local Command = require 'utils.command' local Rank = require 'features.rank_system' local Task = require 'utils.task' local Token = require 'utils.token' local Server = require 'features.server' local Popup = require 'features.gui.popup' local Global = require 'utils.global' local Event = require 'utils.event' local Retailer = require 'features.retailer' local Ranks = require 'resources.ranks' local Core = require 'utils.core' local Color = require 'resources.color_presets' local Toast = require 'features.gui.toast' local Utils = require 'utils.core' local Discord = require 'resources.discord' local set_timeout_in_ticks = Task.set_timeout_in_ticks local ScoreTracker = require 'utils.score_tracker' local map_promotion_channel = Discord.channel_names.map_promotion local crash_site_role_mention = Discord.role_mentions.crash_site local Public = {} function Public.control(config) local server_player = {name = '', print = print} local global_data = {restarting = nil, start_epoch = nil} local airstrike_data = {radius_level = 1, count_level = 1} Global.register({global_data = global_data, airstrike_data = airstrike_data}, function(tbl) global_data = tbl.global_data airstrike_data = tbl.airstrike_data end) local function double_print(str) game.print(str) print(str) end local static_entities_to_check = { 'spitter-spawner', 'biter-spawner', 'small-worm-turret', 'medium-worm-turret', 'big-worm-turret', 'behemoth-worm-turret', 'gun-turret', 'laser-turret', 'artillery-turret', 'flamethrower-turret' } local biter_entities_to_check = { 'small-spitter', 'medium-spitter', 'big-spitter', 'behemoth-spitter', 'small-biter', 'medium-biter', 'big-biter', 'behemoth-biter' } local function count_enemy_entities() local get_entity_count = game.forces["enemy"].get_entity_count local entity_count = 0; for i = 1, #static_entities_to_check do local name = static_entities_to_check[i] entity_count = entity_count + get_entity_count(name) end for i = 1, #biter_entities_to_check do local name = biter_entities_to_check[i] entity_count = entity_count + get_entity_count(name) end return entity_count end local callback callback = Token.register(function(data) if not global_data.restarting then return end local state = data.state if state == 0 then Server.start_scenario(data.scenario_name) double_print('restarting') global_data.restarting = nil return elseif state == 1 then local time_string = Core.format_time(game.ticks_played) Server.to_discord_named_raw(map_promotion_channel, crash_site_role_mention .. ' **Crash Site has just restarted! Previous map lasted: ' .. time_string .. '!**') local end_epoch = Server.get_current_time() if end_epoch == nil then end_epoch = -1 -- end_epoch is nil if the restart command is used locally rather than on the server end local statistics = { start_epoch = global_data.start_epoch, end_epoch = end_epoch, -- stored as key already, useful to have it as part of same structure game_ticks = game.ticks_played, enemy_entities = count_enemy_entities(), biters_killed = ScoreTracker.get_for_global('aliens-killed'), total_players = #game.players } Server.set_data('crash_site_data', tostring(end_epoch), statistics) -- Store the table, with end_epoch as the key Popup.all('\nServer restarting!\nInitiated by ' .. data.name .. '\n') end double_print(state) data.state = state - 1 Task.set_timeout_in_ticks(60, callback, data) end) local function map_cleared(player) player = player or server_player local get_entity_count = game.forces["enemy"].get_entity_count -- Check how many of each turrets, worms and spawners are left and return false if there are any of each left. for i = 1, #static_entities_to_check do local name = static_entities_to_check[i] if get_entity_count(name) > 0 then player.print( 'All enemy spawners, worms, buildings, biters and spitters must be cleared before crashsite can be restarted.') return false end end -- Count all the remaining enemies local biter_total = count_enemy_entities() -- Return false if more than 20 left. Players have had problems finding the last few biters so set to a reasonable value. if biter_total > 20 then player.print( 'All enemy spawners, worms, buildings are dead. Crashsite can be restarted when all biters and spitters are killed.') return false end return true end local function restart(args, player) player = player or