local Gui = require 'utils.gui' local Utils = require 'utils.core' local Game = require 'utils.game' local close_name = Gui.uid_name() local function show_popup(player, message) local frame = player.gui.center.add {type = 'frame', direction = 'vertical', style = 'captionless_frame'} frame.style.minimal_width = 300 local top_flow = frame.add {type = 'flow', direction = 'horizontal'} local title_flow = top_flow.add {type = 'flow'} title_flow.style.align = 'center' title_flow.style.left_padding = 32 title_flow.style.top_padding = 8 title_flow.style.horizontally_stretchable = true local title = title_flow.add {type = 'label', caption = 'Attention!'} title.style.font = 'default-large-bold' local close_button_flow = top_flow.add {type = 'flow'} close_button_flow.style.align = 'right' local close_button = close_button_flow.add {type = 'button', name = close_name, caption = 'X'} Gui.set_data(close_button, frame) local content_flow = frame.add {type = 'flow', direction = 'horizontal'} content_flow.style.top_padding = 16 content_flow.style.bottom_padding = 16 content_flow.style.left_padding = 24 content_flow.style.right_padding = 24 content_flow.style.horizontally_stretchable = true local sprite_flow = content_flow.add {type = 'flow'} sprite_flow.style.vertical_align = 'center' sprite_flow.style.vertically_stretchable = true sprite_flow.add {type = 'sprite', sprite = 'utility/warning_icon'} local label_flow = content_flow.add {type = 'flow'} label_flow.style.align = 'left' label_flow.style.top_padding = 10 label_flow.style.left_padding = 24 label_flow.style.horizontally_stretchable = true local label = label_flow.add {type = 'label', caption = message} label.style.single_line = false label.style.font = 'default-large-bold' local ok_button_flow = frame.add {type = 'flow'} ok_button_flow.style.horizontally_stretchable = true ok_button_flow.style.align = 'center' local ok_button = ok_button_flow.add {type = 'button', name = close_name, caption = 'OK'} Gui.set_data(ok_button, frame) end Gui.on_click( close_name, function(event) local frame = Gui.get_data(event.element) Gui.remove_data_recursively(frame) frame.destroy() end ) -- Creates a popup dialog for all players local function popup(cmd) local player = game.player if player and not player.admin then Utils.cant_run(cmd.name) return end local message = cmd.parameter if not message then Game.player_print('Usage: /popup ') return end message = message:gsub('\\n', '\n') for _, p in ipairs(game.connected_players) do show_popup(p, message) end Game.player_print('Popup sent') Utils.print_admins(Utils.get_actor() .. ' sent a popup to all players', false) end -- Creates a popup dialog for all players, specifically for the server upgrading factorio versions local function popup_update(cmd) local player = game.player if player and not player.admin then Utils.cant_run(cmd.name) return end local message = '\nServer updating to ' .. cmd.parameter .. ', back in one minute.' for _, p in ipairs(game.connected_players) do show_popup(p, message) end Game.player_print('Popup sent') Utils.print_admins(Utils.get_actor() .. ' sent a popup to all players', false) end -- Creates a popup dialog for the specifically targetted player local function popup_player(cmd) local player = game.player if player and not player.admin then Utils.cant_run(cmd.name) return end local message = cmd.parameter if not message then Game.player_print('Usage: /popup ') return end local start_index, end_index = message:find(' ') if not start_index then Game.player_print('Usage: /popup ') return end local target_name = message:sub(1, start_index - 1) local target = game.players[target_name] if not target then Game.player_print('Player ' .. target_name .. ' not found.') return end message = message:sub(end_index, #message):gsub('\\n', '\n') show_popup(target, message) Game.player_print('Popup sent') end commands.add_command('popup', ' - Shows a popup to all connected players (Admins only)', popup) commands.add_command( 'popup-update', ' - Shows an update popup to all connected players (Admins only)', popup_update ) commands.add_command('popup-player', ' - Shows a popup to the players (Admins only)', popup_player) local Public = {} --[[-- Shows a popup dialog. @param player LuaPlayer @param message string ]] function Public.player(player, message) show_popup(player, message) end --[[-- Shows a popup dialog to all connected players. @param message string ]] function Public.all_online(message) for _, p in ipairs(game.connected_players) do show_popup(p, message) end end --[[-- Shows a popup dialog to all players. @param message string ]] function Public.all(message) for _, p in pairs(game.players) do show_popup(p, message) end end return Public