map_gen_decoratives = false -- Generate our own decoratives map_gen_rows_per_tick = 8 -- Inclusive integer between 1 and 32. Used for map_gen_threaded, higher numbers will generate map quicker but cause more lag. -- Recommend to use generate, but generate_not_threaded may be useful for testing / debugging. --require "map_gen.shared.generate_not_threaded" require "map_gen.shared.generate" local function no_resources(x, y, world_x, world_y, tile, entity, surface) for _, e in ipairs(surface.find_entities_filtered({type = "resource", area = {{world_x, world_y}, {world_x + 1, world_y + 1}}})) do e.destroy() end return tile, entity end local function less_resources(x, y, world_x, world_y, tile, entity, surface) for _, e in ipairs(surface.find_entities_filtered({type = "resource", area = {{world_x, world_y}, {world_x + 1, world_y + 1}}})) do if == "crude-oil" then -- e.amount = .995 * e.amount else e.amount = 0.33 * e.amount end end return tile, entity end local function no_enemies(x, y, world_x, world_y, tile, entity, surface) for _, e in ipairs(surface.find_entities_filtered({force = "enemy", position = {world_x, world_y}})) do e.destroy() end return tile, entity end local small_dot = circle_builder(96) local mediumn_dot = circle_builder(128) local big_dot = circle_builder(160) local arms = path_builder(48) arms = change_tile(arms, true, "water") local arms2 = rotate(arms, degrees(45)) local shape = compound_or{translate(arms2, 480, 0), translate(arms2, -480, 0), mediumn_dot, arms} shape = apply_effect(shape, no_resources) --shape = apply_effect(shape, less_resources) shape = apply_effect(shape, no_enemies) local shape2 = compound_and{big_dot, invert(small_dot)} shape2 = choose(big_dot, shape2, compound_or{arms, rotate(arms, degrees(45))}) --shape2 = apply_effect(shape2, less_resources) local start = apply_effect(mediumn_dot, no_resources) local iron = circle_builder(16) iron = translate(iron, 0, -96) --iron = rotate(iron, degrees(0)) iron = resource_module_builder(iron, "iron-ore", function(x, y) return 700 end) local copper = circle_builder(12) copper = translate(copper, 0, -96) copper = rotate(copper, degrees(72)) copper = resource_module_builder(copper, "copper-ore", function(x, y) return 600 end) local stone = circle_builder(8) stone = translate(stone, 0, -96) stone = rotate(stone, degrees(144)) stone = resource_module_builder(stone, "stone", function(x, y) return 1500 end) local coal = circle_builder(10) coal = translate(coal, 0, -96) coal = rotate(coal, degrees(216)) coal = resource_module_builder(coal, "coal", function(x, y) return 850 end) local oil = circle_builder(5) oil = throttle_xy(oil, 1, 3, 1, 3) oil = translate(oil, 0, -96) oil = rotate(oil, degrees(288)) oil = resource_module_builder(oil, "crude-oil", function(x, y) return 60000 end) start = builder_with_resource(mediumn_dot, compound_or{iron, copper, stone, coal, oil}) start = apply_effect(start, no_resources) local pattern = { {shape, shape2}, {shape2, shape} } local map = grid_pattern_builder(pattern, 2, 2, 480, 480) map = choose(mediumn_dot, start, map) map = change_map_gen_collision_tile(map, "water-tile", "grass-1") return map