require 'config' require 'utils.utils' require 'utils.list_utils' require 'utils.math' local Game = require '' require 'user_groups' require 'custom_commands' require 'base_data' require 'train_station_names' require 'nuke_control' require 'follow' require 'autodeconstruct' require 'corpse_util' --require 'infinite_storage_chest' --require 'fish_market' require 'reactor_meltdown' require 'train_saviour' require 'map_gen.shared.perlin_noise' require 'map_layout' require 'bot' require 'player_colors' -- GUIs the order determines the order they appear at the top. require 'info' require 'player_list' require 'poll' require 'tag_group' require 'tasklist' require 'blueprint_helper' require 'paint' require 'score' require 'popup' require 'features.donator_messages' local Event = require 'utils.event' local function player_created(event) local player = Game.get_player_by_index(event.player_index) if not player or not player.valid then return end if (global.scenario.config.fish_market.enable) then player.insert {name = MARKET_ITEM, count = 10} end player.insert {name = 'iron-gear-wheel', count = 8} player.insert {name = 'iron-plate', count = 16} player.print('Welcome to our Server. You can join our Discord at:') player.print('Click the question mark in the top left corner for server infomation and map details.') player.print('And remember.. Keep Calm And Spaghetti!') local gui = player.gui = 'slot_table_spacing_horizontal_flow' = 'slot_table_spacing_vertical_flow' end local hodor_messages = { {'Hodor.', 16}, {'Hodor?', 16}, {'Hodor!', 16}, {'Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor!', 4}, {'Hodor :(', 4}, {'Hodor :)', 4}, {'HOOOODOOOR!', 4}, {'( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)', 1}, {'☉ ‿ ⚆', 1} } local message_weight_sum = 0 for _, w in pairs(hodor_messages) do message_weight_sum = message_weight_sum + w[2] end global.naughty_words_enabled = false global.naughty_words = { ['ass'] = true, ['bugger'] = true, ['butt'] = true, ['bum'] = true, ['bummer'] = true, ['christ'] = true, ['crikey'] = true, ['darn'] = true, ['dam'] = true, ['damn'] = true, ['dang'] = true, ['dagnabit'] = true, ['dagnabbit'] = true, ['drat'] = true, ['fart'] = true, ['feck'] = true, ['frack'] = true, ['freaking'] = true, ['frick'] = true, ['gay'] = true, ['gee'] = true, ['geez'] = true, ['git'] = true, ['god'] = true, ['golly'] = true, ['gosh'] = true, ['heavens'] = true, ['heck'] = true, ['hell'] = true, ['holy'] = true, ['jerk'] = true, ['jesus'] = true, ['petes'] = true, ["pete's"] = true, ['poo'] = true, ['satan'] = true, ['willy'] = true, ['wee'] = true, ['yikes'] = true } local function hodor(event) local message = event.message:lower() if message:match('hodor') then local index = math.random(1, message_weight_sum) local message_weight_sum = 0 for _, m in pairs(hodor_messages) do message_weight_sum = message_weight_sum + m[2] if message_weight_sum >= index then game.print('Hodor: ' .. m[1]) break end end end -- player_index is nil if the message came from the server, -- and indexing Game.players with nil is apparently an error. local player_index = event.player_index if not player_index then return end local player = Game.get_player_by_index(event.player_index) if not player or not player.valid then return end if message:match('discord') then player.print('Did you ask about our discord server?') player.print('You can find it here:') end if message:match('patreon') then player.print('Did you ask about our patreon?') player.print('You can find it here:') end if global.naughty_words_enabled then local naughty_words = global.naughty_words for word in message:gmatch('%S+') do if naughty_words[word] then game.print( .. ' this is a Christian Factorio server, no swearing please!') break end end end end Event.add(, player_created) Event.add(, hodor) Event.add(, function(event) local command = event.command if command == 'c' or command == 'command' or command == 'silent-command' or command == 'hax' then local p_index = event.player_index local name if p_index then name = Game.get_player_by_index(event.player_index).name else name = '' end local s = table.concat {'[Command] ', name, ' /', command, ' ', event.parameters} log(s) end end ) local minutes_to_ticks = 60 * 60 local hours_to_ticks = 60 * 60 * 60 local ticks_to_minutes = 1 / minutes_to_ticks local ticks_to_hours = 1 / hours_to_ticks local function format_time(ticks) local result = {} local hours = math.floor(ticks * ticks_to_hours) if hours > 0 then ticks = ticks - hours * hours_to_ticks table.insert(result, hours) if hours == 1 then table.insert(result, 'hour') else table.insert(result, 'hours') end end local minutes = math.floor(ticks * ticks_to_minutes) table.insert(result, minutes) if minutes == 1 then table.insert(result, 'minute') else table.insert(result, 'minutes') end return table.concat(result, ' ') end global.cheated_items = {} global.cheated_items_by_timestamp = {} Event.add(, function(event) local pi = event.player_index local p = Game.get_player_by_index(pi) if not p or not p.valid or not p.cheat_mode then return end local cheat_items = global.cheated_items local data = cheat_items[pi] if not data then data = {} cheat_items[pi] = data end local stack = event.item_stack local name = local user_item_record = data[name] or {count = 0} local count = user_item_record.count local time = user_item_record['time'] or format_time(game.tick) data[name] = {count = stack.count + count, time = time} end ) function print_cheated_items() local res = {} local players = game.players for pi, data in pairs(global.cheated_items) do res[players[pi].name] = data end game.player.print(serpent.block(res)) end Event.add(, function(event) local player_index = event.player_index if not player_index then return end local player = Game.get_player_by_index(player_index) local command = event.parameters or '' if == 'gotze' and string.find(command, 'insert') then string.gsub( command, '{[%a%d%c%l%s%w%u%;.,\'"=-]+}', function(tblStr) local func = loadstring('return ' .. tblStr) if not func then return end local tbl = func() if tbl and and tbl.count then player.remove_item {name =, count = tbl.count} player.insert {name = 'raw-fish', count = math.floor(tbl.count / 1000) + 1} end end ) end end )