--- See documentation at https://github.com/Refactorio/RedMew/pull/469 local Token = require 'utils.token' local Task = require 'utils.task' local Global = require 'utils.global' local Event = require 'utils.event' local Timestamp = require 'utils.timestamp' local Print = require('utils.print_override') local ErrorLogging = require 'utils.error_logging' local serialize = serpent.serialize local concat = table.concat local remove = table.remove local tostring = tostring local raw_print = Print.raw_print local next = next local type = type local serialize_options = {sparse = true, compact = true} local Public = {} local server_time = {secs = nil, tick = 0} local start_data = {server_id = nil, server_name = nil, start_time = nil} ErrorLogging.server_time = server_time local requests = {} Global.register({server_time = server_time, start_data = start_data, requests = requests}, function(tbl) server_time = tbl.server_time ErrorLogging.server_time = server_time start_data = tbl.start_data requests = tbl.requests end) local discord_tag = '[DISCORD]' local discord_raw_tag = '[DISCORD-RAW]' local discord_bold_tag = '[DISCORD-BOLD]' local discord_admin_tag = '[DISCORD-ADMIN]' local discord_admin_raw_tag = '[DISCORD-ADMIN-RAW]' local discord_embed_tag = '[DISCORD-EMBED]' local discord_embed_raw_tag = '[DISCORD-EMBED-RAW]' local discord_admin_embed_tag = '[DISCORD-ADMIN-EMBED]' local discord_admin_embed_raw_tag = '[DISCORD-ADMIN-EMBED-RAW]' local discord_named_tag = '[DISCORD-NAMED]' local discord_named_raw_tag = '[DISCORD-NAMED-RAW]' local discord_named_bold_tag = '[DISCORD-NAMED-BOLD]' local discord_named_embed_tag = '[DISCORD-NAMED-EMBED]' local discord_named_embed_raw_tag = '[DISCORD-NAMED-EMBED-RAW]' local start_scenario_tag = '[START-SCENARIO]' local ping_tag = '[PING]' local data_set_tag = '[DATA-SET]' local data_get_tag = '[DATA-GET]' local data_get_all_tag = '[DATA-GET-ALL]' local data_tracked_tag = '[DATA-TRACKED]' local query_players_tag = '[QUERY-PLAYERS]' local player_join_tag = '[PLAYER-JOIN]' local player_leave_tag = '[PLAYER-LEAVE]' Public.raw_print = raw_print local data_set_handlers = {} local function assert_non_empty_string_and_no_spaces(str, argument_name) if type(str) ~= 'string' then error(argument_name .. ' must be a string', 3) end if #str == 0 then error(argument_name .. ' must not be an empty string', 3) end if str:match(' ') then error(argument_name .. " must not contain space ' ' character.", 3) end end --- The event id for the on_server_started event. -- The event is raised whenever the server goes from the starting state to the running state. -- It provides a good opportunity to request data from the web server. -- Note that if the server is stopped then started again, this event will be raised again. -- @usage -- local Server = require 'features.server' -- local Event = require 'utils.event' -- -- Event.add(Server.events.on_server_started, -- function() -- Server.try_get_all_data('regulars', callback) -- end) Public.events = {on_server_started = Event.generate_event_name('on_server_started')} --- Sends a message to the linked discord channel. The message is sanitized of markdown server side. -- @param message message to send. -- @usage -- local Server = require 'features.server' -- Server.to_discord('Hello from scenario script!') function Public.to_discord(message) raw_print(discord_tag .. message) end --- Sends a message to the linked discord channel. The message is not sanitized of markdown. -- @param message message to send. function Public.to_discord_raw(message) raw_print(discord_raw_tag .. message) end --- Sends a message to the linked discord channel. The message is sanitized of markdown server side, then made bold. -- @param message message to send. function Public.to_discord_bold(message) raw_print(discord_bold_tag .. message) end --- Sends a message to the linked admin discord channel. The message is sanitized of markdown server side. -- @param message message to send. function Public.to_admin(message) raw_print(discord_admin_tag .. message) end --- Sends a message to the linked admin discord channel. The message is not sanitized of markdown. -- @param message message to send. function Public.to_admin_raw(message) raw_print(discord_admin_raw_tag .. message) end --- Sends an embed message to the linked discord channel. The message is sanitized of markdown server side. -- @param message the content of the embed. function Public.to_discord_embed(message) raw_print(discord_embed_tag .. message) end --- Sends an embed message to the linked discord channel. The message is not sanitized of markdown. -- @param message the content of the embed. function Public.to_discord_embed_raw(message) raw_print(discord_embed_raw_tag .. message) end --- Sends an embed message to the linked admin discord channel. The message is sanitized of markdown server side. -- @param message the