 15 board.surface = surface position = position or {x = 1, y = 1} position.x = position.x or position[1] position.y = position.y or position[2] board.position = position board.update_rate = update_rate or 30 board.max_food = max_food or 6 make_board() destroy_food() spawn_food() board.is_running = true set_timeout_in_ticks(board.update_rate, tick) end local Public = {} function Public.start_game(surface, top_left_position, size, update_rate, max_food) if board.is_running then error('Snake game is already running you must end the game first.', 2) end new_game(surface, top_left_position, size, update_rate or board.update_rate, max_food or board.max_food) end function Public.end_game() for index, snake in pairs(snakes) do destroy_snake(i, snakes[i]) end destroy_food() board.is_running = false end function Public.new_snake(player) new_snake(player) end function Public.is_running() return board.is_running end return Public