local b = require 'map_gen.shared.builders' local Generate = require 'map_gen.shared.generate' local Perlin = require 'map_gen.shared.perlin_noise' local Event = require 'utils.event' local Global = require 'utils.global' local math = require 'utils.math' local table = require 'utils.table' local RS = require 'map_gen.shared.redmew_surface' local MGSP = require 'resources.map_gen_settings' require 'map_gen.shared.danger_ore_banned_entities' global.config.lazy_bastard.enabled = false RS.set_first_player_position_check_override(true) RS.set_spawn_island_tile('grass-1') RS.set_map_gen_settings( { MGSP.grass_only, MGSP.enable_water, { terrain_segmentation = 'normal', water = 'normal' }, MGSP.starting_area_very_low, MGSP.ore_oil_none, MGSP.enemy_none, MGSP.cliff_none } ) local perlin_noise = Perlin.noise local fast_remove = table.fast_remove Generate.enable_register_events = false local oil_seed local uranium_seed local density_seed local enemy_seed local water_seed local tree_seed local oil_scale = 1 / 64 local oil_threshold = 0.6 local uranium_scale = 1 / 128 local uranium_threshold = 0.65 local density_scale = 1 / 48 local density_threshold = 0.5 local density_multiplier = 50 local water_scale = 1 / 96 local water_threshold = 0.5 local deepwater_threshold = 0.55 local tree_scale = 1 / 64 local tree_threshold = -0.25 local tree_chance = 0.125 local start_chunks_half_size = 3 global.min_pollution = 650 local chunk_list = {index = 1} local surface local start_size = start_chunks_half_size * 64 Global.register_init( {chunk_list = chunk_list}, function(tbl) local s = RS.get_surface() tbl.seed = s.map_gen_settings.seed tbl.surface = s game.difficulty_settings.technology_price_multiplier = 20 game.forces.player.technologies.logistics.researched = true game.forces.player.technologies.automation.researched = true game.map_settings.enemy_evolution.time_factor = 0.000005 -- Increased time factor game.map_settings.enemy_evolution.destroy_factor = 0.000010 game.map_settings.enemy_evolution.pollution_factor = 0.000000 -- Pollution has no affect on evolution game.draw_resource_selection = false end, function(tbl) local seed = tbl.seed oil_seed = seed uranium_seed = seed * 2 density_seed = seed * 3 enemy_seed = seed * 4 water_seed = seed * 5 tree_seed = seed * 6 chunk_list = tbl.chunk_list surface = tbl.surface end ) local value = b.euclidean_value local oil_shape = b.throttle_world_xy(b.full_shape, 1, 7, 1, 7) local oil_resource = b.resource(oil_shape, 'crude-oil', value(250000, 150)) local uranium_resource = b.resource(b.full_shape, 'uranium-ore', value(200, 1)) local ores_pos_x_pos_y = { {resource = b.resource(b.full_shape, 'iron-ore', value(0, 0.5)), weight = 20}, {resource = b.resource(b.full_shape, 'copper-ore', value(0, 0.5)), weight = 20}, {resource = b.resource(b.full_shape, 'stone', value(0, 0.5)), weight = 40}, {resource = b.resource(b.full_shape, 'coal', value(0, 0.5)), weight = 20} } local ores_pos_x_neg_y = { {resource = b.resource(b.full_shape, 'iron-ore', value(0, 0.5)), weight = 60}, {resource = b.resource(b.full_shape, 'copper-ore', value(0, 0.5)), weight = 20}, {resource = b.resource(b.full_shape, 'stone', value(0, 0.5)), weight = 20}, {resource = b.resource(b.full_shape, 'coal', value(0, 0.5)), weight = 20} } local ores_neg_x_pos_y = { {resource = b.resource(b.full_shape, 'iron-ore', value(0, 0.5)), weight = 20}, {resource = b.resource(b.full_shape, 'copper-ore', value(0, 0.5)), weight = 60}, {resource = b.resource(b.full_shape, 'stone', value(0, 0.5)), weight = 20}, {resource = b.resource(b.full_shape, 'coal', value(0, 0.5)), weight = 20} } local ores_neg_x_neg_y = { {resource = b.resource(b.full_shape, 'iron-ore', value(0, 0.5)), weight = 20}, {resource = b.resource(b.full_shape, 'copper-ore', value(0, 0.5)), weight = 20}, {resource = b.resource(b.full_shape, 'stone', value(0, 0.5)), weight = 20}, {resource = b.resource(b.full_shape, 'coal', value(0, 0.5)), weight = 40} } local weighted_ores_pos_x_pos_y = b.prepare_weighted_array(ores_pos_x_pos_y) local weighted_ores_pos_x_neg_y = b.prepare_weighted_array(ores_pos_x_neg_y) local weighted_ores_neg_x_pos_y = b.prepare_weighted_array(ores_neg_x_pos_y) local weighted_ores_neg_x_neg_y = b.prepare_weighted_array(ores_neg_x_neg_y) local total_ores_pos_x_pos_y = weighted_ores_pos_x_pos_y.total local total_ores_pos_x_neg_y = weighted_ores_pos_x_neg_y.total local total_ores_neg_x_pos_y = weighted_ores_neg_x_pos_y.total local total_ores_neg_x_neg_y = weighted_ores_neg_x_neg_y.total local spawn_zone = b.circle(64) local ore_circle = b.circle(68) local start_ores = { b.resource(ore_circle, 'iron-ore', value(125, 0)), b.resource(ore_circle, 'coal', value(125, 0)), b.resource(ore_circle, 'copper-ore', value(125, 0)), b.resource(ore_circle, 'stone', value(125, 0)) } local start_segment = b.segment_pattern(start_ores) local function ore(x, y, world) if spawn_zone(x, y) then return end local start_ore = start_segment(x, y, world) if start_ore then return