# This file is to aggregate all commonly-used or shared locale strings. [common] fail_no_target=No player found with name: __1__ warn_no_target=Warning: player __1__ is not found, but the command will still be executed. close_button=Close server_unavailable=The server is currently unavailable. player_name=Player name connection_status=Connection status online=online offline=offline player_index=Player index player_rank=Player rank yes=yes no=no time_played=Time played afk_time=AFK time current_force=Current force current_surface=Current surface player_tag=Player tag quantity=Quantity available=Available enabled=enabled disabled=disabled create=Create edit=Edit delete=Delete created_by=Created by: __1__ edited_by=Edited by: __1__ name=Name icon=Icon [ranks] probation=Probation guest=Guest auto_trusted=Auto Trusted regular=Regular admin=Admin donator=Donator donator_abbreviation=D