--[[ This map uses custom ore gen. When generating the map, under the resource settings tab use Size = 'None' for all resources. ]] local b = require 'map_gen.shared.builders' local math = require "utils.math" local ball_r = 16 local big_circle = b.circle(ball_r) local small_circle = b.circle(0.6 * ball_r) local ribben = {big_circle} local count = 8 local angle = math.pi / count local offset_x = 32 local offset_y = 96 for i = 1, count do local x = offset_x * i local y = offset_y * math.sin(angle * i) local c = b.translate(big_circle, x, y) table.insert(ribben, c) end for i = 0, count - 1 do local j = i + 0.5 local x = offset_x * j local y = offset_y * math.sin(angle * j) local c = b.translate(small_circle, x, y) table.insert(ribben, c) end ribben = b.any(ribben) local value = b.manhattan_value local inf = function() return 100000000 end local oil_shape = b.circle(0.16 * ball_r) oil_shape = b.throttle_world_xy(oil_shape, 1, 4, 1, 4) local resources = { b.any { b.resource(b.circle(0.02 * ball_r), 'iron-ore', inf), b.resource(b.circle(0.2 * ball_r), 'iron-ore', value(750, 0.5)) }, b.any { b.resource(b.circle(0.02 * ball_r), 'copper-ore', inf), b.resource(b.circle(0.2 * ball_r), 'copper-ore', value(750, 0.5)) }, b.any { b.resource(b.circle(0.015 * ball_r), 'stone', inf), b.resource(b.circle(0.15 * ball_r), 'stone', value(400, 0.2)) }, b.any { b.resource(b.circle(0.005 * ball_r), 'uranium-ore', inf), b.resource(b.circle(0.05 * ball_r), 'uranium-ore', value(600, 0.2)) }, b.resource(oil_shape, 'crude-oil', value(120000, 50)), b.any { b.resource(b.circle(0.02 * ball_r), 'coal', inf), b.resource(b.circle(0.2 * ball_r), 'coal', value(600, 0.2)) }, b.any { b.resource(b.circle(0.02 * ball_r), 'iron-ore', inf), b.resource(b.circle(0.2 * ball_r), 'iron-ore', value(750, 0.5)) } } local lines = {} local lines_circle = b.circle(0.6 * ball_r) for i = 1, count - 1 do local x = offset_x * i local y = offset_y * math.sin(angle * i) local l = b.rectangle(2, 2 * y + ball_r) l = b.translate(l, x, 0) local c = lines_circle c = b.apply_entity(c, resources[i]) c = b.change_map_gen_collision_tile(c, 'water-tile', 'grass-1') local c = b.translate(c, x, 0) table.insert(lines, c) table.insert(lines, l) end lines = b.any(lines) local dna = b.any {lines, ribben, b.flip_y(ribben)} local widith = offset_x * count dna = b.translate(dna, -widith / 2, 0) local map = b.single_x_pattern(dna, widith) map = b.translate(map, -widith / 2, 0) local sea = b.sine_fill(512, 208) sea = b.any {b.line_x(2), sea, b.flip_y(sea)} sea = b.change_tile(sea, true, 'water') sea = b.fish(sea, 0.0025) map = b.any {map, sea} map = b.rotate(map, degrees(45)) local start_circle = b.circle(0.3 * ball_r) local start_iron = b.any { b.resource(b.rectangle(0.2), 'iron-ore', inf), b.resource(b.full_shape, 'iron-ore', value(700, 0)) } local start_copper = b.any { b.resource(b.rectangle(0.2), 'copper-ore', inf), b.resource(b.full_shape, 'copper-ore', value(500, 0)) } local start_stone = b.any { b.resource(b.rectangle(0.2), 'stone', inf), b.resource(b.full_shape, 'stone', value(250, 0)) } local start_coal = b.any { b.resource(b.rectangle(0.2), 'coal', inf), b.resource(b.full_shape, 'coal', value(800, 0)) } local iron = b.apply_entity(b.scale(start_circle, 0.5, 0.5), start_iron) local copper = b.apply_entity(b.scale(start_circle, 0.5, 0.5), start_copper) local stone = b.apply_entity(b.scale(start_circle, 0.5, 0.5), start_stone) local oil = b.apply_entity(b.scale(start_circle, 0.1, 0.1), b.resource(b.full_shape, 'crude-oil', value(40000, 0))) local coal = b.apply_entity(b.scale(start_circle, 0.5, 0.5), start_coal) local start = b.any { b.translate(iron, 0, -9), b.translate(copper, 0, 9), b.translate(stone, -9, 0), b.translate(oil, 9, 9), b.translate(coal, 9, 0) } start = b.any {start, big_circle} map = b.choose(big_circle, start, map) map = b.change_map_gen_collision_tile(map, 'water-tile', 'grass-1') map = b.scale(map, 5, 5) return map