-- Dependencies require "gui-2" require "Time" -- Master button controlls the visibility of the readme window local MASTER_BTN = {name = "btn_readme", caption = "Read Me", tooltip = "Server rules, information, and more"} -- Master frame(window), holds all the contents local MASTER_FRAME = {name = "frame_readme"} -- Tabs and the corresponding buttons to put in the master frame local FRAME_TABS = { rules = {btn = {name = "btn_readme_rules", caption = "Server Rules", tooltip = ""}, win = {name = "win_readme_rules"}}, comm = {btn = {name = "btn_readme_help", caption = "Info", tooltip = ""}, win = {name = "win_readme_help"}}, resources = {btn = {name = "btn_readme_resources", caption = "Changelog", tooltip = ""}, win = {name = "win_readme_resources"}}, players = {btn = {name = "btn_readme_players", caption = "Players", tooltip = ""}, win = {name = "win_readme_players"}}, about = {btn = {name = "btn_readme_about", caption = "About", tooltip = ""}, win = {name = "win_readme_about"}}, close = { btn = {name = "btn_readme_close", caption = "Close", tooltip = ""}, win = {name = "win_readme_close"} -- no window created, just for consistency to use in loop } } -- Static Content local CONTENT = { rules = {""}, comm = {""}, resources = {""}, about = {""} } -- On Player Join -- Display the master button, and show rules if new player -- @param event on_player_joined_game function on_player_join(event) local player = game.players[event.player_index] draw_master_readme_btn(player) -- Force a gui refresh in case there where updates if player.gui.center[MASTER_FRAME.name] ~= nil then player.gui.center[MASTER_FRAME.name].destroy() end -- Show readme window (rules) when player (not admin) first joins, but not at later times if not player.admin and Time.tick_to_min(player.online_time) < 1 then draw_master_readme_frame(player, FRAME_TABS.rules.win.name) end end -- On Player Leave -- Clean up the GUI in case this mod gets removed next time -- @param event on_player_left_game function on_player_leave(event) local player = game.players[event.player_index] if player.gui.center[MASTER_FRAME.name] ~= nil then player.gui.center[MASTER_FRAME.name].destroy() end if player.gui.top[MASTER_BTN.name] ~= nil then player.gui.top[MASTER_BTN.name].destroy() end end -- On GUI Click -- Depending of what button was click open a different tab -- @param event on_gui_click function on_gui_click(event) local player = game.players[event.player_index] local el_name = event.element.name -- Master frame gui button? if el_name == MASTER_BTN.name then -- Call toggle if frame has been created if (player.gui.center[MASTER_FRAME.name] ~= nil) then GUI.toggle_element(player.gui.center[MASTER_FRAME.name]) else -- Call create if it hasnt draw_master_readme_frame(player, FRAME_TABS.rules.win.name) end end -- One of the tabs? for i, frame_tab in pairs(FRAME_TABS) do if el_name == frame_tab.btn.name then draw_master_readme_frame(player, frame_tab.win.name) end end end -- Draws the master readme button on the top of the screen -- @param player function draw_master_readme_btn(player) if player.gui.top[MASTER_BTN.name] == nil then player.gui.top.add {type = "button", name = MASTER_BTN.name, caption = MASTER_BTN.caption, tooltip = MASTER_BTN.tooltip} end end -- Draws the master frame and a tab inside it base on arg -- *Recursive (only 1 deep) -- @param player -- @param window_name - which window to display in the frame function draw_master_readme_frame(player, window_name) -- Master frame is already created, just draw a new tab if player.gui.center[MASTER_FRAME.name] ~= nil then -- Rules if window_name == FRAME_TABS.rules.win.name then -- Comm draw_static_content(player.gui.center[MASTER_FRAME.name]["scroll_content"], CONTENT.rules) elseif window_name == FRAME_TABS.comm.win.name then -- Resourses draw_static_content(player.gui.center[MASTER_FRAME.name]["scroll_content"], CONTENT.comm) elseif window_name == FRAME_TABS.resources.win.name then -- About draw_static_content(player.gui.center[MASTER_FRAME.name]["scroll_content"], CONTENT.resources) elseif window_name == FRAME_TABS.about.win.name then -- Players draw_static_content(player.gui.center[MASTER_FRAME.name]["scroll_content"], CONTENT.about) elseif window_name == FRAME_TABS.players.win.name then -- Close draw_players(player.gui.center[MASTER_FRAME.name]["scroll_content"]) elseif window_name == FRAME_TABS.close.win.name then GUI.toggle_element(player.gui.center[MASTER_FRAME.name]) end else -- create the master frame and call function again to draw specific tab local frame = player.gui.center.add {type = "frame", direction = "vertical", name = MASTER_FRAME.name} -- make a nav container and add nav buttons frame.add {type = "flow", name = "readme_nav", direction = "horizontal"} draw_frame_nav(frame.readme_nav) -- make a tab content container frame.add {type = "scroll-pane", name = "scroll_content", direction = "vertical", vertical_scroll_policy = "always", horizontal_scroll_policy = "auto"} -- Style config for nav frame.readme_nav.style.maximal_width = 600 frame.readme_nav.style.minimal_width = 600 -- Style config for content frame.scroll_content.style.maximal_height = 500 frame.scroll_content.style.minimal_height = 500 frame.scroll_content.style.maximal_width = 600 frame.scroll_content.style.minimal_width = 600 -- Recursive call draw_master_readme_frame(player, window_name) end end -- Draws the nav buttons for readme frame -- @param nav_container GUI element to add the buttons to function draw_frame_nav(nav_container) for i, frame_tab in pairs(FRAME_TABS) do nav_container.add {type = "button", name = frame_tab.btn.name, caption = frame_tab.btn.caption, tooltip = frame_tab.btn.tooltip} end end -- Draws a list of labels from content passed in -- @param container - gui element to add to -- @param content - array list of string to display function draw_static_content(container, content) GUI.clear_element(container) -- Clear the current info before adding new for i, text in pairs(content) do container.add {type = "label", name = i, caption = text} end end -- Draws a list of players on the server with their playtime -- @param container - gui element to add to function draw_players(container) GUI.clear_element(container) -- Clear the current info before adding new local table_name = "tbl_readme_players" container.add {type = "label", name = "lbl_player_tile", caption = "=== ALL TIME PLAYERS ==="} container.add {type = "table", name = table_name, colspan = 2} container[table_name].style.minimal_width = 500 container[table_name].style.maximal_width = 500 container[table_name].add {type = "label", name = "lbl_hours", caption = "Time (h:m)"} container[table_name].add {type = "label", name = "lbl_name", caption = "Name"} -- Copy player list into local list local player_list = {} for i, player in pairs(game.players) do table.insert(player_list, {name = player.name, online_time = player.online_time}) end -- Sort players based on time played table.sort( player_list, function(a, b) return a.online_time > b.online_time end ) -- Add in gui list for i, player in pairs(player_list) do local total_min = Time.tick_to_min(player.online_time) local time_str = math.floor(total_min / 60) .. ":" .. math.floor(total_min % 60) container[table_name].add {type = "label", name = "lbl_" .. player.name .. "_time", caption = time_str} container[table_name].add {type = "label", name = "lbl_" .. player.name .. "_name", caption = player.name} end end -- Event Handlers Event.register(defines.events.on_gui_click, on_gui_click) Event.register(defines.events.on_player_joined_game, on_player_join) Event.register(defines.events.on_player_left_game, on_player_leave)