local Retailer = require 'features.retailer' local Events = require 'utils.event' local Token = require 'utils.token' local Task = require 'utils.task' local Global = require 'utils.global' local ScoreTracker = require 'utils.score_tracker' local unlock_progress = { force_USA = { players_killed = 0, entities_killed = 0 }, force_USSR = { players_killed = 0, entities_killed = 0 } } Global.register( { unlock_progress = unlock_progress }, function(tbl) unlock_progress = tbl.unlock_progress end ) local config = require 'map_gen.maps.space_race.config' local entity_kill_rewards = config.entity_kill_rewards local entity_kill_rewards_default = entity_kill_rewards['default'] local entity_drop_amount = config.entity_drop_amount local player_kill_reward = config.player_kill_reward local research_tiers = { ['automation-science-pack'] = 1, ['logistic-science-pack'] = 2, ['military-science-pack'] = 3, ['chemical-science-pack'] = 4, ['production-science-pack'] = 5, ['utility-science-pack'] = 6, --['space-science-pack'] = 7 -- Only researches mining productivity } local function check_research_tier(tech, tier) local ingredients = tech.research_unit_ingredients if tier <= 2 then return #ingredients == tier end for i = 1, #ingredients do if research_tiers[ingredients[i].name] > tier then return false end end return true end local function random_tech(tier, force, group_name) local techs = force.technologies local tech_unlocked = false local techs_left = false local tier_name = 'random-tier-' .. tier for _, technology in pairs(techs) do local in_tier = check_research_tier(technology, tier) if (in_tier and technology.researched == false and technology.enabled == true) then if not tech_unlocked then tech_unlocked = true technology.researched = true force.print('[technology=' .. technology.name .. '] has been purchased and unlocked!') local items = Retailer.get_items(group_name) items[tier_name].price = math.ceil(items['random-tier-' .. tier].price * 1.05) elseif tech_unlocked then game.print(technology.name) techs_left = true break end end end if not techs_left then Retailer.remove_item(group_name, tier_name) end end local function on_market_purchase(event) local item = event.item local name = item.name local player = event.player local force = player.force if name == 'tank' then player.insert('tank') game.print({'', '[color=yellow]Warning! ', {'entity-name.' .. name}, ' has been brought by ' .. force.name .. '![/color]'}) return end local group_name = event.group_name local research = force.technologies[name] if research and research.valid then research.enabled = true Retailer.remove_item(group_name, name) end if item.type == 'random-research' then random_tech(tonumber(string.sub(item.name, -1)), force, group_name) end end Events.add(Retailer.events.on_market_purchase, on_market_purchase) local spill_items = Token.register( function(data) data.surface.spill_item_stack(data.position, {name = 'coin', count = data.count}, true) end ) local random = math.random local function invert_force(force) local teams = remote.call('space-race', 'get_teams') local force_USSR = teams[2] local force_USA = teams[1] if force == force_USA then return force_USSR elseif force == force_USSR then return force_USA end end local unlock_reasons = { player_killed = 1, entity_killed = 2 } local function unlock_market_item(force, item_name) local group_name local teams = remote.call('space-race', 'get_teams') local force_USSR = teams[2] local force_USA = teams[1] if force == force_USA then group_name = 'USA_market' elseif force == force_USSR then group_name = 'USSR_market' end if group_name then Retailer.enable_item(group_name, item_name) if not (item_name == 'tank') then Debug.print('Unlocked: ' .. item_name .. ' | For: ' .. group_name) end end end local function check_for_market_unlocks(force) local teams = remote.call('space-race', 'get_teams') local force_USSR = teams[2] local force_USA = teams[1] for research, conditions in pairs(config.disabled_research) do local _force = force local inverted = conditions.invert local unlocks = conditions.unlocks if inverted then _force = invert_force(_force) end if force == force_USA then if conditions.player <= unlock_progress.force_USA.players_killed or conditions.entity <= unlock_progress.force_USA.entities_killed then unlock_market_item(_force, research) if unlocks then unlock_market_item(invert_force(_force), unlocks) end end elseif force == force_USSR then if conditions.player <= unlock_progress.force_USSR.players_killed or conditions.entity <= unlock_progress.force_USSR.entities_killed then unlock_market_item(_force, research) if unlocks then unlock_market_item(invert_force(_force), unlocks) end end end end if force_USA.technologies.tanks.researched then unlock_market_item(force_USA, 'tank') end if force_USSR.technologies.tanks.researched then unlock_market_item(force_USSR, 'tank') end end local function update_unlock_progress(force, unlock_reason) local players_killed local entities_killed local teams = remote.call('space-race', 'get_teams') local force_USSR = teams[2] local force_USA = teams[1] if force == force_USA then players_killed = unlock_progress.force_USA.players_killed entities_killed = unlock_progress.force_USA.entities_killed if unlock_reason == unlock_reasons.player_killed then unlock_progress.force_USA.players_killed = players_killed + 1 elseif unlock_reason == unlock_reasons.entity_killed then unlock_progress.force_USA.entities_killed = entities_killed + 1 end elseif force == force_USSR then players_killed = unlock_progress.force_USSR.players_killed entities_killed = unlock_progress.force_USSR.entities_killed if unlock_reason == unlock_reasons.player_killed then unlock_progress.force_USSR.players_killed = players_killed + 1 elseif unlock_reason == unlock_reasons.entity_killed then unlock_progress.force_USSR.entities_killed = entities_killed + 1 end else return end check_for_market_unlocks(force) end -- Determines how many coins to drop when enemy entity dies based upon the entity_drop_amount table in config.lua local function spill_coins(event) local entity = event.entity if not entity or not entity.valid then return end local bounds = entity_drop_amount[entity.name] if not bounds then return end local chance = bounds.chance if chance == 0 then return end if chance == 1 or random() <= chance then local count = random(bounds.low, bounds.high) if count > 0 then Task.set_timeout_in_ticks( 1, spill_items, { count = count, surface = entity.surface, position = entity.position } ) end end end local function insert_coins(event) local entity = event.entity if entity.type == 'character' then return end local force = entity.force local name = entity.name if name == 'rocket-silo' then remote.call('space-race', 'lost', force) end local teams = remote.call('space-race', 'get_teams') local force_USSR = teams[2] local force_USA = teams[1] if force ~= force_USSR and force ~= force_USA then return end local cause = event.cause local cause_force = event.force local count = config.entity_kill_rewards[name] or entity_kill_rewards_default if cause_force then if not (cause and cause.valid) then if not (force == force_USA or force == force_USSR) then return end Task.set_timeout_in_ticks( 1, spill_items, { count = math.floor(count / 2), surface = entity.surface, position = entity.position } ) return end end if cause and cause.valid then if cause.prototype.name == 'character' then cause_force = cause.force if not (force == cause_force) then local coins_inserted = cause.insert({name = 'coin', count = count}) local player = cause.player if player and player.valid then ScoreTracker.change_for_player(player.index, 'coins-earned', coins_inserted) update_unlock_progress(cause_force, unlock_reasons.entity_killed) end end end end end local function on_entity_died(event) spill_coins(event) insert_coins(event) end Events.add(defines.events.on_entity_died, on_entity_died) local function on_player_died(event) local cause = event.cause if cause and cause.valid and cause.type == 'character' then local cause_force = cause.force if not (game.get_player(event.player_index).force == cause_force) then cause.insert({name = 'coin', count = player_kill_reward}) update_unlock_progress(cause_force, unlock_reasons.player_killed) end end end Events.add(defines.events.on_player_died, on_player_died) local function check_random_research_unlock(research) local tier = research_tiers[research.name] if tier then local force = research.force local teams = remote.call('space-race', 'get_teams') local force_USSR = teams[2] local force_USA = teams[1] local group_name if force == force_USA then group_name = 'USA_market' elseif force == force_USSR then group_name = 'USSR_market' end if group_name then Retailer.enable_item(group_name, 'random-tier-' .. tier) end end end local function on_research_finished(event) local research = event.research check_for_market_unlocks(research.force) check_random_research_unlock(research) remote.call('space-race', 'remove_recipes') end Events.add(defines.events.on_research_finished, on_research_finished)