local b = require 'map_gen.shared.builders' local math = require 'utils.math' local table = require 'utils.table' local RS = require 'map_gen.shared.redmew_surface' local MGSP = require 'resources.map_gen_settings' local ScenarioInfo = require 'features.gui.info' -- change these to change the pattern. local seed1 = 17000 local seed2 = seed1 * 2 RS.set_map_gen_settings( { MGSP.ore_oil_none, MGSP.peaceful_mode_on, MGSP.water_none } ) ScenarioInfo.set_map_name('Fruit Loops') ScenarioInfo.set_map_description( [[ Colourful fruity loop ore filled islands It's like swimming in a sea of ... not milk. ]] ) ScenarioInfo.add_map_extra_info( [[ Donut shaped islands populated with ores, stone, trees and.... WORMS! A well balanced map which needs connecting of islands by landfill then careful removal of worms to open up new islands for exploitation. The RedMew market and wise spending of coins eases strategic expansion. ]] ) ScenarioInfo.set_new_info( [[ 2019-09-11 - Jayefuu - Updated map descriptions ]] ) local function value(base, mult, pow) return function(x, y) local d_sq = x * x + y * y return base + mult * d_sq ^ (pow / 2) -- d ^ pow end end local big_circle = b.circle(48) local small_circle = b.circle(24) local ring = b.all {big_circle, b.invert(small_circle)} local ores = { {resource_type = 'iron-ore', value = value(75, 0.25, 1.15)}, {resource_type = 'copper-ore', value = value(65, 0.2, 1.15)}, {resource_type = 'stone', value = value(50, 0.2, 1.1)}, {resource_type = 'coal', value = value(50, 0.15, 1.1)}, {resource_type = 'uranium-ore', value = value(50, 0.1, 1.075)}, {resource_type = 'crude-oil', value = value(17500, 25, 1.15)} } local iron = b.resource(b.full_shape, ores[1].resource_type, ores[1].value) local copper = b.resource(b.full_shape, ores[2].resource_type, ores[2].value) local stone = b.resource(b.full_shape, ores[3].resource_type, ores[3].value) local coal = b.resource(b.full_shape, ores[4].resource_type, ores[4].value) local uranium = b.resource(b.full_shape, ores[5].resource_type, ores[5].value) local oil = b.resource(b.throttle_world_xy(b.full_shape, 1, 8, 1, 8), ores[6].resource_type, ores[6].value) local function striped(_, _, world) local t = (world.x + world.y) % 4 + 1 local ore = ores[t] return { name = ore.resource_type, position = {world.x, world.y}, amount = 5 * ore.value(world.x, world.y) } end local function sprinkle(_, _, world) local t = math.random(1, 4) local ore = ores[t] return { name = ore.resource_type, position = {world.x, world.y}, amount = 5 * ore.value(world.x, world.y) } end local rock_names = {'rock-big', 'huge-rock', 'big-rock'} local function rocks_func() local rock = rock_names[math.random(#rock_names)] return {name = rock} end local rocks = b.entity_func(b.throttle_world_xy(b.full_shape, 1, 6, 1, 6), rocks_func) local segmented = b.segment_pattern({iron, copper, stone, coal}) local tree = b.entity(b.throttle_world_xy(b.full_shape, 1, 3, 1, 3), 'tree-01') local function constant(x) return function() return x end end local tree_shape = b.throttle_world_xy(big_circle, 1, 3, 1, 3) tree_shape = b.subtract(tree_shape, b.translate(b.circle(6), 0, 32)) local start_iron = b.resource(small_circle, ores[1].resource_type, constant(750)) local start_copper = b.resource(small_circle, ores[2].resource_type, constant(600)) local start_stone = b.resource(small_circle, ores[3].resource_type, constant(600)) local start_coal = b.resource(small_circle, ores[4].resource_type, constant(600)) local start_segmented = b.segment_pattern({start_iron, start_copper, start_stone, start_coal}) local start_tree = b.entity(tree_shape, 'tree-01') local worm_names = { 'small-worm-turret', 'medium-worm-turret', 'big-worm-turret' } local max_worm_chance = 1 / 128 local worm_chance_factor = 1 / (192 * 512) local function worms(_, _, world) local wx, wy = world.x, world.y local d = math.sqrt(wx * wx + wy * wy) local worm_chance = d - 128 if worm_chance > 0 then worm_chance = worm_chance * worm_chance_factor worm_chance = math.min(worm_chance, max_worm_chance) if math.random() < worm_chance then if d < 256 then return {name = 'small-worm-turret'} else local max_lvl local min_lvl if d < 512 then max_lvl = 2 min_lvl = 1 else max_lvl = 3 min_lvl = 2 end local lvl = math.random() ^ (512 / d) * max_lvl lvl = math.ceil(lvl) lvl = math.clamp(lvl, min_lvl, 3) return {name = worm_names[lvl]} end end end end local iron_loop = b.apply_entities(ring, {iron, worms}) local copper_loop = b.apply_entities(ring, {copper, worms}) local stone_loop = b.apply_entities(ring, {stone, worms}) local coal_loop = b.apply_entities(ring, {coal, worms}) local uranium_loop = b.apply_entities(ring, {uranium, worms}) local oil_loop = b.apply_entities(ring, {oil, worms}) local striped_loop = b.apply_entities(ring, {striped, worms}) local sprinkle_loop = b.apply_entities(ring, {sprinkle, worms}) local segmented_loop = b.apply_entities(ring, {segmented, worms}) local tree_loop = b.apply_entities(ring, {tree, worms}) local rock_loop = b.apply_entities(ring, {rocks, worms}) local start_loop = b.apply_entities(big_circle, {start_segmented, start_tree}) start_loop = b.translate(start_loop, 0, -32) local loops = { {striped_loop, 3}, {sprinkle_loop, 3}, {segmented_loop, 3}, {tree_loop, 9}, {rock_loop, 9}, {iron_loop, 20}, {copper_loop, 12}, {stone_loop, 9}, {coal_loop, 9}, {uranium_loop, 1}, {oil_loop, 9} } local Random = require 'map_gen.shared.random' local random = Random.new(seed1, seed2) local total_weights = {} local t = 0 for _, v in ipairs(loops) do t = t + v[2] table.insert(total_weights, t) end local p_cols = 50 local p_rows = 50 local pattern = {} for c = 1, p_cols do local row = {} table.insert(pattern, row) for r = 1, p_rows do if c == 1 and r == 1 then table.insert(row, start_loop) else local i = random:next_int(1, t) local index = table.binary_search(total_weights, i) if (index < 0) then index = bit32.bnot(index) end local shape = loops[index][1] local x = random:next_int(-32, 32) local y = random:next_int(-32, 32) shape = b.translate(shape, x, y) table.insert(row, shape) end end end local map = b.grid_pattern_full_overlap(pattern, p_cols, p_rows, 128, 128) map = b.change_map_gen_collision_tile(map, 'water_tile', 'grass-1') local sea = b.change_tile(b.full_shape, true, 'water') sea = b.fish(sea, 0.00125) map = b.if_else(map, sea) return map