-- dependencies local Event = require 'utils.event' local Token = require 'utils.token' local Task = require 'utils.task' local PlayerStats = require 'features.player_stats' local Game = require 'utils.game' local Command = require 'utils.command' local Global = require 'utils.global' local Retailer = require 'features.retailer' local Ranks = require 'resources.ranks' local market_items = require 'resources.market_items' local fish_market_bonus_message = require 'resources.fish_messages' -- localized functions local pairs = pairs local round = math.round local random = math.random local format = string.format local currency = global.config.market.currency local entity_drop_amount = global.config.market.entity_drop_amount -- local vars local running_speed_boost_messages = { '%s found the lost Dragon Scroll and got a lv.1 speed boost!', 'Guided by Master Oogway, %s got a lv.2 speed boost!', 'Kung Fu Master %s defended the village and was awarded a lv.3 speed boost!', 'Travelled at the speed of light. %s saw a black hole. Oops.' } local mining_speed_boost_messages = { '%s is going on a tree harvest!', 'In search of a sharper axe, %s got a lv.2 mining boost!', 'Wood fiend, %s, has picked up a massive chain saw and is awarded a lv.3 mining boost!', 'Better learn to control that saw, %s, chopped off their legs. Oops.' } -- Global registered local vars local markets = {} Global.register( { markets = markets }, function(tbl) markets = tbl.markets end ) -- local functions local function spawn_market(args, player) if args.removeall == 'removeall' then local count = 0 for _, market in pairs(markets) do if market.valid then count = count + 1 market.destroy() end end player.print(count .. ' markets removed') return end local surface = player.surface local force = player.force local pos = player.position pos.y = round(pos.y - 4) pos.x = round(pos.x) local market = surface.create_entity({name = 'market', position = pos}) markets[#markets + 1] = market market.destructible = false player.print('Market added. To remove it, highlight it with your cursor and use the /destroy command, or use /market removall to remove all markets placed.') Retailer.add_market('fish_market', market) if table.size(Retailer.get_items('fish_market')) == 0 then for _, prototype in pairs(market_items) do Retailer.set_item('fish_market', prototype) end end force.add_chart_tag(surface, {icon = {type = 'item', name = currency}, position = pos, text = 'Market'}) end local function fish_earned(event, amount) local player_index = event.player_index local player = Game.get_player_by_index(player_index) local stack = {name = currency, count = amount} local inserted = player.insert(stack) local diff = amount - inserted if diff > 0 then stack.count = diff player.surface.spill_item_stack(player.position, stack, true) end PlayerStats.change_coin_earned(player_index, amount) if PlayerStats.get_coin_earned(player_index) % 70 == 0 and player and player.valid then local message = fish_market_bonus_message[random(#fish_market_bonus_message)] player.print(message) end end local function pre_player_mined_item(event) local type = event.entity.type if type == 'simple-entity' then -- Cheap check for rock, may have other side effects fish_earned(event, 10) return end if type == 'tree' and random(1, 4) == 1 then fish_earned(event, 4) end end local spill_items = Token.register( function(data) data.surface.spill_item_stack(data.position, {name = currency, count = data.count}, true) end ) -- Determines how many coins to drop when enemy entity dies based upon the entity_drop_amount table in config.lua local function fish_drop_entity_died(event) local entity = event.entity if not entity or not entity.valid then return end local bounds = entity_drop_amount[entity.name] if not bounds then return end local chance = bounds.chance if chance == 0 then return end if chance == 1 or random() <= chance then local count = random(bounds.low, bounds.high) if count > 0 then Task.set_timeout_in_ticks( 1, spill_items, { count = count, surface = entity.surface, position = entity.position } ) end end end local function reset_player_running_speed(player) player.character_running_speed_modifier = global.player_speed_boost_records[player.index].pre_boost_modifier global.player_speed_boost_records[player.index] = nil end local function boost_player_running_speed(player) if global.player_speed_boost_records == nil then global.player_speed_boost_records = {} end if global.player_speed_boost_records[player.index] == nil then global.player_speed_boost_records[player.index] = { start_tick = game.tick, pre_boost_modifier = player.character_running_speed_modifier, boost_lvl = 0 } end global.player_speed_boost_records[player.index].boost_lvl = 1 + global.player_speed_boost_records[player.index].boost_lvl player.character_running_speed_modifier = 1 + player.character_running_speed_modifier if global.player_speed_boost_records[player.index].boost_lvl >= 4 then game.print(format(running_speed_boost_messages[global.player_speed_boost_records[player.index].boost_lvl], player.name)) reset_player_running_speed(player) player.character.die(player.force, player.character) return end player.print(format(running_speed_boost_messages[global.player_speed_boost_records[player.index].boost_lvl], player.name)) end local function reset_player_mining_speed(player) player.character_mining_speed_modifier = global.player_mining_boost_records[player.index].pre_mining_boost_modifier global.player_mining_boost_records[player.index] = nil end local function boost_player_mining_speed(player) if global.player_mining_boost_records == nil then global.player_mining_boost_records = {} end if global.player_mining_boost_records[player.index] == nil then global.player_mining_boost_records[player.index] = { start_tick = game.tick, pre_mining_boost_modifier = player.character_mining_speed_modifier, boost_lvl = 0 } end global.player_mining_boost_records[player.index].boost_lvl = 1 + global.player_mining_boost_records[player.index].boost_lvl if global.player_mining_boost_records[player.index].boost_lvl >= 4 then game.print(format(mining_speed_boost_messages[global.player_mining_boost_records[player.index].boost_lvl], player.name)) reset_player_mining_speed(player) player.character.die(player.force, player.character) return end player.print(format(mining_speed_boost_messages[global.player_mining_boost_records[player.index].boost_lvl], player.name)) end local function market_item_purchased(event) local item_name = event.item.name if item_name == 'temporary-running-speed-bonus' then boost_player_running_speed(event.player) return end if item_name == 'temporary-mining-speed-bonus' then boost_player_mining_speed(event.player) return end end local function on_180_ticks() local tick = game.tick if tick % 900 == 0 then if global.player_speed_boost_records then for k, v in pairs(global.player_speed_boost_records) do if tick - v.start_tick > 3000 then local player = Game.get_player_by_index(k) if player.connected and player.character then reset_player_running_speed(player) end end end end if global.player_mining_boost_records then for k, v in pairs(global.player_mining_boost_records) do if tick - v.start_tick > 6000 then local player = Game.get_player_by_index(k) if player.connected and player.character then reset_player_mining_speed(player) end end end end end end local function fish_player_crafted_item(event) if random(1, 50) == 1 then fish_earned(event, 1) end end local function player_created(event) local player = Game.get_player_by_index(event.player_index) if not player or not player.valid then return end local count = global.config.player_rewards.info_player_reward and 1 or 10 player.insert {name = currency, count = count} end Command.add( 'market', { description = 'Places a market near you. Use /market removeall to remove all markets on a map', arguments = {'removeall'}, default_values = {removeall = false}, required_rank = Ranks.admin, }, spawn_market ) Event.on_nth_tick(180, on_180_ticks) Event.add(defines.events.on_pre_player_mined_item, pre_player_mined_item) Event.add(defines.events.on_entity_died, fish_drop_entity_died) Event.add(Retailer.events.on_market_purchase, market_item_purchased) Event.add(defines.events.on_player_crafted_item, fish_player_crafted_item) Event.add(defines.events.on_player_created, player_created)