return require 'map_gen.maps.default' --[[ Replace the word default in the quotes above with the path and name of the map you want to play then save this file. Example: If you want to play beach, line 1 should look like: return require 'map_gen.maps.beach' If default is left in place, you will get a vanilla world. Some further examples, replace the first line of this file with one of these to choose a different map. For standard maps: return require 'map_gen.maps.connected_dots' return require 'map_gen.maps.grid_islands' return require 'map_gen.maps.double_beach' For some of our scenarios such as diggy, crash site and danger ores, they are more configurable and have presets. Look in the presets folder for each scenario you want to play, you can choose from them like this: return require 'map_gen.maps.danger_ores.presets.terraforming_danger_ore' return require 'map_gen.maps.danger_ores.presets.danger_ores_gradient' return require 'map_gen.maps.crash_site.presets.normal' return require 'map_gen.maps.crash_site.presets.desert' return require 'map_gen.maps.diggy.scenario' You can get the full list of maps by looking in map_gen/maps/ Names of some popular maps: diggy crash_site beach connected_dots crosses danger_ores diagonal_ribbon double_beach fractal_balls fruit_loops grid_islands grid_islands_rotated line_and_tree line_and_trees lines_and_balls lines_and_squares maltease_crossings rotten_apples spiral_of_spirals tetris triangle_of_death void_gears ]]