require "map_gen.shared.perlin_noise" local Thread = require "utils.Thread" local block_size = 1 -- in tiles local start_size = 64 -- in blocks local strike_time = 1 -- in ticks -- dud blocks don't spawn meteors, with a block_weight = 1 and dud weight = 3, every 3 out of 4 blocks will be a dud block local block_weight = 1 local dud_weight = 0 local min_blocks_in_list = 10 -- no dud meteors if the number of blocks in the list is less than or equal to this global.blocks = nil global.used_blocks = nil global.strike_time = strike_time global.weight_count = 0 local half_start_size = (start_size * block_size) / 2 local total_weight = block_weight + dud_weight local function init_blocks() local blocks = {} local used_blocks = {} local half = start_size / 2 for i = -half, half - 1 do table.insert(blocks,{x = i, y = -half - 1}) used_blocks[i .. "," .. (-half - 1)] = true table.insert(blocks,{x = i, y = half}) used_blocks[i .. "," .. half] = true table.insert(blocks,{x = -half - 1, y = i}) used_blocks[(-half - 1) .. "," .. i] = true table.insert(blocks,{x = half, y = i}) used_blocks[half .. "," .. i] = true for j = -half, half -1 do used_blocks[i .. "," .. j] = true end end global.blocks = blocks global.used_blocks = used_blocks end local function get_resource(x,y) local value = perlin:noise(x /16 , y / 16) value = value + 1 value = value * 500 local name = "" if value < 450 then return nil elseif value < 550 then name = "iron-ore" elseif value < 650 then name = "copper-ore" elseif value < 750 then name = "coal" elseif value < 850 then name = "stone" else return nil end value = perlin:noise(y /64 , x / 64) value = value + 1 value = value * 500 return {name=name,position={x,y}, amount = value} end function run_combined_module(event) if not global.blocks then init_blocks() end local area = event.area local surface = event.surface local top_x = area.left_top.x local top_y = area.left_top.y local tiles = {} local entities = {} for y = top_y, top_y + 31 do for x = top_x, top_x + 31 do if -x > half_start_size or x >= half_start_size or -y > half_start_size or y >= half_start_size then table.insert(tiles, {name="out-of-map", position = {x, y}}) end local e = get_resource(x,y) if e then table.insert(entities, e) end end end surface.set_tiles(tiles, false) for _, e in ipairs(entities) do if surface.can_place_entity(e) then surface.create_entity(e) end end end local function get_block() local blocks = global.blocks local count = global.weight_count while count >= block_weight and count < total_weight and #blocks > min_blocks_in_list do local index = math.random(#blocks) table.remove(blocks, index) count = count + 1 end if count < block_weight then count = count + 1 end if count == total_weight then global.weight_count = 0 else global.weight_count = count end local index = math.random(#blocks) return table.remove(blocks, index) end local function do_strike() local block = get_block() function add(x,y) local key = x .. "," .. y if not global.used_blocks[key] then table.insert(global.blocks, {x = x, y = y}) global.used_blocks[key] = true end end add(block.x, block.y - 1) add(block.x + 1, block.y) add(block.x, block.y + 1) add(block.x - 1, block.y) local tiles = {} local bx = block.x * block_size local by = block.y * block_size for x = bx, bx + block_size - 1 do for y = by, by + block_size - 1 do table.insert(tiles, {name = "dry-dirt", position = {x, y}}) end end local surface = game.surfaces[1] surface.set_tiles(tiles, false) game.forces.player.chart(surface, {{bx, by}, {bx+block_size, by+block_size}}) end local function on_tick() if global.strike_time == 0 then do_strike() global.strike_time = strike_time else global.strike_time = global.strike_time - 1 end end Event.register(, on_tick)