local Module = {} local Game = require 'utils.game' local prefix = '## - ' Module.distance = function(pos1, pos2) local dx = pos2.x - pos1.x local dy = pos2.y - pos1.y return math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) end Module.print_except = function(msg, player) for _, p in pairs(game.players) do if p.connected and p ~= player then p.print(msg) end end end -- Takes a LuaPlayer or string as source Module.print_admins = function(msg, source) local source_name local chat_color if source then if type(source) == 'string' then source_name = source chat_colot = game.players[source].chat_color else source_name = source.name chat_color = source.chat_color end else source_name = "Server" chat_color = {r=255, g=255, b=255} end for _, p in pairs(game.connected_players) do if p.admin then p.print(string.format('%s(ADMIN) %s: %s', prefix, source_name, msg), chat_color) end end end Module.get_actor = function() if game.player then return game.player.name end return '' end Module.cast_bool = function(var) if var then return true else return false end end Module.find_entities_by_last_user = function(player, surface, filters) if type(player) == 'string' or not player then error( "bad argument #1 to '" .. debug.getinfo(1, 'n').name .. "' (number or LuaPlayer expected, got " .. type(player) .. ')', 1 ) return end if type(surface) ~= 'table' and type(surface) ~= 'number' then error( "bad argument #2 to '" .. debug.getinfo(1, 'n').name .. "' (number or LuaSurface expected, got " .. type(surface) .. ')', 1 ) return end local entities = {} local surface = surface local player = player local filters = filters or {} if type(surface) == 'number' then surface = game.surfaces[surface] end if type(player) == 'number' then player = Game.get_player_by_index(player) end filters.force = player.force.name for _, e in pairs(surface.find_entities_filtered(filters)) do if e.last_user == player then table.insert(entities, e) end end return entities end Module.ternary = function(c, t, f) if c then return t else return f end end local minutes_to_ticks = 60 * 60 local hours_to_ticks = 60 * 60 * 60 local ticks_to_minutes = 1 / minutes_to_ticks local ticks_to_hours = 1 / hours_to_ticks Module.format_time = function(ticks) local result = {} local hours = math.floor(ticks * ticks_to_hours) if hours > 0 then ticks = ticks - hours * hours_to_ticks table.insert(result, hours) if hours == 1 then table.insert(result, 'hour') else table.insert(result, 'hours') end end local minutes = math.floor(ticks * ticks_to_minutes) table.insert(result, minutes) if minutes == 1 then table.insert(result, 'minute') else table.insert(result, 'minutes') end return table.concat(result, ' ') end Module.cant_run = function(name) Game.player_print("Can't run command (" .. name .. ') - insufficient permission.') end Module.log_command = function(user, command, parameters) local name -- We can use a LuaPlayer or a string (ex. "Server"). if type(user) == 'string' then name = user else name = user.name end local action = table.concat {'[Admin-Command] ', name, ' used: ', command} if parameters then action = table.concat {'[Admin-Command] ', name, ' used: ', command, ' ', parameters} end log(action) end Module.comma_value = function(n) -- credit http://richard.warburton.it local left,num,right = string.match(n, '^([^%d]*%d)(%d*)(.-)$') return left .. (num:reverse():gsub('(%d%d%d)', '%1,'):reverse()) .. right end return Module