-- helpers tau = 2 * math.pi deg_to_rad = tau / 360 function degrees(angle) return angle * deg_to_rad end -- shape builders function empty_builder(x, y) return false end function full_builder(x, y) return true end function path_builder(thickness, optional_thickness_height) local width = thickness / 2 local thickness2 = optional_thickness_height or thickness local height = thickness2 / 2 return function(x, y) return (x > -width and x <= width) or (y > -height and y <= height) end end function rectangle_builder(width, height) width = width / 2 height = height / 2 return function (x, y) return x > -width and x <= width and y > -height and y <= height end end function square_diamond_builder(size) size = size / 2 return function (x, y) return math.abs(x) + math.abs(y) <= size end end local rot = math.sqrt(2) / 2 -- 45 degree rotation. function rectangle_diamond_builder(width, height) width = width / 2 height = height / 2 return function (x, y) local rot_x = rot * (x - y) local rot_y = rot * (x + y) return math.abs(rot_x) < width and math.abs(rot_y) < height end end function circle_builder(radius) local rr = radius * radius return function (x, y) return x * x + y * y < rr end end function oval_builder(x_radius, y_radius) local x_rr = x_radius * x_radius local y_rr = y_radius * y_radius return function (x, y) return ((x * x) / x_rr + (y * y) / y_rr) < 1 end end local tile_map = { [1] = false, [2] = true, [3] = "concrete", [4] = "deepwater-green", [5] = "deepwater", [6] = "dirt-1", [7] = "dirt-2", [8] = "dirt-3", [9] = "dirt-4", [10] = "dirt-5", [11] = "dirt-6", [12] = "dirt-7", [13] = "dry-dirt", [14] = "grass-1", [15] = "grass-2", [16] = "grass-3", [17] = "grass-4", [18] = "hazard-concrete-left", [19] = "hazard-concrete-right", [20] = "lab-dark-1", [21] = "lab-dark-2", [22] = "out-of-map", [23] = "red-desert-0", [24] = "red-desert-1", [25] = "red-desert-2", [26] = "red-desert-3", [27] = "sand-1", [28] = "sand-2", [29] = "sand-3", [30] = "stone-path", [31] = "water-green", [32] = "water" } function decompress(pic) local data = pic.data local width = pic.width local height = pic.height local uncompressed = {} for y = 1, height do local row = data[y] local u_row = {} uncompressed[y] = u_row local x = 1 for index = 1, #row, 2 do local pixel = tile_map[row[index]] local count = row[index + 1] for i = 1, count do u_row[x] = pixel x = x + 1 end end end return {width = width, height = height, data = uncompressed} end function picture_builder(pic) local data = pic.data local width = pic.width local height = pic.height -- the plus one is because lua tables are one based. local half_width = math.floor(width / 2) + 1 local half_height = math.floor(height / 2) + 1 return function(x, y) x = math.floor(x) y = math.floor(y) local x2 = x + half_width local y2 = y + half_height if y2 > 0 and y2 <= height and x2 > 0 and x2 <= width then local pixel = data[y2][x2] return pixel else return false end end end -- transforms and shape helpers function translate(builder, x_offset, y_offset) return function(x, y, world_x, world_y) return builder(x - x_offset, y - y_offset, world_x, world_y) end end function scale(builder, x_scale, y_scale) x_scale = 1 / x_scale y_scale = 1 / y_scale return function(x, y, world_x, world_y) return builder(x * x_scale, y * y_scale, world_x, world_y) end end function rotate(builder, angle) local qx = math.cos(angle) local qy = math.sin(angle) return function(x, y, world_x, world_y) local rot_x = qx * x - qy * y local rot_y = qy * x + qx * y return builder(rot_x, rot_y, world_x, world_y) end end function scale_rotate_translate(builder, x_scale, y_scale, angle, x_offset, y_offset) local transform = translate(rotate(scale(builder, x_scale, y_scale), angle), x_offset, y_offset) return function(x, y, world_x, world_y) return transform(x, y, world_x, world_y) end end function flip_x(builder) return function(x, y, world_x, world_y) return builder(-x, y, world_x, world_y) end end function flip_y(builder) return function(x, y, world_x, world_y) return builder(x, -y, world_x, world_y) end end function flip_xy(builder) return function(x, y, world_x, world_y) return builder(-x, -y, world_x, world_y) end end -- For resource_module_builder it will return the first success. function compound_or(builders) return function(x, y, world_x, world_y) for _, v in ipairs(builders) do local tile, entity = v(x, y, world_x, world_y) if tile then return tile, entity end end return false end end -- Wont work correctly with resource_module_builder becasues I don't know which one to return. function compound_and(builders) return function(x, y, world_x, world_y) for _, v in ipairs(builders) do if not v(x, y, world_x, world_y) then return false end end return true end end function invert(builder) return function(x, y, world_x, world_y) local tile, entity = builder(x, y, world_x, world_y) return not tile, entity end end function throttle_x(builder, x_in, x_size) return function(x, y, world_x, world_y) if x % x_size < x_in then return builder(x, y, world_x, world_y) else return false end end end function throttle_y(builder, y_in, y_size) return function(x, y, world_x, world_y) if y % y_size < y_in then return builder(x, y, world_x, world_y) else return false end end end function throttle_xy(builder, x_in, x_size, y_in, y_size) return function(x, y, world_x, world_y) if x % x_size < x_in and y % y_size < y_in then return builder(x, y, world_x, world_y) else return false end end end function choose(condition, true_shape, false_shape) return function(local_x, local_y, world_x, world_y) if condition(local_x, local_y, world_x, world_y) then