-- This module stores chunks as they are generated, keeping their left_top coordinate in an arrayed table. -- An event is raised on each chunk stored that other modules can hook on to. -- When 0.17 is released, this module should be modified take advantage of the on_chunk_deleted event in order to remove entries from the table -- Dependencies local Global = require 'utils.global' local RS = require 'map_gen.shared.redmew_surface' local Event = require 'utils.event' -- Localized functions local raise_event = script.raise_event -- Local vars local surface local Public = { chunk_list = {}, events = { --[[ on_chunk_registered Triggered when a chunk is recorded into the table Contains name :: defines.events: Identifier of the event tick :: uint: Tick the event was generated. area :: BoundingBox: Area of the chunk surface :: LuaSurface: The surface the chunk is on chunk_index :: the index of the chunk in Chunklist's table ]] on_chunk_registered = Event.generate_event_name('on_chunk_registered') } } -- Global register Global.register_init( {chunk_list = Public.chunk_list}, function(tbl) tbl.surface = RS.get_surface() end, function(tbl) Public.chunk_list = tbl.chunk_list surface = tbl.surface end ) local function on_chunk_generated(event) if surface ~= event.surface then return end local chunk_list = Public.chunk_list local new_entry_index = #chunk_list + 1 local area = event.area chunk_list[new_entry_index] = area.left_top raise_event( Public.events.on_chunk_registered, { area = area, surface = surface, chunk_index = new_entry_index } ) end Event.add(defines.events.on_chunk_generated, on_chunk_generated) return Public