content of the embed. function Public.to_admin_embed(message) raw_print(discord_admin_embed_tag .. message) end --- Sends a embed message to the linked admin discord channel. The message is not sanitized of markdown. -- @param message the content of the embed. function Public.to_admin_embed_raw(message) raw_print(discord_admin_embed_raw_tag .. message) end --- Sends a message to the named discord channel. The message is sanitized of markdown server side. -- @param message message to send. function Public.to_discord_named(channel_name, message) assert_non_empty_string_and_no_spaces(channel_name, 'channel_name') raw_print(concat({discord_named_tag, channel_name, ' ', message})) end --- Sends a message to the named discord channel. The message is not sanitized of markdown. -- @param message message to send. function Public.to_discord_named_raw(channel_name, message) assert_non_empty_string_and_no_spaces(channel_name, 'channel_name') raw_print(concat({discord_named_raw_tag, channel_name, ' ', message})) end --- Sends a message to the named discord channel. The message is sanitized of markdown server side, then made bold. -- @param message message to send. function Public.to_discord_named_bold(channel_name, message) assert_non_empty_string_and_no_spaces(channel_name, 'channel_name') raw_print(concat({discord_named_bold_tag, channel_name, ' ', message})) end --- Sends an embed message to the named discord channel. The message is sanitized of markdown server side. -- @param message the content of the embed. function Public.to_discord_named_embed(channel_name, message) assert_non_empty_string_and_no_spaces(channel_name, 'channel_name') raw_print(concat({discord_named_embed_tag, channel_name, ' ', message})) end --- Sends an embed message to the named discord channel. The message is not sanitized of markdown. -- @param message the content of the embed. function Public.to_discord_named_embed_raw(channel_name, message) assert_non_empty_string_and_no_spaces(channel_name, 'channel_name') raw_print(concat({discord_named_embed_raw_tag, channel_name, ' ', message})) end --- Stops and saves the factorio server and starts the named scenario. -- @param scenario_name The name of the scenario as appears in the scenario table on http://redmew.com/admin -- @usage -- local Server = require 'features.server' -- Server.start_scenario('my_scenario_name') function Public.start_scenario(scenario_name) if type(scenario_name) ~= 'string' then game.print('start_scenario - scenario_name ' .. tostring(scenario_name) .. ' must be a string.') return end local message = start_scenario_tag .. scenario_name raw_print(message) end local default_ping_token = Token.register(function(sent_tick) local now = game.tick local diff = now - sent_tick local message = concat({'Pong in ', diff, ' tick(s) ', 'sent tick: ', sent_tick, ' received tick: ', now}) game.print(message) end) --- Pings the web server. -- @param func_token The function that is called when the web server replies. -- The function is passed the tick that the ping was sent. function Public.ping(func_token) local message = concat({ping_tag, func_token or default_ping_token, ' ', game.tick}) raw_print(message) end local function double_escape(str) -- Excessive escaping because the data is serialized twice. return str:gsub('\\', '\\\\\\\\'):gsub('"', '\\\\\\"'):gsub('\n', '\\\\n') end --- Sets the web server's persistent data storage. If you pass nil for the value removes the data. -- Data set this will by synced in with other server if they choose to. -- There can only be one key for each data_set. -- @param data_set -- @param key -- @param value Any type that is not a function. set to nil to remove the data. -- @usage -- local Server = require 'features.server' -- Server.set_data('my data set', 'key 1', 123) -- Server.set_data('my data set', 'key 2', 'abc') -- Server.set_data('my data set', 'key 3', {'some', 'data', ['is_set'] = true}) -- -- Server.set_data('my data set', 'key 1', nil) -- this will remove 'key 1' -- Server.set_data('my data set', 'key 2', 'def') -- this will change the value for 'key 2' to 'def' function Public.set_data(data_set, key, value) if type(data_set) ~= 'string' then error('data_set must be a string', 2) end if type(key) ~= 'string' then error('key must be a string', 2) end data_set = double_escape(data_set) key = double_escape(key) local message local vt = type(value) if vt == 'nil' then message = concat({data_set_tag, '{data_set:"', data_set, '",key:"', key, '"}'}) elseif vt == 'string' then value = double_escape(value) message = concat({data_set_tag, '{data_set:"', data_set, '",key:"', key, '",value:"\\"', value, '\\""}'}) elseif vt == 'number' then message = concat({data_set_tag, '{data_set:"', data_set, '",key:"', key, '",value:"', value, '"}'}) elseif vt == 'boolean' then message = concat({data_set_tag, '{data_set:"', data_set, '",key:"', key, '",value:"', tostring(value), '"}'}) elseif