local Event = require 'utils.event' local PlayerStats = require 'features.player_stats' local Gui = require 'utils.gui' local Color = require 'resources.color_presets' local Server = require('features.server') local concat = table.concat local main_frame_name = Gui.uid_name() local main_button_name = Gui.uid_name() local descriptions = { {disc = 'Satellites launched', icon = '[img=item.satellite]'}, {disc = 'Biters liberated', icon = '[img=entity.medium-biter]'}, {disc = 'Buildings by hand', icon = '[img=utility.hand]'}, {disc = 'Buildings by robots', icon = '[img=item.construction-robot]'}, {disc = 'Trees chopped', icon = '[img=entity.tree-02]'}, {disc = 'Rocks smashed', icon = '[img=entity.rock-huge]'}, {disc = 'Kills by train', icon = '[img=item.locomotive]'}, {disc = 'Coins spent', icon = '[img=item.coin]'}, } local function create_score_gui(event) local player = game.get_player(event.player_index) if not player then return end local top = player.gui.top if not top[main_button_name] then top.add({type = 'sprite-button', name = main_button_name, sprite = 'achievement/there-is-no-spoon'}) end end local function refresh_score() local players = game.connected_players local count = game.forces.player.get_item_launched('satellite') local satellites_launched = concat {descriptions[1].icon .. ' ', count, ' '} local biters_liberated = concat {descriptions[2].icon .. ' ', PlayerStats.get_total_biter_kills(), ' '} local buildings_by_hand = concat {descriptions[3].icon .. ' ', PlayerStats.get_total_player_built_entities(), ' '} local buildings_by_robot = concat {descriptions[4].icon .. ' ', PlayerStats.get_total_robot_built_entities(), ' '} local trees_chopped = concat {descriptions[5].icon .. ' ', PlayerStats.get_total_player_trees_mined(), ' '} local rocks_smashed = concat {descriptions[6].icon .. ' ', PlayerStats.get_total_player_rocks_mined(), ' '} local kills_by_train = concat {descriptions[7].icon .. ' ', PlayerStats.get_total_train_kills(), ' '} local coins_spent = concat {descriptions[8].icon .. ' ', PlayerStats.get_total_coins_spent(), ' '} for i = 1, #players do local player = players[i] local frame = player.gui.top[main_frame_name] if frame and frame.valid then local score_table = frame.score_table score_table.label_satellites_launched.caption = satellites_launched score_table.label_biters_killed.caption = biters_liberated score_table.label_player_built_entities.caption = buildings_by_hand score_table.label_robot_built_entities.caption = buildings_by_robot score_table.label_player_mined_trees.caption = trees_chopped score_table.label_player_mined_stones.caption = rocks_smashed score_table.label_kills_by_train.caption = kills_by_train score_table.label_coins_spent.caption = coins_spent end end end local function score_label_style(label, color) local style = label.style style.font = 'default-bold' style.font_color = color end local function score_show(top) local count = game.forces.player.get_item_launched('satellite') local frame = top.add {type = 'frame', name = main_frame_name} local score_table = frame.add {type = 'table', name = 'score_table', column_count = 8} local style = score_table.style style.vertical_spacing = 4 style.horizontal_spacing = 16 local label = score_table.add { type = 'label', name = 'label_satellites_launched', caption = concat {descriptions[1].icon .. ' ', count, ' '}, tooltip = descriptions[1].disc } score_label_style(label, Color.white) label = score_table.add { type = 'label', name = 'label_biters_killed', caption = concat {descriptions[2].icon .. ' ', PlayerStats.get_total_biter_kills(), ' '}, tooltip = descriptions[2].disc } score_label_style(label, Color.white) label = score_table.add { type = 'label', name = 'label_player_built_entities', caption = concat {descriptions[3].icon .. ' ', PlayerStats.get_total_player_built_entities(), ' '}, tooltip = descriptions[3].disc } score_label_style(label, Color.white) label = score_table.add { type = 'label', name = 'label_robot_built_entities', caption = concat {descriptions[4].icon .. ' ', PlayerStats.get_total_robot_built_entities(), ' '}, tooltip = descriptions[4].disc } score_label_style(label, Color.white) label = score_table.add { type = 'label', name = 'label_player_mined_trees', caption = concat {descriptions[5].icon .. ' ', PlayerStats.get_total_player_trees_mined(), ' '}, tooltip = descriptions[5].disc } score_label_style(label, Color.white) label = score_table.add { type = 'label', name = 'label_player_mined_stones', caption = concat {descriptions[6].icon .. ' ', PlayerStats.get_total_player_rocks_mined(), ' '}, tooltip = descriptions[6].disc } score_label_style(label, Color.white) label = score_table.add { type = 'label', name = 'label_kills_by_train', caption = concat {descriptions[7].icon .. ' ', PlayerStats.get_total_train_kills(), ' '}, tooltip = descriptions[7].disc } score_label_style(label, Color.white) label = score_table.add { type = 'label', name = 'label_coins_spent', caption = concat {descriptions[8].icon .. ' ', PlayerStats.get_total_coins_spent(), ' '}, tooltip = descriptions[8].disc } score_label_style(label, Color.white) end local function rocket_launched(event) local entity = event.rocket if not entity or not entity.valid or not entity.force == 'player' then return end local inventory = entity.get_inventory(defines.inventory.rocket) if not inventory or not inventory.valid then return end local count = inventory.get_item_count('satellite') if count == 0 then return end count = game.forces.player.get_item_launched('satellite') if (count < 10) or ((count < 50) and ((count % 5) == 0)) or ((count % 25) == 0) then local message = 'A satellite has been launched! Total count: ' .. count game.print(message) Server.to_discord_bold(message) end refresh_score() end Gui.on_click( main_button_name, function(event) local player = event.player local top = player.gui.top local frame = top[main_frame_name] if not frame then score_show(top) else frame.destroy() end end ) Gui.allow_player_to_toggle_top_element_visibility(main_button_name) Event.add(defines.events.on_player_joined_game, create_score_gui) Event.add(defines.events.on_rocket_launched, rocket_launched) Event.on_nth_tick(300, refresh_score)