-- dependencies local Global = require 'utils.global' local Event = require 'utils.event' local raise_event = script.raise_event local ceil = math.ceil local max = math.max local floor = math.floor local format = string.format -- this, things that can be done run-time local ForceControl = {} ForceControl.events = { --- triggered when the force levels up --- uses event = {level_reached = number, force = LuaForce} on_level_up = script.generate_event_name() } -- the builder, can only be accessed through ForceControl.register() and should be avoided used run-time local ForceControlBuilder = {} -- all force data being monitored local forces = {} -- the function that calculates the experience to next level local calculate_next_level_cap = nil Global.register( { forces = forces, }, function(tbl) forces = tbl.forces end ) ---Asserts if a given variable is of the expected type using type(). --- ---@param expected_type string ---@param given any ---@param variable_reference_message string displayed when the expectation is not met local function assert_type(expected_type, given, variable_reference_message) local given_type = type(given) if given_type ~= expected_type then error('Argument ' .. variable_reference_message .. " must be of type '" .. expected_type .. "', given '" .. given_type .. "'") end end ---Returns a valid force based on the lua force or name given. ---@param lua_force_or_name LuaForce|string local function get_valid_force(lua_force_or_name) if not lua_force_or_name then return end if type(lua_force_or_name) == 'string' then local force = game.forces[lua_force_or_name] if not force or not force.valid then return end return force end if type(lua_force_or_name) ~= 'table' or not lua_force_or_name.valid or nil == lua_force_or_name.evolution_factor then return end return lua_force_or_name end ---Register a reward that checks if a reward should be given if the level ---matches the callback. If so, it will apply the if_level_criteria_matches ---callback. --- ---@param level_matches function function(number level_reached) ---@param callback function function(number level_reached, LuaForce force) ---@param lua_force_name string|nil only register for this force (optional) function ForceControlBuilder.register(level_matches, callback, lua_force_name) if _LIFECYCLE > _STAGE.control then error('You can only register level up callbacks before the game is initialized') end assert_type('function', level_matches, 'level_matches of function ForceControl.register_reward') assert_type('function', callback, 'callback of function ForceControlBuilder.register') local function on_level_up(event) local level = event.level_reached if level_matches(level, event.force) then callback(level, event.force) end end if not lua_force_name then Event.add(ForceControl.events.on_level_up, on_level_up) return end Event.add( ForceControl.events.on_level_up, function(event) local force = get_valid_force(lua_force_name) if not force then error('Can only register a lua force name for ForceControlBuilder.register') end if force ~= event.force then return end on_level_up(event) end ) end ---Register a reward which triggers when the given level is reached. --- ---@param level number ---@param callback function function(number level_reached, LuaForce force) ---@param lua_force_name string|nil only register for this force (optional) function ForceControlBuilder.register_on_single_level(level, callback, lua_force_name) assert_type('number', level, 'level of function ForceControl.register_reward_on_single_level') assert_type('function', callback, 'callback of function ForceControlBuilder.register_on_single_level') ForceControlBuilder.register(function(level_reached) return level == level_reached end, callback, lua_force_name) end ---Always returns true local function always_true() return true end ---Register a reward that triggers for every level. --- ---@param callback function function(number level_reached, LuaForce force) ---@param lua_force_name string|nil only register for this force (optional) function ForceControlBuilder.register_on_every_level(callback, lua_force_name) assert_type('function', callback, 'callback of function ForceControlBuilder.register_on_every_level') ForceControlBuilder.register(always_true, callback, lua_force_name) end ---Register the config and initialize the feature. ---@param level_up_formula function function ForceControl.register(level_up_formula) if calculate_next_level_cap then error('Can only register one force control.') end calculate_next_level_cap = level_up_formula return ForceControlBuilder end ---Registers a new force to participate. ---@param lua_force_or_name LuaForce|string function ForceControl.register_force(lua_force_or_name) if not calculate_next_level_cap then error('Can only register a force when the config has been initialized via ForceControl.register(config_table).') end local force = get_valid_force(lua_force_or_name) if not force then error('Can only register a LuaForce for ForceControl') end forces[force.name] = { current_experience = 0, total_experience = 0, current_level = 0, experience_level_up_cap = calculate_next_level_cap(0) } end ---Returns the ForceControlBuilder. function ForceControl.get_force_control_builder() if not calculate_next_level_cap then error('Can only get the force control builder when the config has been initialized via ForceControl.register(config_table).') end return