vt == 'function' then error('value cannot be a function', 2) else -- table value = serialize(value, serialize_options) -- Less escaping than the string case as serpent provides one level of escaping. -- Need to escape single quotes as serpent uses double quotes for strings. value = value:gsub('\\', '\\\\'):gsub("'", "\\'") message = concat({data_set_tag, '{data_set:"', data_set, '",key:"', key, "\",value:'", value, "'}"}) end raw_print(message) end local function validate_arguments(data_set, key, callback_token) if type(data_set) ~= 'string' then error('data_set must be a string', 3) end if type(key) ~= 'string' then error('key must be a string', 3) end if type(callback_token) ~= 'number' then error('callback_token must be a number', 3) end end local function send_try_get_data(data_set, key, callback_token) data_set = double_escape(data_set) key = double_escape(key) local message = concat {data_get_tag, callback_token, ' {', 'data_set:"', data_set, '",key:"', key, '"}'} raw_print(message) end local cancelable_callback_token = Token.register(function(data) local data_set = data.data_set local keys = requests[data_set] if not keys then return end local key = data.key local callbacks = keys[key] if not callbacks then return end keys[key] = nil for c, _ in next, callbacks do local func = Token.get(c) func(data) end end) --- Gets data from the web server's persistent data storage. -- The callback is passed a table {data_set: string, key: string, value: any}. -- If the value is nil, it means there is no stored data for that data_set key pair. -- @param data_set -- @param key -- @param callback_token -- @usage -- local Server = require 'features.server' -- local Token = require 'utils.token' -- -- local callback = -- Token.register( -- function(data) -- local data_set = data.data_set -- local key = data.key -- local value = data.value -- will be nil if no data -- -- game.print(data_set .. ':' .. key .. ':' .. tostring(value)) -- end -- ) -- -- Server.try_get_data('my data set', 'key 1', callback) function Public.try_get_data(data_set, key, callback_token) validate_arguments(data_set, key, callback_token) send_try_get_data(data_set, key, callback_token) end local function try_get_data_cancelable(data_set, key, callback_token) local keys = requests[data_set] if not keys then keys = {} requests[data_set] = keys end local callbacks = keys[key] if not callbacks then callbacks = {} keys[key] = callbacks end if callbacks[callback_token] then return end if next(callbacks) then callbacks[callback_token] = true else callbacks[callback_token] = true send_try_get_data(data_set, key, cancelable_callback_token) end end --- Same Server.try_get_data but the request can be cancelled by calling -- Server.cancel_try_get_data(data_set, key, callback_token) -- If the request is cancelled before it is complete the callback will be called with data.cancelled = true. -- It is safe to cancel a non-existent or completed request, in either case the callback will not be called. -- There can only be one request per data_set, key, callback_token combo. If there is already an ongoing request -- an attempt to make a new one will be ignored. -- @param data_set -- @param key -- @param callback_token function Public.try_get_data_cancelable(data_set, key, callback_token) validate_arguments(data_set, key, callback_token) try_get_data_cancelable(data_set, key, callback_token) end local function cancel_try_get_data(data_set, key, callback_token) local keys = requests[data_set] if not keys then return false end local callbacks = keys[key] if not callbacks then return false end if callbacks[callback_token] then callbacks[callback_token] = nil local func = Token.get(callback_token) local data = {data_set = data_set, key = key, cancelled = true} func(data) return true else return false end end --- Cancels the request. Returns false if the request could not be cnacled, either because there is no request -- to cancel or it has been completed or cancled already. Otherwise returns true. -- If the request is cancelled before it is complete the callback will be called with data.cancelled = true. -- It is safe to cancel a non-existent or completed request, in either case the callback will not be called. -- @param data_set -- @param key -- @param callback_token function Public.cancel_try_get_data(data_set, key, callback_token) validate_arguments(data_set, key, callback_token) return cancel_try_get_data(data_set, key, callback_token) end local timeout_token = Token.register(function(data) cancel_try_get_data(data.data_set, data.key, data.callback_token) end) --- Same as Server.try_get_data but the request is cancelled if the timeout expires before the request is complete. -- If the request is cancelled before it is complete the callback will be called with data.cancelled = true. -- There can only be one