server_player local sanitised_scenario = args.scenario_name if global_data.restarting then player.print('Restart already in progress') return end if player ~= server_player and Rank.less_than(player.name, Ranks.admin) then -- Check enemy count if not map_cleared(player) then return end -- Limit the ability of non-admins to call the restart function with arguments to change the scenario -- If not an admin, restart the same scenario always sanitised_scenario = config.scenario_name end global_data.restarting = true double_print('#################-Attention-#################') double_print('Server restart initiated by ' .. player.name) double_print('###########################################') for _, p in pairs(game.players) do if p.admin then p.print('Abort restart with /abort') end end print('Abort restart with /abort') Task.set_timeout_in_ticks(60, callback, {name = player.name, scenario_name = sanitised_scenario, state = 10}) end local function abort(_, player) player = player or server_player if global_data.restarting then global_data.restarting = nil double_print('Restart aborted by ' .. player.name) else player.print('Cannot abort a restart that is not in progress.') end end local chart_area_callback = Token.register(function(data) local xpos = data.xpos local ypos = data.ypos local player = data.player local s = player.surface player.force.chart(s, {{xpos - 32, ypos - 32}, {xpos + 32, ypos + 32}}) end) local function spy(args, player) local player_name = player.name local inv = player.get_inventory(defines.inventory.character_main) local coin_count = inv.get_item_count("coin") -- Parse the values from the location string -- {location = "[gps=-110,-17,redmew]"} local location_string = args.location local coords = {} for m in string.gmatch(location_string, "%-?%d+") do table.insert(coords, tonumber(m)) end -- Do some checks then reveal the pinged map and remove 1000 coins if #coords < 2 then player.print({'command_description.crash_site_spy_invalid'}, Color.fail) return elseif coin_count < 1000 then player.print({'command_description.crash_site_spy_funds'}, Color.fail) return else local xpos = coords[1] local ypos = coords[2] -- reveal 3x3 chunks centred on chunk containing pinged location -- make sure it lasts 15 seconds for j = 1, 15 do set_timeout_in_ticks(60 * j, chart_area_callback, {player = player, xpos = xpos, ypos = ypos}) end game.print({'command_description.crash_site_spy_success', player_name, xpos, ypos}, Color.success) inv.remove({name = "coin", count = 1000}) end end local spawn_poison_callback = Token.register(function(data) local r = data.r data.s.create_entity { name = "poison-capsule", position = {0, 0}, target = {data.xpos + math.random(-r, r), data.ypos + math.random(-r, r)}, speed = 10, max_range = 100000 } end) local function strike(args, player) local s = player.surface local location_string = args.location local coords = {} local radius_level = airstrike_data.radius_level -- max radius of the strike area local count_level = airstrike_data.count_level -- the number of poison capsules launched at the enemy if count_level == 1 then player.print({'command_description.crash_site_airstrike_not_researched'}, Color.fail) return end local radius = 5 + (radius_level * 3) local count = (count_level - 2) * 5 + 3 local strikeCost = count * 4 -- the number of poison-capsules required in the chest as payment -- parse GPS coordinates from map ping for m in string.gmatch(location_string, "%-?%d+") do table.insert(coords, tonumber(m)) end -- Do some checks on the coordinates passed in the argument if #coords < 2 then player.print({'command_description.crash_site_airstrike_invalid'}, Color.fail) return end local xpos = coords[1] local ypos = coords[2] -- Check that the chest is where it should be. local entities = s.find_entities_filtered {position = {-0.5, -3.5}, type = 'container', limit = 1} local dropbox = entities[1] if dropbox == nil then player.print("Chest not found. Replace it here: [gps=-0.5,-3.5,redmew]") return end -- Check the contents of the chest by spawn for enough poison capsules to use as payment local inv = dropbox.get_inventory(defines.inventory.chest) local capCount = inv.get_item_count("poison-capsule") if capCount < strikeCost then player.print( {'command_description.crash_site_airstrike_insufficient_currency_error', strikeCost - capCount}, Color.fail) return end -- Do a simple check to make sure the player isn't trying to grief the base -- local enemyEntities = s.find_entities_filtered {position = {xpos, ypos}, radius = radius, force = "enemy"} local enemyEntities = player.surface.count_entities_filtered { position = {xpos, ypos}, radius = radius + 30, force = "enemy", limit = 1 } if enemyEntities < 1 then player.print({'command_description.crash_site_airstrike_friendly_fire_error'}, Color.fail) Utils.print_admins(player.name .. " tried to airstrike the base here: [gps=" .. xpos .. "," .. ypos .. ",redmew]", nil) return end inv.remove({name = "poison-capsule", count = strikeCost}) game.print({'command_description.crash_site_airstrike_success', player.name, xpos, ypos}) for j = 1, count do set_timeout_in_ticks(30 * j, spawn_poison_callback, {s = s, xpos = xpos, ypos = ypos, count = count, r = radius}) set_timeout_in_ticks(60 * j, chart_area_callback, {player = player, xpos = xpos, ypos = ypos}) end end Event.add(Server.events.on_server_started, function() if not global_data.start_epoch then global_data.start_epoch = Server.get_current_time() end end) Event.add(Retailer.events.on_market_purchase, function(event) local market_id = event.group_name local group_label = Retailer.get_market_group_label(market_id) if group_label ~= 'Spawn' then return end local item = event.item if item.type ~= 'airstrike' then return end -- airstrike stuff local radius_level = airstrike_data.radius_level -- max radius of the strike area local count_level = airstrike_data.count_level -- the number of poison capsules launched at the enemy local radius = 5 + (radius_level * 3) local count = (count_level - 1) * 5 + 3 local strikeCost = count * 4 local name = item.name local player_name = event.player.name if name == 'airstrike_damage' then airstrike_data.count_level = airstrike_data.count_level + 1 Toast.toast_all_players(15, {'command_description.crash_site_airstrike_damage_upgrade_success', player_name, count_level}) item.name_label = {'command_description.crash_site_airstrike_count_name_label', (count_level + 1)} item.price = math.floor(math.exp(airstrike_data.count_level ^ 0.8) / 2) * 1000 item.description = { 'command_description.crash_site_airstrike_count', (count_level + 1), count_level, count, tostring(strikeCost) .. ' poison capsules' } Retailer.set_item(market_id, item) -- this updates the retailer with the new item values. elseif name == 'airstrike_radius' then airstrike_data.radius_level = airstrike_data.radius_level + 1 Toast.toast_all_players(15, {'command_description.crash_site_airstrike_radius_upgrade_success', player_name, radius_level}) item.name_label = {'command_description.crash_site_airstrike_radius_name_label', (radius_level + 1)} item.description = { 'command_description.crash_site_airstrike_radius', (radius_level + 1), radius_level, radius } item.price = math.floor(math.exp(airstrike_data.radius_level ^ 0.8) / 2) * 1000 Retailer.set_item(market_id, item) -- this updates the retailer with the new item values. end end) Command.add('crash-site-restart-abort', { description = {'command_description.crash_site_restart_abort'}, required_rank = Ranks.admin, allowed_by_server = true }, abort) Command.add('abort', { description = {'command_description.crash_site_restart_abort'}, required_rank = Ranks.admin, allowed_by_server = true }, abort) local default_name = config.scenario_name or 'crashsite' Command.add('crash-site-restart', { description = {'command_description.crash_site_restart'}, arguments = {'scenario_name'}, default_values = {scenario_name = default_name}, required_rank = Ranks.admin, allowed_by_server = true }, restart) Command.add('restart', { description = {'command_description.crash_site_restart'}, arguments = {'scenario_name'}, default_values = {scenario_name = default_name}, required_rank = Ranks.guest, allowed_by_server = true }, restart) Command.add('spy', { description = {'command_description.crash_site_spy'}, arguments = {'location'}, capture_excess_arguments = true, required_rank = Ranks.guest, allowed_by_server = false }, spy) Command.add('strike', { description = {'command_description.strike'}, arguments = {'location'}, capture_excess_arguments = true, required_rank = Ranks.guest, allowed_by_server = false }, strike) end return Public