local Event = require 'utils.event' local Global = require 'utils.global' local Game = require 'utils.game' local player_last_position = {} local player_walk_distances = {} local player_coin_earned = {} local player_coin_spent = {} local player_deaths = {} local total_players = {0} Global.register( { player_last_position = player_last_position, player_walk_distances = player_walk_distances, player_coin_earned = player_coin_earned, player_coin_spent = player_coin_spent, player_deaths = player_deaths, total_players = total_players }, function(tbl) player_last_position = tbl.player_last_position player_walk_distances = tbl.player_walk_distances player_coin_earned = tbl.player_coin_earned player_coin_spent = tbl.player_coin_spent player_deaths = tbl.player_deaths total_players = tbl.total_players end ) local function player_created(event) local index = event.player_index player_last_position[index] = Game.get_player_by_index(index).position player_walk_distances[index] = 0 player_coin_earned[index] = 0 player_coin_spent[index] = 0 player_deaths[index] = {causes = {}, count = 0} total_players[1] = total_players[1] + 1 end local function get_cause_name(cause) if cause then local name = cause.name if name == 'player' then local player = cause.player if player and player.valid then return player.name end else return name end end return 'No cause' end local function player_died(event) local player_index = event.player_index local cause = get_cause_name(event.cause) local data = player_deaths[player_index] data.count = data.count + 1 local causes = data.causes local cause_count = causes[cause] or 0 causes[cause] = cause_count + 1 end local function picked_up_item(event) local stack = event.item_stack if stack.name == 'coin' then local player_index = event.player_index player_coin_earned[player_index] = player_coin_earned[player_index] + stack.count end end local function tick() for _, p in ipairs(game.connected_players) do if (p.afk_time < 30 or p.walking_state.walking) and p.vehicle == nil then local index = p.index local last_pos = player_last_position[index] local pos = p.position local d_x = last_pos.x - pos.x local d_y = last_pos.y - pos.y player_walk_distances[index] = player_walk_distances[index] + math.sqrt(d_x * d_x + d_y * d_y) player_last_position[index] = pos end end end Event.add(defines.events.on_player_created, player_created) Event.add(defines.events.on_player_died, player_died) Event.add(defines.events.on_picked_up_item, picked_up_item) Event.on_nth_tick(62, tick) local Public = {} function Public.get_walk_distance(player_index) return player_walk_distances[player_index] end function Public.get_coin_earned(player_index) return player_coin_earned[player_index] end function Public.set_coin_earned(player_index, value) player_coin_earned[player_index] = value end function Public.change_coin_earned(player_index, amount) player_coin_earned[player_index] = player_coin_earned[player_index] + amount end function Public.get_coin_spent(player_index) return player_coin_spent[player_index] end function Public.set_coin_spent(player_index, value) player_coin_spent[player_index] = value end function Public.change_coin_spent(player_index, amount) player_coin_spent[player_index] = player_coin_spent[player_index] + amount end function Public.get_death_count(player_index) return player_deaths[player_index].count end -- Returns a dictionary of cause_name -> count function Public.get_all_death_counts_by_cause(player_index) return player_deaths[player_index].causes or {} end function Public.get_total_player_count() return total_players[1] end return Public