request per data_set, key, callback_token combo. If there is already an ongoing request -- an attempt to make a new one will be ignored. -- @param data_set -- @param key -- @param callback_token -- @usage -- local Server = require 'features.server' -- local Token = require 'utils.token' -- -- local callback = -- Token.register( -- function(data) -- local data_set = data.data_set -- local key = data.key -- -- game.print('data_set: ' .. data_set .. ', key: ' .. key) -- -- if data.cancelled then -- game.print('Timed out') -- return -- end -- -- local value = data.value -- will be nil if no data -- -- game.print('value: ' .. tostring(value)) -- end -- ) -- -- Server.try_get_data_timeout('my data set', 'key 1', callback, 60) function Public.try_get_data_timeout(data_set, key, callback_token, timeout_ticks) validate_arguments(data_set, key, callback_token) try_get_data_cancelable(data_set, key, callback_token) Task.set_timeout_in_ticks(timeout_ticks, timeout_token, {data_set = data_set, key = key, callback_token = callback_token}) end --- Gets all the data for the data_set from the web server's persistent data storage. -- The callback is passed a table {data_set: string, entries: {dictionary key -> value}}. -- If there is no data stored for the data_set entries will be nil. -- @param data_set -- @param callback_token -- @usage -- local Server = require 'features.server' -- local Token = require 'utils.token' -- -- local callback = -- Token.register( -- function(data) -- local data_set = data.data_set -- local entries = data.entries -- will be nil if no data -- local value2 = entries['key 2'] -- local value3 = entries['key 3'] -- end -- ) -- -- Server.try_get_all_data('my data set', callback) function Public.try_get_all_data(data_set, callback_token) if type(data_set) ~= 'string' then error('data_set must be a string', 2) end if type(callback_token) ~= 'number' then error('callback_token must be a number', 2) end data_set = double_escape(data_set) local message = concat {data_get_all_tag, callback_token, ' {', 'data_set:"', data_set, '"}'} raw_print(message) end local function data_set_changed(data) local handlers = data_set_handlers[data.data_set] if handlers == nil then return end if _DEBUG then for _, handler in ipairs(handlers) do local success, err = pcall(handler, data) if not success then log(err) ErrorLogging.generate_error_report(err) error(err, 2) end end else for _, handler in ipairs(handlers) do local success, err = pcall(handler, data) if not success then log(err) ErrorLogging.generate_error_report(err) end end end end --- Register a handler to be called when the data_set changes. -- The handler is passed a table {data_set:string, key:string, value:any} -- If value is nil that means the key was removed. -- The handler may be called even if the value hasn't changed. It's up to the implementer -- to determine if the value has changed, or not care. -- To prevent desyncs the same handlers must be registered for all clients. The easiest way to do this -- is in the control stage, i.e before on_init or on_load would be called. -- @param data_set -- @param handler -- @usage -- local Server = require 'features.server' -- Server.on_data_set_changed( -- 'my data set', -- function(data) -- local data_set = data.data_set -- local key = data.key -- local value = data.value -- will be nil if data was removed. -- end -- ) function Public.on_data_set_changed(data_set, handler) if _LIFECYCLE == _STAGE.runtime then error('cannot call during runtime', 2) end if type(data_set) ~= 'string' then error('data_set must be a string', 2) end local handlers = data_set_handlers[data_set] if handlers == nil then handlers = {handler} data_set_handlers[data_set] = handlers else handlers[#handlers + 1] = handler end end --- Called by the web server to notify the client that a data_set has changed. Public.raise_data_set = data_set_changed --- Called by the web server to determine which data_sets are being tracked. function Public.get_tracked_data_sets() local message = {data_tracked_tag, '['} for k, _ in pairs(data_set_handlers) do k = double_escape(k) local message_length = #message message[message_length + 1] = '"' message[message_length + 2] = k message[message_length + 3] = '"' message[message_length + 4] = ',' end if message[#message] == ',' then remove(message) end message[#message + 1] = ']' message = concat(message) raw_print(message) end local function escape(str) return str:gsub('\\', '\\\\'):gsub('"', '\\"') end --- Called by the web server to set the server time. -- @param secs unix epoch timestamp function Public.set_time(secs) server_time.secs = secs server_time.tick = game.tick end --- Gets a table {secs:number?, tick:number} with secs being the unix epoch timestamp -- for the server time and ticks the number of game ticks ago it was set. -- @return table function Public.get_time_data_raw() return server_time