local Thread = require "locale.utils.Thread" require "locale/utils/event" function player_print(str) if game.player then game.player.print(str) else log(str) end end function cant_run(name) player_print("Can't run command (" .. name .. ") - insufficient permission.") end local function invoke(cmd) if not game.player or not (game.player.admin or is_mod(game.player.name)) then cant_run(cmd.name) return end local target = cmd["parameter"] if target == nil or game.players[target] == nil then player_print("Unknown player.") return end local pos = game.player.surface.find_non_colliding_position("player", game.player.position, 0, 1) game.players[target].teleport({pos.x, pos.y}, game.player.surface) game.print(target .. ", get your ass over here!") end local function teleport_player(cmd) if not game.player or not (game.player.admin or is_mod(game.player.name)) then cant_run(cmd.name) return end local target = cmd["parameter"] if target == nil or game.players[target] == nil then player_print("Unknown player.") return end local surface = game.players[target].surface local pos = surface.find_non_colliding_position("player", game.players[target].position, 0, 1) game.player.teleport(pos, surface) game.print(target .. "! watcha doin'?!") end local function teleport_location(cmd) if not game.player or not (game.player.admin or is_mod(game.player.name)) then cant_run(cmd.name) return end if game.player.selected == nil then player_print("Nothing selected.") return end local pos = game.player.surface.find_non_colliding_position("player", game.player.selected.position, 0, 1) game.player.teleport(pos) end local function detrain(param) if game.player and not (game.player.admin or is_mod(game.player.name)) then cant_run(param.name) return end local player_name = param["parameter"] if player_name == nil or game.players[player_name] == nil then player_print("Unknown player.") return end if game.players[player_name].vehicle == nil then player_print("Player not in vehicle.") return end game.players[player_name].vehicle.passenger = game.player local player = game.player or {name = ""} game.print(string.format("%s kicked %s off the train. God damn!", player.name, player_name)) end local function kill() if game.player then game.player.character.die() end end global.walking = {} local function walkabout(cmd) if not ((not game.player) or game.player.admin or is_mod(game.player.name)) then cant_run(cmd.name) return end local params = {} if cmd.parameter == nil then game.print("Walkabout failed.") return end for param in string.gmatch(cmd.parameter, "%S+") do table.insert(params, param) end local player_name = params[1] local distance = "" local duration = 60 if #params == 2 then distance = params[2] elseif #params == 3 then distance = params[2] .. " " .. params[3] if distance ~= "very far" then distance = params[2] if tonumber(params[3]) == nil then player_print(params[3] .. " is not a number.") return else duration = tonumber(params[3]) end end elseif #params == 4 then distance = params[2] .. " " .. params[3] if tonumber(params[4]) == nil then player_print(params[4] .. " is not a number.") return else duration = tonumber(params[4]) end end if duration < 15 then duration = 15 end if distance == nil or distance == "" then distance = math.random(5000, 10000) end if tonumber(distance) ~= nil then elseif distance == "close" then distance = math.random(3000, 7000) elseif distance == "far" then distance = math.random(7000, 11000) elseif distance == "very far" then distance = math.random(11000, 15000) else game.print("Walkabout failed.") return end local x = 1 local y = 1 local player = game.players[player_name] if player == nil or global.walking[player_name:lower()] then player_print(player_name .. " could not go on a walkabout.") return end global.walking[player_name:lower()] = true local distance_max = distance * 1.05 local distance_min = distance * 0.95 distance_max = round(distance_max, 0) distance_min = round(distance_min, 0) x = math.random(distance_min, distance_max) if 1 == math.random(1, 2) then x = x * -1 end y = math.random(distance_min, distance_max) if 1 == math.random(1, 2) then y = y * -1 end if 1 == math.random(1, 2) then z = distance_max * -1 x = math.random(z, distance_max) else z = distance_max * -1 y = math.random(z, distance_max) end local pos = {x, y} game.print(player_name .. " went on a walkabout, to find himself.") Thread.set_timeout(duration, return_player, {player = player, force = player.force, position = {x = player.position.x, y = player.position.y}}) player.character = nil player.create_character() player.teleport(player.surface.find_non_colliding_position("player", pos, 100, 1)) player.force = "enemy" end local function return_player(args) global.walking[args.player.name:lower()] = false args.player.character.destroy() local character = args.player.surface.find_entity('player', args.position) if character ~= nil and character.valid then args.player.character = character else args.player.create_character() end args.player.force = args.force