local b = require "map_gen.shared.builders" local ScenarioInfo = require 'features.gui.info' --Special thanks to the following beta testers for their help with the map and map info: T-A-R ScenarioInfo.set_map_name('Broken Web') ScenarioInfo.set_map_description('This map is spanning the void like a Broken Web!\nIn order to launch a rocket into space, you must collaborate like ants to build a breathtaking ant cave.') ScenarioInfo.set_map_extra_info('Confined space map with predictable terrain generation.\nA good way to challenge yourself with building in confined spaces.') local pic = require "map_gen.data.presets.broken_web" pic = b.decompress(pic) local shape = b.picture(pic) shape = b.invert(shape) local map = b.single_pattern(shape, pic.width, pic.height - 1) map = b.translate(map, 10, -27) map = b.scale(map, 12, 12) return map