local Global = require 'utils.global' local Rank = require 'features.rank_system' local Report = require 'features.report' local Utils = require 'utils.core' local Game = require 'utils.game' local Event = require 'utils.event' local Command = require 'utils.command' local Color = require 'resources.color_presets' local Ranks = require 'resources.ranks' --- A table of players with tpmode turned on local tp_players = {} local players_last_command = {} Global.register( { tp_players = tp_players, players_last_command = players_last_command }, function(tbl) tp_players = tbl.tp_players players_last_command = tbl.players_last_command end ) --- Informs the actor that there is no target. Acts as a central place where this message can be changed. local function print_no_target(target_name) Game.player_print({'common.fail_no_target', target_name}, Color.fail) end local function know_player_or_rerun(player_name, actor, command_name) if Rank.know_player(player_name) then return true end local actor_last_command = players_last_command[actor] if actor_last_command and actor_last_command.command == command_name and actor_last_command.parameters == player_name then return true; end Game.player_print({'common.rerun_no_target', player_name}, Color.fail) return false end local function console_command(event) local actor = Utils.get_admin_or_server_actor(event.player_index) if actor then players_last_command[actor] = {command = event.command, parameters = event.parameters} end end --- Sends a message to all online admins local function admin_chat(args, player) Utils.print_admins(args.msg, player) end --- Toggles cheat mode for a player local function toggle_cheat_mode(_, player) player.cheat_mode = not player.cheat_mode Game.player_print({'admin_commands.toggle_cheat_mode', tostring(player.cheat_mode)}) end --- Promote someone to regular local function add_regular(args) local target_name = args.player local maybe_target_player = game.get_player(target_name) local actor = Utils.get_actor() if not maybe_target_player and not know_player_or_rerun(target_name, actor, 'regular') then return end if Rank.less_than(target_name, Ranks.guest) then Game.player_print({'admin_commands.regular_add_fail_probation'}, Color.fail) return end local success = Rank.increase_player_rank_to(target_name, Ranks.regular) if success then game.print({'admin_commands.regular_add_success', actor, target_name}, Color.info) if maybe_target_player then maybe_target_player.print({'admin_commands.regular_add_notify_target'}, Color.warning) end else Game.player_print({'admin_commands.regular_add_fail', target_name, Rank.get_player_rank_name(target_name)}, Color.fail) end end --- Demote someone from regular local function remove_regular(args) local target_name = args.player local maybe_target_player = game.get_player(target_name) local actor = Utils.get_actor() if not maybe_target_player and not know_player_or_rerun(target_name, actor, 'regular-remove') then return end if Rank.equal(target_name, Ranks.regular) then local _, new_rank = Rank.reset_player_rank(target_name) game.print({'admin_commands.regular_remove_success', actor, target_name, new_rank}, Color.info) if maybe_target_player then maybe_target_player.print({'admin_commands.regular_remove_notify_target'}, Color.warning) end else local rank_name = Rank.get_player_rank_name(target_name) Game.player_print({'admin_commands.regular_remove_fail', target_name, rank_name}, Color.fail) end end --- Put someone on probation local function probation_add(args) local target_name = args.player local maybe_target_player = game.get_player(target_name) local actor = Utils.get_actor() if not maybe_target_player and not know_player_or_rerun(target_name, actor, 'probation') then return end if Rank.equal(target_name, Ranks.admin) then Game.player_print({'admin_commands.probation_add_fail_admin'}, Color.fail) if maybe_target_player then maybe_target_player.print({'admin_commands.probation_warn_admin', actor}, Color.warning) end return end local success = Rank.decrease_player_rank_to(target_name, Ranks.probation) if success then game.print({'admin_commands.probation_add_success', actor, target_name}, Color.info) if maybe_target_player then maybe_target_player.print({'admin_commands.probation_add_notify_target'}, Color.warning) end else Game.player_print({'admin_commands.probation_add_fail', target_name}, Color.fail) end end --- Remove someone from probation local function probation_remove(args) local target_name = args.player local maybe_target_player = game.get_player(target_name) local actor = Utils.get_actor() if not maybe_target_player and not know_player_or_rerun(target_name, actor, 'probation-remove') then return end if Rank.equal(target_name, Ranks.probation) then Rank.reset_player_rank(target_name) game.print({'admin_commands.probation_remove_success', actor, target_name}, Color.info) if maybe_target_player then maybe_target_player.print({'admin_commands.probation_remove_notify_target'}, Color.warning) end else Game.player_print({'admin_commands.probation_remove_fail', target_name}, Color.fail) end end --- Displays reported players local function show_reports(_, player) Report.show_reports(player) end --- Places a target in jail (a permissions group which is unable to act aside from chatting) local function jail_player(args, player) local target_ident = args.player local target = Utils.validate_player(target_ident) if not target then print_no_target(target_ident) return end Report.jail(target, player) end --- Removes a target from jail local function unjail_player(args, player) local target_ident = args.player local target = Utils.validate_player(target_ident) if not target then print_no_target(target_ident) return end Report.unjail(target, player) end --- Creates a rectangle of water below an admin local function pool(_, player) local t = {} local p = player.position for x = p.x - 3, p.x + 