-- luacheck: ignore -- This file is a linting disaster and needs an overhaul --Author: MewMew -- !! ATTENTION !! -- Use water only in starting area as map setting!!! local perlin = require 'map_gen.shared.perlin_noise' local RS = require 'map_gen.shared.redmew_surface' wreck_item_pool = {} wreck_item_pool = { {name = 'iron-gear-wheel', count = 32}, {name = 'iron-plate', count = 64}, {name = 'rocket-control-unit', count = 1}, {name = 'rocket-fuel', count = 7}, {name = 'coal', count = 8}, {name = 'rocket-launcher', count = 1}, {name = 'rocket', count = 32}, {name = 'copper-cable', count = 128}, {name = 'land-mine', count = 64}, {name = 'railgun', count = 1}, {name = 'railgun-dart', count = 128}, {name = 'fast-inserter', count = 8}, {name = 'stack-filter-inserter', count = 2}, {name = 'belt-immunity-equipment', count = 1}, {name = 'fusion-reactor-equipment', count = 1}, {name = 'electric-engine-unit', count = 8}, {name = 'exoskeleton-equipment', count = 1}, {name = 'rocket-fuel', count = 10}, {name = 'used-up-uranium-fuel-cell', count = 3}, {name = 'uranium-fuel-cell', count = 2}, {name = 'power-armor', count = 1}, {name = 'modular-armor', count = 1}, {name = 'water-barrel', count = 4}, {name = 'sulfuric-acid-barrel', count = 6}, {name = 'crude-oil-barrel', count = 8}, {name = 'energy-shield-equipment', count = 1}, {name = 'explosive-rocket', count = 32} } local function place_entities(surface, entity_list) local directions = { defines.direction.north, defines.direction.east, defines.direction.south, defines.direction.west } for _, entity in pairs(entity_list) do local r = math.random(1, entity.chance) if r == 1 then if not entity.force then entity.force = 'player' end local r = math.random(1, 4) if surface.can_place_entity { name = entity.name, position = entity.pos, direction = directions[r], force = entity.force } then local e = surface.create_entity { name = entity.name, position = entity.pos, direction = directions[r], force = entity.force } if entity.health then if entity.health == 'low' then e.health = ((e.health / 1000) * math.random(33, 330)) end if entity.health == 'medium' then e.health = ((e.health / 1000) * math.random(333, 666)) end if entity.health == 'high' then e.health = ((e.health / 1000) * math.random(666, 999)) end if entity.health == 'random' then e.health = ((e.health / 1000) * math.random(1, 1000)) end end return true, e end end end return false end local function find_tile_placement_spot_around_target_position(tilename, position, mode, density) local x = position.x local y = position.y if not surface then surface = RS.get_surface() end local scan_radius = 50 if not tilename then return end if not mode then mode = 'ball' end if not density then density = 1 end local cluster_tiles = {} local auto_correct = true local scanned_tile = surface.get_tile(x, y) if scanned_tile.name ~= tilename then table.insert(cluster_tiles, {name = tilename, position = {x, y}}) surface.set_tiles(cluster_tiles, auto_correct) return true, x, y end local i = 2 local r = 1 if mode == 'ball' then if math.random(1, 2) == 1 then density = density * -1 end r = math.random(1, 4) end if mode == 'line' then density = 1 r = math.random(1, 4) end if mode == 'line_down' then density = density * -1 r = math.random(1, 4) end if mode == 'line_up' then density = 1 r = math.random(1, 4) end if mode == 'block' then r = 1 density = 1 end if r == 1 then --start placing at -1,-1 while i <= scan_radius do y = y - density x = x - density for a = 1, i, 1 do local scanned_tile = surface.get_tile(x, y) if scanned_tile.name ~= tilename then table.insert(cluster_tiles, {name = tilename, position = {x, y}}) surface.set_tiles(cluster_tiles, auto_correct) return true, x, y end x = x + density end for a = 1, i, 1 do local scanned_tile = surface.get_tile(x, y) if scanned_tile.name ~= tilename then table.insert(cluster_tiles, {name = tilename, position = {x, y}}) surface.set_tiles(cluster_tiles, auto_correct) return true, x, y end y = y + density end for a = 1, i, 1 do local scanned_tile = surface.get_tile(x, y) if scanned_tile.name ~= tilename then table.insert(cluster_tiles, {name = tilename, position = {x, y}}) surface.set_tiles(cluster_tiles, auto_correct) return true, x, y end x = x - density end for a = 1, i, 1 do local scanned_tile = surface.get_tile(x, y) if