local Gui = require 'utils.gui' local Global = require 'utils.global' local Server = require 'features.server' local Command = require 'utils.command' local Ranks = require 'resources.ranks' local Token = require 'utils.token' local Task = require 'utils.task' local Popup = require 'features.gui.popup' require 'utils.string' local Public = {} local game_types = {scenario = 'scenario', save = 'save'} Public.game_types = game_types local memory = {mod_pack_text = '', restarting = nil} local start_game_data = {type = game_types.scenario, name = '', mod_pack = nil} Global.register({start_game_data = start_game_data, memory = memory}, function(tbl) start_game_data = tbl.start_game_data memory = tbl.memory end) local function default_can_restart_func(player) return player.valid and player.admin end local registered = false local server_can_restart_func = default_can_restart_func local server_restart_callback = nil local server_player = {name = '', print = print, admin = true} local function double_print(str) game.print(str) print(str) end local restart_callback_token restart_callback_token = Token.register(function(data) if not memory.restarting then return end local state = data.state if state == 0 then if server_restart_callback then server_restart_callback() end Server.start_game(start_game_data) double_print('restarting') memory.restarting = nil return elseif state == 1 then Popup.all('\nServer restarting!\nInitiated by ' .. data.player_name .. '\n' .. 'Next map: ' .. start_game_data.name) end double_print(state) data.state = state - 1 Task.set_timeout_in_ticks(60, restart_callback_token, data) end) local function get_start_data(player) local message = {'Start Game Data:', '\nType: ', start_game_data.type, '\nName: ', start_game_data.name} local mod_pack = start_game_data.mod_pack if mod_pack then message[#message + 1] = '\nMod Pack: ' message[#message + 1] = mod_pack end local text = table.concat(message) player.print(text) end local function sanitize_set_start_data_str(str) str = str:trim() local first_char = str:sub(1, 1) if first_char == "'" or first_char == '"' or first_char == '{' then return str end return '"' .. str .. '"' end local function set_start_data(player, str) str = sanitize_set_start_data_str(str) local func, err = loadstring('return ' .. str) if not func then player.print(err) return false end local suc, value = pcall(func) if not suc then if value then local i = value:find('\n') if i then player.print(value:sub(1, i)) return false end i = value:find('%s') if i then player.print(value:sub(i + 1)) end end return false end game.print(value) Public.set_start_game_data(value) player.print('Start Game Data set') get_start_data(player) return true end local function restart(args, player) player = player or server_player if memory.restarting then player.print('Restart already in progress') return end if not server_can_restart_func(player) then return end local str = args.str:trim() if str ~= '' and player.admin then if not set_start_data(player, str) then return end end memory.restarting = true double_print('#################-Attention-#################') double_print('Server restart initiated by ' .. player.name) double_print('Next map: ' .. start_game_data.name) double_print('###########################################') for _, p in pairs(game.players) do if p.admin then p.print('Abort restart with /abort') end end print('Abort restart with /abort') Task.set_timeout_in_ticks(60, restart_callback_token, {state = 10, player_name = player.name}) end local function abort(_, player) player = player or server_player if memory.restarting then memory.restarting = nil double_print('Restart aborted by ' .. player.name) else player.print('Cannot abort a restart that is not in progress.') end end function Public.register(can_restart_func, restart_callback) if registered then error('Register can only be called once', 2) end if _LIFECYCLE == 8 then error('Calling Token.register after on_init() or on_load() has run is a desync risk.', 2) end registered = true server_can_restart_func = can_restart_func or default_can_restart_func server_restart_callback = restart_callback end local main_frame_name = Gui.uid_name() local close_button_name = Gui.uid_name() local scenario_radio_button_name = Gui.uid_name() local save_radio_button_name = Gui.uid_name() local name_textfield_name = Gui.uid_name() local set_mod_pack_checkbox_name = Gui.uid_name() local mod_pack_name_textfield_name = Gui.uid_name() Public._main_frame_name = main_frame_name Public._close_button_name = close_button_name Public._scenario_radio_button_name = scenario_radio_button_name Public._save_radio_button_name = save_radio_button_name Public._name_textfield_name = name_textfield_name Public._set_mod_pack_checkbox_name = set_mod_pack_checkbox_name Public._mod_pack_name_textfield_name = mod_pack_name_textfield_name local function value_of_type_or_deafult(value, value_type, default) if type(value) == value_type then return value end return default end --- Gets the data used to start the next game when restart is used. -- @returns data {type, name, mod_pack} function Public.get_start_game_data() return {type = start_game_data.type, name = start_game_data.name, mod_pack = start_game_data.mod_pack} end --- Sets the data used to start the next game when restart is used. -- @params data {type, name, mod_pack} -- If mod_pack is nil that means to use the current mod pack, set to empty string ('') to use no mod pack. -- When data is a string: type is scenario, name is data and mod_pack is nil. -- Note: name and mod_pack are case sensitive. function Public.set_start_game_data(data) local data_type = type(data) if data_type == 'string' then data = {type = game_types.scenario, name = data} elseif data_type ~= 'table' then error('data must be a table or string', 2) end local game_type = value_of_type_or_deafult(data.type, 'string', game_types.scenario) local name = value_of_type_or_deafult(data.name, 'string', '') local mod_pack = value_of_type_or_deafult(data.mod_pack, 'string', nil) game_type = game_type:lower() if game_type ~= game_types.save then game_type = game_types.scenario end start_game_data.type = game_type start_game_data.name = name start_game_data.mod_pack = mod_pack if mod_pack then memory.mod_pack_text = mod_pack else memory.mod_pack_text = '' end end local function draw_main_frame(player) if player == server_player then player.print('/config-restart with no arguments cannot be used from the server.') return end local center = player.gui.center local main_frame = center[main_frame_name] if main_frame and main_frame.valid then Gui.destroy(main_frame) end main_frame = center.add { type = 'frame', name = main_frame_name, caption = 'Configure Restart', direction = 'vertical' } local is_scenario = start_game_data.type == game_types.scenario local radio_button_flow = main_frame.add {type = 'flow', direction = 'horizontal'} radio_button_flow.add {type = 'label', caption = 'Type:'} local scenario_radio_button = radio_button_flow.add { type = 'radiobutton', name = scenario_radio_button_name, caption = 'scenario', state = is_scenario } local save_radio_button = radio_button_flow.add { type = 'radiobutton', name = save_radio_button_name, caption = 'save', state = not is_scenario } local radio_data = {scenario_radio_button = scenario_radio_button, save_radio_button = save_radio_button} Gui.set_data(scenario_radio_button, radio_data) Gui.set_data(save_radio_button, radio_data) local name_flow = main_frame.add {type = 'flow', direction = 'horizontal'} name_flow.add {type = 'label', caption = 'Name:'} name_flow.add {type = 'textfield', name = name_textfield_name, text = start_game_data.name} local is_set_mod_pack = start_game_data.mod_pack ~= nil local set_mod_pack_checkbox = main_frame.add { type = 'checkbox', name = set_mod_pack_checkbox_name, caption = 'Set mod pack (uncheck to not change current)', state = is_set_mod_pack } local mod_pack_name_flow = main_frame.add {type = 'flow', direction = 'horizontal'} mod_pack_name_flow.add {type = 'label', caption = 'Mod Pack (empty to set none):'} local mod_pack_name_textfield = mod_pack_name_flow.add { type = 'textfield', name = mod_pack_name_textfield_name, text = memory.mod_pack_text } mod_pack_name_textfield.enabled = is_set_mod_pack Gui.set_data(set_mod_pack_checkbox, mod_pack_name_textfield) local bottom_flow = main_frame.add {type = 'flow', direction = 'horizontal'} bottom_flow.add { type = 'button', name = close_button_name, caption = {'common.close_button'}, style = 'back_button' } end Gui.on_click(close_button_name, function(event) local main_frame = event.player.gui.center[main_frame_name] if main_frame and main_frame.valid then Gui.destroy(main_frame) end end) local function set_game_type(radio_data, game_type) radio_data.scenario_radio_button.state = game_type == game_types.scenario radio_data.save_radio_button.state = game_type == game_types.save start_game_data.type = game_type end Gui.on_checked_state_changed(scenario_radio_button_name, function(event) local radio_data = Gui.get_data(event.element) set_game_type(radio_data, game_types.scenario) end) Gui.on_checked_state_changed(save_radio_button_name, function(event) local radio_data = Gui.get_data(event.element) set_game_type(radio_data, game_types.save) end) Gui.on_text_changed(name_textfield_name, function(event) start_game_data.name = event.element.text end) Gui.on_checked_state_changed(set_mod_pack_checkbox_name, function(event) local set_mod_pack_checkbox = event.element local mod_pack_name_textfield = Gui.get_data(set_mod_pack_checkbox) if set_mod_pack_checkbox.state then mod_pack_name_textfield.enabled = true start_game_data.mod_pack = memory.mod_pack_text else mod_pack_name_textfield.enabled = false start_game_data.mod_pack = nil end end) Gui.on_text_changed(mod_pack_name_textfield_name, function(event) local text = event.element.text start_game_data.mod_pack = text memory.mod_pack_text = text end) local function config_restart(args, player) local str = args.str player = player or server_player if str == '' then draw_main_frame(player) elseif str == 'get' then get_start_data(player) elseif str:sub(1, 3) == 'set' then str = str:sub(4) -- remove 'set' from start of str. set_start_data(player, str) else player.print('Invalid arguments') end end Public._config_restart = config_restart Command.add('config-restart', { description = [[ configure the restart command use /config-restart to open a gui, use /config-restart get to prints the values, use /config-restart set scenario_name | {type, name, mod_pack} to set the values e.g. /config-restart set 'develop' or /config-restart set {type = 'save', name = 'file.zip'} or /config-restart set {type = 'scenario', name = 'develop', mod_pack = 'mod'} ]], arguments = {'str'}, default_values = {str = ''}, capture_excess_arguments = true, required_rank = Ranks.admin, allowed_by_server = true, allowed_by_player = true }, config_restart) Command.add('abort', {description = {'command_description.abort'}, required_rank = Ranks.admin, allowed_by_server = true}, abort) Command.add('restart', { description = {'command_description.restart'}, arguments = {'str'}, capture_excess_arguments = true, default_values = {str = ''}, required_rank = Ranks.guest, allowed_by_server = true }, restart) return Public