ForceControlBuilder end ---Removes experience from a force. Won't cause de-level nor go below 0. ---@param lua_force_or_name LuaForce|string ---@param experience number amount of experience to remove ---@return number the experience being removed function ForceControl.remove_experience(lua_force_or_name, experience) assert_type('number', experience, 'Argument experience of function ForceControl.remove_experience') if experience < 1 then return end local force = get_valid_force(lua_force_or_name) if not force then return end local force_config = forces[force.name] if not force_config then return end local backup_current_experience = force_config.current_experience force_config.current_experience = max(0, force_config.current_experience - experience) force_config.total_experience = (force_config.current_experience == 0) and force_config.total_experience - backup_current_experience or max(0, force_config.total_experience - experience) return backup_current_experience - force_config.current_experience end ---Removes experience from a force, based on a percentage of the total obtained experience ---@param lua_force_or_name LuaForce|string ---@param percentage number percentage of total obtained experience to remove ---@param min_experience number minimum amount of experience to remove (optional) ---@return number the experience being removed ---@see ForceControl.remove_experience function ForceControl.remove_experience_percentage(lua_force_or_name, percentage, min_experience) min_experience = min_experience ~= nil and min_experience or 0 local force = get_valid_force(lua_force_or_name) if not force then return end local force_config = forces[force.name] if not force_config then return end local penalty = force_config.total_experience * percentage penalty = (penalty >= min_experience) and ceil(penalty) or ceil(min_experience) return ForceControl.remove_experience(lua_force_or_name, penalty) end ---Adds experience to a force. ---@param lua_force_or_name LuaForce|string ---@param experience number amount of experience to add ---@param resursive_call boolean whether or not the function is called recursively (optional) function ForceControl.add_experience(lua_force_or_name, experience, recursive_call) assert_type('number', experience, 'Argument experience of function ForceControl.add_experience') if experience < 1 then return end local force = get_valid_force(lua_force_or_name) if not force then return end local force_config = forces[force.name] if not force_config then return end local new_experience = force_config.current_experience + experience local experience_level_up_cap = force_config.experience_level_up_cap if not recursive_call then force_config.total_experience = force_config.total_experience + experience end if (new_experience < experience_level_up_cap) then force_config.current_experience = new_experience return end -- level up local new_level = force_config.current_level + 1 force_config.current_level = new_level force_config.current_experience = 0 force_config.experience_level_up_cap = calculate_next_level_cap(new_level) raise_event(ForceControl.events.on_level_up, {level_reached = new_level, force = force}) ForceControl.add_experience(force, new_experience - experience_level_up_cap, true) end ---Adds experience from a force, based on a percentage of the total obtained experience ---@param lua_force_or_name LuaForce|string ---@param percentage number percentage of total obtained experience to add ---@param min_experience number minimum amount of experience to add (optional) ---@return number the experience being added ---@see ForceControl.add_experience function ForceControl.add_experience_percentage(lua_force_or_name, percentage, min_experience) min_experience = min_experience ~= nil and min_experience or 0 local force = get_valid_force(lua_force_or_name) if not force then return end local force_config = forces[force.name] if not force_config then return end local reward = force_config.total_experience * percentage reward = (reward >= min_experience) and ceil(reward) or ceil(min_experience) ForceControl.add_experience(lua_force_or_name, reward) return reward end ---Return the force data as { --- current_experience = number, --- current_level = number, --- experience_level_up_cap = number, --- experience_percentage = number, ---} ---@param lua_force_or_name LuaForce|string function ForceControl.get_force_data(lua_force_or_name) local force = get_valid_force(lua_force_or_name) if not force then return end local force_config = forces[force.name] if not force_config then return end return { current_experience = force_config.current_experience, total_experience = force_config.total_experience, current_level = force_config.current_level, experience_level_up_cap = force_config.experience_level_up_cap, experience_percentage = (force_config.current_experience / force_config.experience_level_up_cap) * 100 } end function ForceControl.get_formatted_force_data(lua_force_or_name) local force_config = ForceControl.get_force_data(lua_force_or_name) if not force_config then return end return format( 'Current experience: %d Total experience: %d Current level: %d Next level at: %d Percentage to level up: %d%%', force_config.current_experience, force_config.total_experience, force_config.current_level, force_config.experience_level_up_cap, floor(force_config.experience_percentage * 100) * 0.01 ) end return ForceControl