return true_shape(local_x, local_y, world_x, world_y) else return false_shape(local_x, local_y, world_x, world_y) end end end function linear_grow(shape, size) local half_size = size / 2 return function (local_x, local_y, world_x, world_y) local t = math.ceil((local_y / size) + 0.5) local n = math.ceil((math.sqrt(8 * t + 1) - 1) / 2) local t_upper = n * (n + 1) * 0.5 local t_lower = t_upper - n local y = (local_y - size * (t_lower + n / 2 - 0.5)) / n local x = local_x / n return shape(x, y, world_x, world_y) end end function project(shape, size, r) local ln_r = math.log(r) local r2 = 1 / (r - 1) local a = 1 / size return function(local_x, local_y, world_x, world_y) local offset = 0.5 * size local sn = math.ceil(local_y + offset) local n = math.ceil(math.log((r-1) * sn * a + 1) / ln_r - 1) local rn = r ^ n local rn2 = 1 / rn local c = size * rn local sn_upper = size * (r ^ (n + 1) - 1) * r2 local x = local_x * rn2 local y = (local_y - (sn_upper - 0.5 * c ) + offset ) * rn2 return shape(x, y, world_x, world_y) end end function project_overlap(shape, size, r) local ln_r = math.log(r) local r2 = 1 / (r - 1) local a = 1 / size local offset = 0.5 * size return function(local_x, local_y, world_x, world_y) local sn = math.ceil(local_y + offset) local n = math.ceil(math.log((r-1) * sn * a + 1) / ln_r - 1) local rn = r ^ n local rn2 = 1 / rn local c = size * rn local sn_upper = size * (r ^ (n + 1) - 1) * r2 local x = local_x * rn2 local y = (local_y - (sn_upper - 0.5 * c ) + offset ) * rn2 local tile local entity tile, entity = shape(x, y, world_x, world_y) if tile then return tile, entity end local n_above = n - 1 local rn_above = rn / r local rn2_above = 1 / rn_above local c_above = size * rn_above local sn_upper_above = sn_upper - c local x_above = local_x * rn2_above local y_above = (local_y - (sn_upper_above - 0.5 * c_above ) + offset ) * rn2_above tile, entity = shape(x_above, y_above, world_x, world_y) if tile then return tile, entity end local n_below = n + 1 local rn_below = rn * r local rn2_below = 1 / rn_below local c_below = size * rn_below local sn_upper_below = sn_upper + c_below local x_below = local_x * rn2_below local y_below = (local_y - (sn_upper_below - 0.5 * c_below ) + offset ) * rn2_below return shape(x_below, y_below, world_x, world_y) end end -- ore generation. -- builder is the shape of the ore patch. function resource_module_builder(builder, resource_type, amount_function) amount_function = amount_function or function(a, b) return 603 end return function(x, y, world_x, world_y) if builder(x, y, world_x, world_y) then return { name = resource_type, position = {world_x, world_y}, amount = amount_function(world_x, world_y) } else return nil end end end function builder_with_resource(land_builder, resource_module) return function (x, y, world_x, world_y) local tile = land_builder(x, y) if tile then local entity = resource_module(x, y ,world_x, world_y) return tile, entity else return false end end end -- pattern builders. function single_pattern_builder(shape, width, height) shape = shape or empty_builder local half_width = width / 2 local half_height = height / 2 return function (local_x, local_y, world_x, world_y) local_y = ((local_y + half_height) % height) - half_height local_x = ((local_x + half_width) % width) - half_width return shape(local_x, local_y, world_x, world_y) end end function grid_pattern_builder(pattern, columns, rows, width, height) local half_width = width / 2 local half_height = height / 2 return function (local_x, local_y, world_x, world_y) local local_y2 = ((local_y + half_height) % height) - half_height local row_pos = math.floor(local_y / height + 0.5) local row_i = row_pos % rows + 1 local row = pattern[row_i] or {} local local_x2 = ((local_x + half_width) % width) - half_width local col_pos = math.floor(local_x / width + 0.5) local col_i = col_pos % columns + 1 local shape = row[col_i] or empty_builder return shape(local_x2, local_y2, world_x, world_y) end end -- tile converters function change_tile(builder, old_tile, new_tile) return function (local_x, local_y, world_x, world_y ) local tile, entity = builder(local_x, local_y, world_x, world_y) if tile == old_tile then tile = new_tile end return tile, entity end end function change_collision_tile(builder, collides, new_tile) return function (local_x, local_y, world_x, world_y ) local tile, entity = builder(local_x, local_y, world_x, world_y) if tile.collides_with(collides) then tile = new_tile end return tile, entity end end -- only changes tiles made by the factorio map generator. function change_map_gen_tile(builder, old_tile, new_tile) return function (local_x, local_y, world_x, world_y ) local tile, entity = builder(local_x, local_y, world_x, world_y) if type(tile) == "boolean" and tile then local gen_tile = MAP_GEN_SURFACE.get_tile(world_x, world_y).name if old_tile == gen_tile then tile = new_tile end end return tile, entity end end -- only changes tiles made by the factorio map generator. function change_map_gen_collision_tile(builder, collides, new_tile) return function (local_x, local_y, world_x, world_y ) local tile, entity = builder(local_x, local_y, world_x, world_y) if type(tile) == "boolean" and tile then local gen_tile = MAP_GEN_SURFACE.get_tile(world_x, world_y) if gen_tile.collides_with(collides) then tile = new_tile end end return tile, entity end end function apply_effect(builder, func) return function(local_x, local_y, world_x, world_y) local tile, entity = builder(local_x, local_y, world_x, world_y) tile, entity = func(local_x, local_y, world_x, world_y, tile, entity) return tile, entity end end