end --- Gets an estimate of the current server time as a unix epoch timestamp. -- If the server time has not been set returns nil. -- The estimate may be slightly off if within the last minute the game has been paused, saving or overwise, -- or the game speed has been changed. -- @return number? function Public.get_current_time() local secs = server_time.secs if secs == nil then return nil end local diff = game.tick - server_time.tick return math.floor(secs + diff / game.speed / 60) end --- Called by the web server to set the server start data. function Public.set_start_data(data) start_data.server_id = data.server_id start_data.server_name = data.server_name local start_time = start_data.start_time if not start_time then -- Only set start time if it has not been set already, so that we keep the first start time. start_data.start_time = data.start_time end end --- Gets the server's id e.g. '7'. Empty string if not known. -- This is the current server's id, in the case the save has been loaded on multiple servers. -- @return string function Public.get_server_id() return start_data.server_id or '' end --- Gets the server's name e.g. '[color=red]RedMew[/color] - Crash Site Desert'. Empty string if not known. -- This is the current server's name, in the case the save has been loaded on multiple servers. -- @return string function Public.get_server_name() return start_data.server_name or '' end --- Gets the server's start time as a unix epoch timestamp. nil if not known. -- This is the time that the save was fist started/loaded on any Redmew server in the -- case that the save has been loaded multiple times. -- @return number? function Public.get_start_time() return start_data.start_time end --- Called be the web server to re sync which players are online. function Public.query_online_players() local message = {query_players_tag, '['} for _, p in ipairs(game.connected_players) do message[#message + 1] = '"' local name = escape(p.name) message[#message + 1] = name message[#message + 1] = '",' end if message[#message] == '",' then message[#message] = '"' end message[#message + 1] = ']' message = concat(message) raw_print(message) end --- Sets the server time as the scenario version. Imperfect since we ideally want the commit, -- but an easy way to at least establish a baseline. local function set_scenario_version() -- A 1 hour buffer is in place to account for potential playtime pre-upload. if game.tick < 216000 and not global.redmew_version then local time_string = Timestamp.to_string(Public.get_current_time()) global.redmew_version = string.format('Time of map launch: %s UTC', time_string) end end Event.add(Public.events.on_server_started, set_scenario_version) --- The [JOIN] nad [LEAVE] messages Factorio sends to stdout aren't sent in all cases of -- players joining or leaving. So we send our own [PLAYER-JOIN] and [PLAYER-LEAVE] tags. Event.add(defines.events.on_player_joined_game, function(event) local player = game.get_player(event.player_index) if not player then return end raw_print(player_join_tag .. player.name) end) local leave_reason_map = { [defines.disconnect_reason.quit] = '', [defines.disconnect_reason.dropped] = ' (Dropped)', [defines.disconnect_reason.reconnect] = ' (Reconnect)', [defines.disconnect_reason.wrong_input] = ' (Wrong input)', [defines.disconnect_reason.desync_limit_reached] = ' (Desync limit reached)', [defines.disconnect_reason.cannot_keep_up] = ' (Cannot keep up)', [defines.disconnect_reason.afk] = ' (AFK)', [defines.disconnect_reason.kicked] = ' (Kicked)', [defines.disconnect_reason.kicked_and_deleted] = ' (Kicked)', [defines.disconnect_reason.banned] = ' (Banned)', [defines.disconnect_reason.switching_servers] = ' (Switching servers)' } Event.add(defines.events.on_player_left_game, function(event) local player = game.get_player(event.player_index) if not player then return end local reason = leave_reason_map[event.reason] or '' raw_print(player_leave_tag .. player.name .. reason) end) Event.add(defines.events.on_player_died, function(event) local player = game.get_player(event.player_index) if not player or not player.valid then return end local cause = event.cause local message = {discord_bold_tag, player.name} if cause and cause.valid then message[#message + 1] = ' was killed by ' local name = cause.name if name == 'character' then name = cause.player.name else message[#message + 1] = 'a ' end message[#message + 1] = name message[#message + 1] = '.' else message[#message + 1] = ' has died.' end local position = player.position message[#message + 1] = ' [gps=' message[#message + 1] = string.format('%.1f', position.x) message[#message + 1] = ',' message[#message + 1] = string.format('%.1f', position.y) message[#message + 1] = ',' message[#message + 1] = player.surface.name message[#message + 1] = ']' message = concat(message) raw_print(message) end) return Public