3 do for y = p.y + 2, p.y + 7 do table.insert(t, {name = 'water', position = {x, y}}) end end player.surface.set_tiles(t) player.surface.create_entity {name = 'fish', position = {p.x + 0.5, p.y + 5}} end --- Takes a target and teleports them to player local function invoke(args, player) local target_ident = args.player local target = Utils.validate_player(target_ident) if not target then print_no_target(target_ident) return end local pos = player.surface.find_non_colliding_position('character', player.position, 50, 1) if not pos then Game.player_print({'admin_commands.invoke_fail_no_location'}) return end target.teleport({pos.x, pos.y}, player.surface) game.print({'admin_commands.invoke_announce', target.name}) end --- Takes a target and teleports player to target. (admin only) local function teleport_player(args, player) local target_ident = args.player local target = Utils.validate_player(target_ident) if not target then print_no_target(target_ident) return end local target_name = target.name local surface = target.surface local pos = surface.find_non_colliding_position('character', target.position, 50, 1) if not pos then Game.player_print({'admin_commands.tp_fail_no_location'}) return end player.teleport(pos, surface) game.print({'admin_commands.tp_player_announce', target_name}) Game.player_print({'admin_commands.tp_player_success', target_name}) end --- Takes a selected entity and teleports player to it local function teleport_location(_, player) if not player.selected then Game.player_print({'admin_commands.tp_ent_fail_no_ent'}) return end local pos = player.surface.find_non_colliding_position('character', player.selected.position, 50, 1) if not pos then Game.player_print({'admin_commands.tp_fail_no_location'}) return end player.teleport(pos) Game.player_print({'admin_commands.tp_end_success'}) end --- If a player is in the tp_players list, remove ghosts they place and teleport them to that position local function built_entity(event) local index = event.player_index if tp_players[index] then local entity = event.created_entity if not entity or not entity.valid or entity.type ~= 'entity-ghost' then return end game.get_player(index).teleport(entity.position) entity.destroy() end end --- Adds/removes players from the tp_players table (admin only) local function toggle_tp_mode(_, player) local index = player.index local toggled = tp_players[index] if toggled then tp_players[index] = nil Game.player_print({'admin_commands.tp_mode_off'}) else tp_players[index] = true Game.player_print({'admin_commands.tp_mode_on'}) end end --- Takes argument from the tp command and calls the appropriate function local function teleport_command(args, player) local arg = args['mode|player'] if not arg then teleport_location(nil, player) elseif arg == 'mode' then toggle_tp_mode(nil, player) else teleport_player({player = arg}, player) end end --- Revives ghosts around the player local function revive_ghosts(args, player) local radius = args.radius local pos = player.position for _, e in pairs(player.surface.find_entities_filtered {area = {{pos.x - radius, pos.y - radius}, {pos.x + radius, pos.y + radius}}, type = 'entity-ghost'}) do e.revive() end end --- Destroys the player's selected entity local function destroy_selected(_, player) local ent = player.selected if ent then Game.player_print({'admin_commands.destroy_success', ent.localised_name}) ent.destroy() else Game.player_print({'admin_commands.destroy_fail'}) end end -- Event registrations Event.add(defines.events.on_built_entity, built_entity) Event.add(defines.events.on_console_command, console_command) -- Command registrations Command.add( 'a', { description = {'command_description.a'}, arguments = {'msg'}, required_rank = Ranks.admin, capture_excess_arguments = true, allowed_by_server = true }, admin_chat ) Command.add( 'hax', { description = {'command_description.hax'}, required_rank = Ranks.admin }, toggle_cheat_mode ) Command.add( 'regular', { description = {'command_description.regular'}, arguments = {'player'}, required_rank = Ranks.admin, allowed_by_server = true }, add_regular ) Command.add( 'regular-remove', { description = {'command_description.regular_remove'}, arguments = {'player'}, required_rank = Ranks.admin, allowed_by_server = true }, remove_regular ) Command.add( 'probation', { description = {'command_description.probation'}, arguments = {'player'}, required_rank = Ranks.admin, allowed_by_server = true }, probation_add ) Command.add( 'probation-remove', { description = {'command_description.probation_remove'}, arguments = {'player'}, required_rank = Ranks.admin, allowed_by_server = true }, probation_remove ) Command.add( 'showreports', { description = {'command_description.showreports'}, required_rank = Ranks.admin }, show_reports ) Command.add( 'jail', { description = {'command_description.jail'}, arguments = {'player'}, required_rank = Ranks.admin, allowed_by_server = true }, jail_player ) Command.add( 'unjail', { description = {'command_description.unjail'}, arguments = {'player'}, required_rank = Ranks.admin, allowed_by_server = true }, unjail_player ) Command.add( 'pool', { description = {'command_description.pool'}, required_rank = Ranks.admin }, pool ) Command.add( 'invoke', { description = {'command_description.invoke'}, arguments = {'player'}, required_rank = Ranks.admin }, invoke ) Command.add( 'tp', { description = {'command_description.tp'}, arguments = {'mode|player'}, default_values = {['mode|player'] = false}, required_rank = Ranks.admin, custom_help_text = {'command_custom_help.tp'} }, teleport_command ) Command.add( 'revive-ghosts', { description = {'command_description.revive_ghosts'}, arguments = {'radius'}, default_values = {radius = 10}, required_rank = Ranks.admin }, revive_ghosts ) Command.add( 'destroy', { description = {'command_description.destroy'}, required_rank = Ranks.admin }, destroy_selected )