local function apply_config() if not global.scenario.config.enable_radar then game.forces["player"].recipes["radar"].enabled = false end end Event.register(-1, function() global.scenario = {} global.scenario.variables = {} global.scenario.variables.time_set_moment = 0 global.scenario.variables.current_month = 1 global.scenario.variables.current_day = 1 global.scenario.variables.current_h = 0 global.scenario.variables.current_m = 0 global.scenario.variables.days_passed = 0 global.scenario.variables.mods = { dpoba = "", masjazZ = "" } global.scenario.variables.regulars = { helpower2 = "", rorror = "", Medival3 = "", dpoba = "", settdigger = "", Cheeselicker = "", cpaca0 = "", UTIDI = "", JokerOfTheZ = "", saltlands = "", Maniah = "", COOL = "", boail = "", hunter117x = "", TonyTroll = "", rorror = "", HighInFiberOptics = "", Atoms = "", adlmr = "", rayijin = "", Sephir = "", inator1192 = "", TeZwo = "", neumond = "", bhenoa = "", JBC363 = "", Kaig3n = "", Factorioio = "", Bawz = "", CrazyStephen = "", eithel = "", Coyote101 = "", jedifan = "", xsidd = "", MaxTheSpunkyMunk = "", Tarpon907 = "", BigHamster = "", sir = "", Arnietom = "", Animal = "", banakeg = "", philip017 = "", NinjrKillr = "", MarckHardt = "", BrainClot = "", blzz = "", WatchingHawk = "", farcear = "", selen = "", trekie4747 = "", Gizan = "", Slastraf = "", zacman0510 = "", TheOrangeAngle = "", williambellwisdo = "", Extraxyz = "", markupolionCZ = "", BJHunter = "", ZTX = "", bigglesthepirate = "" } global.scenario.variables.regulars["-slug-"] = "" global.scenario.variables.regulars["g-h-o-s-t"] = "" global.scenario.variables.player_positions = {} global.scenario.variables.player_walk_distances = {} global.scenario.config = {} global.scenario.config.announcements_enabled = false -- if true announcements will be shown global.scenario.config.announcement_delay = 1000 -- number of seconds between each announcement global.scenario.config.score_delay = 8 -- delay in seconds before hiding rocket score window (0 = never show) global.scenario.config.autolaunch_default = false -- default autolaunch option global.scenario.config.logistic_research_enabled = true -- if true then research for requesters and active providers will be enabled. global.scenario.config.enable_radar = true global.scenario.config.mapsettings = global.scenario.config.mapsettings or {} global.scenario.config.mapsettings.cross_width = 200 -- total width of cross global.scenario.config.mapsettings.spiral_land_width = 70 -- width of land in spiral global.scenario.config.mapsettings.spiral_water_width = 70 -- width of water in spiral global.scenario.custom_functions = {} global.scenario.config.nuke_min_time_hours = 3 --how long a player must be on the server to be allowed to use the nuke apply_config() end) local function on_research_started(event) if not global.scenario.config.logistic_research_enabled then if event.research.name == "logistic-robotics" then game.forces["player"].current_research = nil end end end Event.register(defines.events.on_research_started, on_research_started)