-- This module exists to break the circular dependency between event.lua and global.lua. -- It is not expected that any user code would require this module instead event.lua should be required. local Public = {} local init_event_name = -1 local load_event_name = -2 -- map of event_name to handlers[] local event_handlers = {} -- map of nth_tick to handlers[] local on_nth_tick_event_handlers = {} local pcall = pcall local log = log local script_on_event = script.on_event local script_on_nth_tick = script.on_nth_tick local function call_handlers(handlers, event) if _DEBUG then for i = 1, #handlers do local handler = handlers[i] handler(event) end else for i = 1, #handlers do local handler = handlers[i] local success, error = pcall(handler, event) if not success then log(error) end end end end local function on_event(event) local handlers = event_handlers[event.name] call_handlers(handlers, event) end local function on_init() _LIFECYCLE = 5 -- on_init local handlers = event_handlers[init_event_name] call_handlers(handlers) event_handlers[init_event_name] = nil event_handlers[load_event_name] = nil _LIFECYCLE = 8 -- Runtime end local function on_load() _LIFECYCLE = 6 -- on_load local handlers = event_handlers[load_event_name] call_handlers(handlers) event_handlers[init_event_name] = nil event_handlers[load_event_name] = nil _LIFECYCLE = 8 -- Runtime end local function on_nth_tick_event(event) local handlers = on_nth_tick_event_handlers[event.nth_tick] call_handlers(handlers, event) end --- Do not use this function, use Event.add instead as it has safety checks. function Public.add(event_name, handler) local handlers = event_handlers[event_name] if not handlers then event_handlers[event_name] = {handler} script_on_event(event_name, on_event) else table.insert(handlers, handler) if #handlers == 1 then script_on_event(event_name, on_event) end end end --- Do not use this function, use Event.on_init instead as it has safety checks. function Public.on_init(handler) local handlers = event_handlers[init_event_name] if not handlers then event_handlers[init_event_name] = {handler} script.on_init(on_init) else table.insert(handlers, handler) if #handlers == 1 then script.on_init(on_init) end end end --- Do not use this function, use Event.on_load instead as it has safety checks. function Public.on_load(handler) local handlers = event_handlers[load_event_name] if not handlers then event_handlers[load_event_name] = {handler} script.on_load(on_load) else table.insert(handlers, handler) if #handlers == 1 then script.on_load(on_load) end end end --- Do not use this function, use Event.on_nth_tick instead as it has safety checks. function Public.on_nth_tick(tick, handler) local handlers = on_nth_tick_event_handlers[tick] if not handlers then on_nth_tick_event_handlers[tick] = {handler} script_on_nth_tick(tick, on_nth_tick_event) else table.insert(handlers, handler) if #handlers == 1 then script_on_nth_tick(tick, on_nth_tick_event) end end end function Public.get_event_handlers() return event_handlers end function Public.get_on_nth_tick_event_handlers() return on_nth_tick_event_handlers end return Public