## Installing and Using the RedMew Scenario Some scenarios have more detailed information, please check [the index](Index.md) before continuing with the generic RedMew installation. To install the RedMew scenario directly into something playable, [download the archive](https://github.com/Valansch/RedMew/archive/develop.zip) and take the next step based on your Operating System. - **Windows**: extract the the zip file into `%appdata%\Factorio\Scenarios\RedMew` - **MacOS**: extract the the zip file into `~/Library/Application Support/factorio/Scenarios/RedMew` - **Linux**: extract the the zip file into `~/.factorio/scenarios/RedMew` Make sure it's called RedMew and there's a `control.lua` in the root of that directory. If you are using the RedMew scenario for a public-facing multi-player server, be sure to provide attribution back to github and keep links to the Discord, Patreon and website intact. > _Note_: these locations are based on the default configuration [defined by factorio](https://wiki.factorio.com/Application_directory). If your installation is not default, you have to find your scenarios directory in another way. ## Generating maps There are 3 ways to generate maps using our scenario: Vanilla, FactorioMapConverter and Custom Maps. ### Vanilla Start the scenario from the scenario menu and you are ready to go. Additionally you can turn features on or off via [`control.lua`](../control.lua) if desired. ### Custom Maps There are many pre-made map modules that can be combined to create a unique map. Map module previews can be found in [map_gen/data/.map_previews](../map_gen/data/.map_previews). You can select and activate a module by removing the `--` in front of the require in [`map_layout.lua`](../map_layout.lua). You can mix as many modules as you want, as long as they logically fit together. ### FactorioMapConverter (Windows only) You can generate your own maps from images. First convert the image file into a lua file (For example `image_data.lua`). Then use our scenario to load the `image_data.lua` file and generate the map from it. To create your own map preview: 1. Download the Map Converter [here](https://github.com/grilledham/FactorioMapConverter/releases) to generate the `image_data.lua`. 2. Place your `image_data.lua` file in the `map_gen/data/presets/` directory. 3. Create new lua file (for example `my_image.lua`) inside the folder `map_gen/presets/`. This file is used to configure your map (scale, translate etc.). To do this, you can copy `map_gen/presets/template.lua` and replace line 8 to point to your `image_data.lua` 4. Load your new preset by adding a new line to `map_layout.lua`. This should look similar to this: ```lua MAP_GEN = require "map_gen.presets.my_image.lua" ``` 5. Load the scenario from the scenario menu.