start_ore end local oil_x, oil_y = x * oil_scale, y * oil_scale local oil_noise = perlin_noise(oil_x, oil_y, oil_seed) if oil_noise > oil_threshold then return oil_resource(x, y, world) end local uranium_x, uranium_y = x * uranium_scale, y * uranium_scale local uranium_noise = perlin_noise(uranium_x, uranium_y, uranium_seed) if uranium_noise > uranium_threshold then return uranium_resource(x, y, world) end local i local index local resource if x > 0 and y > 0 then i = math.random() * total_ores_pos_x_pos_y index = table.binary_search(weighted_ores_pos_x_pos_y, i) if (index < 0) then index = bit32.bnot(index) end resource = ores_pos_x_pos_y[index].resource elseif x > 0 and y < 0 then i = math.random() * total_ores_pos_x_neg_y index = table.binary_search(weighted_ores_pos_x_neg_y, i) if (index < 0) then index = bit32.bnot(index) end resource = ores_pos_x_neg_y[index].resource elseif x < 0 and y > 0 then i = math.random() * total_ores_neg_x_pos_y index = table.binary_search(weighted_ores_neg_x_pos_y, i) if (index < 0) then index = bit32.bnot(index) end resource = ores_neg_x_pos_y[index].resource else i = math.random() * total_ores_neg_x_neg_y index = table.binary_search(weighted_ores_neg_x_neg_y, i) if (index < 0) then index = bit32.bnot(index) end resource = ores_neg_x_neg_y[index].resource end local entity = resource(x, y, world) local density_x, density_y = x * density_scale, y * density_scale local density_noise = perlin_noise(density_x, density_y, density_seed) if density_noise > density_threshold then entity.amount = entity.amount * density_multiplier end entity.enable_tree_removal = false return entity end local worm_names = {'small-worm-turret', 'medium-worm-turret', 'big-worm-turret', 'behemoth-worm-turret'} local spawner_names = {'biter-spawner', 'spitter-spawner'} local factor = 10 / (768 * 32) local max_chance = 1 / 6 local scale_factor = 32 local sf = 1 / scale_factor local m = 1 / 850 local function enemy(x, y, world) local d = math.sqrt(world.x * world.x + world.y * world.y) if d < 64 then return nil end local threshold = 1 - d * m threshold = math.max(threshold, 0.35) x, y = x * sf, y * sf if perlin_noise(x, y, enemy_seed) <= threshold then return end if math.random(8) == 1 then local lvl if d < 400 then lvl = 1 elseif d < 650 then lvl = 2 elseif d < 900 then lvl = 3 else lvl = 4 end local chance = math.min(max_chance, d * factor) if math.random() < chance then local worm_id if d > 1000 then local power = 1000 / d worm_id = math.ceil((math.random() ^ power) * lvl) else worm_id = math.random(lvl) end return {name = worm_names[worm_id]} end else local chance = math.min(max_chance, d * factor) if math.random() < chance then local spawner_id = math.random(2) return {name = spawner_names[spawner_id]} end end end local function water_shape(x, y) local water_noise = perlin_noise(x * water_scale, y * water_scale, water_seed) if water_noise >= deepwater_threshold then return 'deepwater' elseif water_noise >= water_threshold then return 'water' else return 'grass-1' end end local trees = { 'tree-01', 'tree-02', 'tree-02-red', 'tree-03', 'tree-04', 'tree-05', 'tree-06', 'tree-06-brown', 'tree-07', 'tree-08', 'tree-08-brown', 'tree-08-red', 'tree-09', 'tree-09-brown', 'tree-09-red' } local trees_count = #trees local function tree_shape(x, y) local tree_noise = perlin_noise(x * tree_scale, y * tree_scale, tree_seed) if tree_noise > tree_threshold or math.random() > tree_chance then return nil end return {name = trees[math.random(trees_count)]} end local water = b.circle(8) water = b.change_tile(water, true, 'water') water = b.any {b.rectangle(16, 4), b.rectangle(4, 16), water} local start = b.if_else(water, b.full_shape) start = b.change_map_gen_collision_tile(start, 'water-tile', 'grass-1') local map = b.choose(ore_circle, start, water_shape) map = b.apply_entity(map, ore) map = b.apply_entity(map, enemy) map = b.apply_entity(map, tree_shape) map = b.fish(map, 0.025) local bounds = b.rectangle(start_size, start_size) local function on_chunk(event) if surface ~= event.surface then return end local left_top = event.area.left_top local x, y = left_top.x, left_top.y if bounds(x + 0.5, y + 0.5) then Generate.do_chunk(event) else local tiles = {} for x1 = x, x + 31 do for y1 = y, y + 31 do tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'out-of-map', position = {x1, y1}} end end surface.set_tiles(tiles, true) chunk_list[#chunk_list + 1] = left_top end end local function on_tick() local index = chunk_list.index if index > #chunk_list then chunk_list.index = 1 return end local pos = chunk_list[index] local pollution = surface.get_pollution(pos) if pollution > global.min_pollution then fast_remove(chunk_list, index) local area = {left_top = pos, right_bottom = {pos.x + 32, pos.y + 32}} local event = {surface = surface, area = area} Generate.schedule_chunk(event) return end chunk_list.index = index + 1 end Event.add(defines.events.on_chunk_generated, on_chunk) Event.on_nth_tick(1, on_tick) return map