scanned_tile.name ~= tilename then table.insert(cluster_tiles, {name = tilename, position = {x, y}}) surface.set_tiles(cluster_tiles, auto_correct) return true, x, y end y = y - density end i = i + 2 end end if r == 2 then --start placing at 0,-1 while i <= scan_radius do y = y - density x = x - density for a = 1, i, 1 do x = x + density local scanned_tile = surface.get_tile(x, y) if scanned_tile.name ~= tilename then table.insert(cluster_tiles, {name = tilename, position = {x, y}}) surface.set_tiles(cluster_tiles, auto_correct) return true, x, y end end for a = 1, i, 1 do y = y + density local scanned_tile = surface.get_tile(x, y) if scanned_tile.name ~= tilename then table.insert(cluster_tiles, {name = tilename, position = {x, y}}) surface.set_tiles(cluster_tiles, auto_correct) return true, x, y end end for a = 1, i, 1 do x = x - density local scanned_tile = surface.get_tile(x, y) if scanned_tile.name ~= tilename then table.insert(cluster_tiles, {name = tilename, position = {x, y}}) surface.set_tiles(cluster_tiles, auto_correct) return true, x, y end end for a = 1, i, 1 do y = y - density local scanned_tile = surface.get_tile(x, y) if scanned_tile.name ~= tilename then table.insert(cluster_tiles, {name = tilename, position = {x, y}}) surface.set_tiles(cluster_tiles, auto_correct) return true, x, y end end i = i + 2 end end if r == 3 then --start placing at 1,-1 while i <= scan_radius do y = y - density x = x + density for a = 1, i, 1 do local scanned_tile = surface.get_tile(x, y) if scanned_tile.name ~= tilename then table.insert(cluster_tiles, {name = tilename, position = {x, y}}) surface.set_tiles(cluster_tiles, auto_correct) return true, x, y end y = y + density end for a = 1, i, 1 do local scanned_tile = surface.get_tile(x, y) if scanned_tile.name ~= tilename then table.insert(cluster_tiles, {name = tilename, position = {x, y}}) surface.set_tiles(cluster_tiles, auto_correct) return true, x, y end x = x - density end for a = 1, i, 1 do local scanned_tile = surface.get_tile(x, y) if scanned_tile.name ~= tilename then table.insert(cluster_tiles, {name = tilename, position = {x, y}}) surface.set_tiles(cluster_tiles, auto_correct) return true, x, y end y = y - density end for a = 1, i, 1 do local scanned_tile = surface.get_tile(x, y) if scanned_tile.name ~= tilename then table.insert(cluster_tiles, {name = tilename, position = {x, y}}) surface.set_tiles(cluster_tiles, auto_correct) return true, x, y end x = x + density end i = i + 2 end end if r == 4 then --start placing at 1,0 while i <= scan_radius do y = y - density x = x + density for a = 1, i, 1 do y = y + density local scanned_tile = surface.get_tile(x, y) if scanned_tile.name ~= tilename then table.insert(cluster_tiles, {name = tilename, position = {x, y}}) surface.set_tiles(cluster_tiles, auto_correct) return true, x, y end end for a = 1, i, 1 do x = x - density local scanned_tile = surface.get_tile(x, y) if scanned_tile.name ~= tilename then table.insert(cluster_tiles, {name = tilename, position = {x, y}}) surface.set_tiles(cluster_tiles, auto_correct) return true, x, y end end for a = 1, i, 1 do y = y - density local scanned_tile = surface.get_tile(x, y) if scanned_tile.name ~= tilename then table.insert(cluster_tiles, {name = tilename, position = {x, y}}) surface.set_tiles(cluster_tiles, auto_correct) return true, x, y end end for a = 1, i, 1 do x = x + density local scanned_tile = surface.get_tile(x, y) if scanned_tile.name ~= tilename then table.insert(cluster_tiles, {name = tilename, position = {x, y}}) surface.set_tiles(cluster_tiles, auto_correct) return true, x, y end end i = i + 2 end end return false end local function create_tile_cluster(tilename, position, amount) local mode = 'ball' local pos = position for i = 1, amount, 1 do local b, x, y = find_tile_placement_spot_around_target_position(tilename, pos, mode) if b == true then if 1 == math.random(1, 2) then pos.x = x pos.y = y end end if b == false then return false, x, y end if i >= amount then return true, x, y end end end function run_combined_module(event) if not global.perlin_noise_seed then global.perlin_noise_seed = math.random(1000, 1000000) end if not global.void_slime then global.void_slime = {x = 0, y = 0} end if not global.void_slime_is_alive then global.void_slime_is_alive = true end local area = event.area local surface = event.surface local tiles = {} local resource_tiles = {} local special_tiles = true local entities = surface.find_entities(area) for _, entity in pairs(entities) do if entity.type == 'resource' then --table.insert(resource_tiles, {name = "sand-3", position = entity.position}) special_tiles = false end if entity.type == 'simple-entity' or entity.type == 'tree' then if entity.name ~= 'dry-tree' then entity.destroy() end end end for x = 0, 31, 1 do for y = 0, 31, 1 do local pos_x = event.area.left_top.x + x local pos_y = event.area.left_top.y + y local pos = {x = pos_x, y = pos_y} local tile = surface.get_tile(pos_x, pos_y) local tile_to_insert = 'sand-1' local entity_placed = false local seed_increment_number = 10000 local seed = global.perlin_noise_seed local noise_borg_defense_1 = perlin.noise(((pos_x + seed) / 100), ((pos_y + seed) / 100), 0) seed = seed + seed_increment_number local noise_borg_defense_2 = perlin.noise(((pos_x + seed) / 20), ((pos_y + seed) / 20), 0) seed = seed + seed_increment_number local noise_borg_defense = noise_borg_defense_1 + noise_borg_defense_2 * 0.15 local noise_trees_1 = perlin.noise(((pos_x + seed) / 50), ((pos_y + seed) / 50), 0) seed = seed + seed_increment_number local noise_trees_2 = perlin.noise(((pos_x + seed) / 15), ((pos_y + seed) / 15), 0) seed = seed + seed_increment_number local noise_trees = noise_trees_1 + noise_trees_2 * 0.3 if noise_borg_defense > 0.66 then local entity_list = {} table.insert(entity_list, {name = 'big-ship-wreck-1', pos = {pos_x, pos_y}, chance = 25}) table.insert(entity_list, {name = 'big-ship-wreck-2', pos = {pos_x, pos_y}, chance = 25}) table.insert(entity_list, {name = 'big-ship-wreck-3', pos = {pos_x, pos_y}, chance = 25}) local b, placed_entity = place_entities(surface, entity_list) if b == true then if placed_entity.name == 'big-ship-wreck-1' or placed_entity.name == 'big-ship-wreck-2' or placed_entity.name == 'big-ship-wreck-3' then placed_entity.insert(wreck_item_pool[math.random(1, #wreck_item_pool)]) placed_entity.insert(wreck_item_pool[math.random(1, #wreck_item_pool)]) placed_entity.insert(wreck_item_pool[math.random(1, #wreck_item_pool)]) end end end if noise_trees > 0.4 then tile_to_insert = 'sand-3' end if noise_borg_defense > 0.4 then tile_to_insert = 'concrete' end if noise_borg_defense > 0.3 and noise_borg_defense < 0.4 then tile_to_insert = 'stone-path' end if noise_borg_defense > 0.65 and noise_borg_defense < 0.66 then if event.surface.can_place_entity {name = 'substation', position = {pos_x, pos_y}, force = 'enemy'} then event.surface.create_entity {name = 'substation', position = {pos_x, pos_y}, force = 'enemy'} end end if noise_borg_defense >= 0.54 and noise_borg_defense < 0.65 then if event.surface.can_place_entity {name = 'solar-panel', position = {pos_x, pos_y}, force = 'enemy'} then event.surface.create_entity {name = 'solar-panel', position = {pos_x, pos_y}, force = 'enemy'} end end if noise_borg_defense > 0.53 and noise_borg_defense < 0.54 then if event.surface.can_place_entity {name = 'substation', position = {pos_x, pos_y}, force = 'enemy'} then event.surface.create_entity {name = 'substation', position = {pos_x, pos_y}, force = 'enemy'} end end if noise_borg_defense > 0.51 and noise_borg_defense < 0.53 then if event.surface.can_place_entity {name = 'accumulator', position = {pos_x, pos_y}, force = 'enemy'} then event.surface.create_entity {name = 'accumulator', position = {pos_x, pos_y}, force = 'enemy'} end end if noise_borg_defense > 0.50 and noise_borg_defense < 0.51 then if event.surface.can_place_entity {name = 'substation', position = {pos_x, pos_y}, force = 'enemy'} then event.surface.create_entity {name = 'substation', position = {pos_x, pos_y}, force = 'enemy'} end end if noise_borg_defense > 0.49 and noise_borg_defense < 0.50 then if event.surface.can_place_entity {name = 'laser-turret', position = {pos_x, pos_y}, force = 'enemy'} then event.surface.create_entity {name = 'laser-turret', position = {pos_x, pos_y}, force = 'enemy'} end end if noise_borg_defense > 0.485 and noise_borg_defense < 0.49 then if event.surface.can_place_entity {name = 'substation', position = {pos_x, pos_y}, force = 'enemy'} then event.surface.create_entity {name = 'substation', position = {pos_x, pos_y}, force = 'enemy'} end end if noise_borg_defense > 0.45 and noise_borg_defense < 0.48 then if event.surface.can_place_entity {name = 'stone-wall', position = {pos_x, pos_y}, force = 'enemy'} then event.surface.create_entity {name = 'stone-wall', position = {pos_x, pos_y}, force = 'enemy'} end end local noise_walls_1 = perlin.noise(((pos_x + seed) / 200), ((pos_y + seed) / 200), 0) seed = seed + seed_increment_number local noise_walls_2 = perlin.noise(((pos_x + seed) / 100), ((pos_y + seed) / 100), 0) seed = seed + seed_increment_number local noise_walls_3 = perlin.noise(((pos_x + seed) / 25), ((pos_y + seed) / 25), 0) seed = seed + seed_increment_number local noise_walls = noise_walls_1 + noise_walls_2 + noise_walls_3 * 0.05 if noise_walls > 0.01 and noise_walls < 0.03 then if event.surface.can_place_entity {name = 'stone-wall', position = {pos_x, pos_y}, force = 'enemy'} then event.surface.create_entity {name = 'stone-wall', position = {pos_x, pos_y}, force = 'enemy'} end end if noise_walls > -0.01 and noise_walls < 0.05 then tile_to_insert = 'concrete' end if noise_walls > -0.03 and noise_walls < -0.01 then tile_to_insert = 'stone-path' end if noise_walls > 0.05 and noise_walls < 0.07 then tile_to_insert = 'stone-path' end if noise_trees > 0.4 and tile_to_insert == 'sand-3' then if math.random(1, 20) == 1 then if event.surface.can_place_entity {name = 'dry-tree', position = {pos_x, pos_y}} then event.surface.create_entity {name = 'dry-tree', position = {pos_x, pos_y}} end end end local entity_list = {} table.insert( entity_list, {name = 'big-ship-wreck-1', pos = {pos_x, pos_y}, chance = 65000, health = 'random'} ) table.insert( entity_list, {name = 'big-ship-wreck-2', pos = {pos_x, pos_y}, chance = 65000, health = 'random'} ) table.insert( entity_list, {name = 'big-ship-wreck-3', pos = {pos_x, pos_y}, chance = 65000, health = 'random'} ) table.insert(entity_list, {name = 'gun-turret', pos = {pos_x, pos_y}, force = 'enemy', chance = 4000}) table.insert( entity_list, {name = 'medium-ship-wreck', pos = {pos_x, pos_y}, chance = 25000, health = 'medium'} ) table.insert( entity_list, {name = 'small-ship-wreck', pos = {pos_x, pos_y}, chance = 15000, health = 'medium'} ) table.insert(entity_list, {name = 'car', pos = {pos_x, pos_y}, chance = 150000, health = 'low'}) table.insert( entity_list, {name = 'laser-turret', pos = {pos_x, pos_y}, chance = 100000, force = 'enemy', health = 'low'} ) table.insert( entity_list, {name = 'nuclear-reactor', pos = {pos_x, pos_y}, chance = 1000000, force = 'enemy', health = 'medium'} ) local b, placed_entity = place_entities(surface, entity_list) if b == true then if placed_entity.name == 'big-ship-wreck-1' or placed_entity.name == 'big-ship-wreck-2' or placed_entity.name == 'big-ship-wreck-3' then placed_entity.insert(wreck_item_pool[math.random(1, #wreck_item_pool)]) placed_entity.insert(wreck_item_pool[math.random(1, #wreck_item_pool)]) placed_entity.insert(wreck_item_pool[math.random(1, #wreck_item_pool)]) end if placed_entity.name == 'gun-turret' then if math.random(1, 3) == 1 then placed_entity.insert('piercing-rounds-magazine') else placed_entity.insert('firearm-magazine') end end end if noise_trees < -0.5 then if tile_to_insert == 'sand-3' or tile_to_insert == 'sand-1' then if math.random(1, 15) == 1 then if event.surface.can_place_entity {name = 'rock-big', position = {pos_x, pos_y}} then event.surface.create_entity {name = 'rock-big', position = {pos_x, pos_y}} end end end end table.insert(tiles, {name = tile_to_insert, position = {pos_x, pos_y}}) end end surface.set_tiles(tiles, true) surface.set_tiles(resource_tiles, true) if special_tiles == true then local pos_x = event.area.left_top.x + math.random(10, 21) local pos_y = event.area.left_top.y + math.random(10, 21) local pos = {x = pos_x, y = pos_y} if math.random(1, 20) == 1 then create_tile_cluster('water-green', pos, 300) end end end --[[ local function on_tick() if game.tick % 180 == 0 then if global.void_slime_is_alive == true then local b,x,y = create_tile_cluster("lab-dark-1",global.void_slime,math.random(1,4)) global.void_slime.x = x global.void_slime.y = y if b == false then global.void_slime_is_alive = false game.print("The void slime died.") end end end end Event.add(defines.events.on_tick, on_tick) --]]