args.player.teleport(args.position) game.print(args.player.name .. " came back from his walkabout.") end local function regular(cmd) if not ((not game.player) or game.player.admin or is_mod(game.player.name)) then cant_run(cmd.name) return end if cmd.parameter == nil then player_print("Command failed. Usage: /regular , ") return end local params = {} for param in string.gmatch(cmd.parameter, "%S+") do table.insert(params, param) end if params[2] == nil then player_print("Command failed. Usage: /regular , ") return elseif (params[1] == "promote") then add_regular(params[2]) elseif (params[1] == "demote") then remove_regular(params[2]) else player_print("Command failed. Usage: /regular , ") end end local function mod(cmd) if game.player and not game.player.admin then cant_run(cmd.name) return end if cmd.parameter == nil then player_print("Command failed. Usage: /mod , ") return end local params = {} for param in string.gmatch(cmd.parameter, "%S+") do table.insert(params, param) end if params[2] == nil then player_print("Command failed. Usage: /mod , ") return elseif (params[1] == "promote") then add_mod(params[2]) elseif (params[1] == "demote") then remove_mod(params[2]) else player_print("Command failed. Usage: /mod , ") end end local function afk() for _,v in pairs (game.players) do if v.afk_time > 300 then local time = " " if v.afk_time > 21600 then time = time .. math.floor(v.afk_time / 216000) .. " hours " end if v.afk_time > 3600 then time = time .. math.floor(v.afk_time / 3600) % 60 .. " minutes and " end time = time .. math.floor(v.afk_time / 60) % 60 .. " seconds." player_print(v.name .. " has been afk for" .. time) end end end local function tag(cmd) if game.player and not game.player.admin then cant_run(cmd.name) return end if cmd.parameter ~= nil then local params = {} for param in string.gmatch(cmd.parameter, "%S+") do table.insert(params, param) end if #params < 2 then player_print("Usage: Sets a players tag.") elseif game.players[params[1]] == nil then player_print("Player does not exist.") else local tag = string.sub(cmd.parameter, params[1]:len() + 2) game.players[params[1]].tag = "[" .. tag .. "]" game.print(params[1] .. " joined [" .. tag .. "].") end else player_print('Usage: /tag Sets a players tag.') end end local function follow(cmd) if not game.player then log(" makes you follow the player. Use /unfollow to stop following a player.") end end local function unfollow(cmd) if not game.player then log(" Temporarily bans a player.") return end local params = {} for param in string.gmatch(cmd.parameter, "%S+") do table.insert(params, param) end if #params < 2 or not tonumber(params[2]) then player_print("Tempban failed. Usage: /tempban Temporarily bans a player.") return end if not game.players[params[1]] then player_print("Player doesn't exist.") return end local group = get_group() game.print(get_actor() .. " put " .. params[1] .. " in timeout for " .. params[2] .. " minutes.") if group then group.add_player(params[1]) if not tonumber(cmd.parameter) then Thread.set_timeout( 60 * tonumber(params[2]), function(param) game.print(param.name .. " is out of timeout.") game.permissions.get_group("Default").add_player(param.name) end, {name = params[1]} ) end end end commands.add_command("kill", "Will kill you.", kill) commands.add_command("detrain", " - Kicks the player off a train. (Admins and moderators)", detrain) commands.add_command("tpplayer", " - Teleports you to the player. (Admins and moderators)", teleport_player) commands.add_command("invoke", " - Teleports the player to you. (Admins and moderators)", invoke) commands.add_command("tppos", "Teleports you to a selected entity. (Admins only)", teleport_location) commands.add_command("walkabout", ' <"close", "far", "very far", number> - Send someone on a walk. (Admins and moderators)', walkabout) commands.add_command("market", 'Places a fish market near you. (Admins only)', spawn_market) commands.add_command("regulars", 'Prints a list of game regulars.', print_regulars) commands.add_command("regular", ', Change regular status of a player. (Admins and moderators)', regular) commands.add_command("mods", 'Prints a list of game mods.', print_mods) commands.add_command("mod", ', Changes moderator status of a player. (Admins only)', mod) commands.add_command("afk", 'Shows how long players have been afk.', afk) commands.add_command("tag", ' Sets a players tag. (Admins only)', tag) commands.add_command("follow", ' makes you follow the player. Use /unfollow to stop following a player.', follow) commands.add_command("unfollow", 'stops following a player.', unfollow) commands.add_command("well", ' Spawns an item well. (Admins only)', well_command) commands.add_command("tpmode", "Toggles tp mode. When on place a ghost entity to teleport there (Admins and moderators)", toggle_tp_mode) commands.add_command("forcetoggle", "Toggles the players force between player and enemy (Admins and moderators)", forcetoggle) commands.add_command("tempban", " Temporarily bans a player (Admins and moderators)", tempban)