--[[ This map uses custom ore gen. When generating the map, under the resource settings tab use Size = 'None' for all resources. ]] local b = require "map_gen.shared.builders" local square = b.rectangle(160,160) local circle = b.circle(60) local leg = b.rectangle(32,480) local head = b.translate (b.oval(32, 64), 0, -64) local body = b.translate (b.circle(64), 0, 64) local count = 10 local angle = 360 / count local list = { head, body } for i = 1, (count / 2) - 1 do local shape = b.rotate(leg, degrees(i * angle)) table.insert( list, shape ) end local spider = b.any(list) local patch = b.scale(spider, 0.125, 0.125) local iron_patch = b.resource(patch, "iron-ore", function(x,y) return 500 + (math.abs(x) + math.abs(y)) end) local copper_patch = b.resource(patch, "copper-ore",function(x,y) return 400 + (math.abs(x) + math.abs(y)) * 0.8 end) local coal_patch = b.resource(patch, "coal",function(x,y) return 300 + (math.abs(x) + math.abs(y)) * 0.7 end) local stone_patch = b.resource(patch, "stone",function(x,y) return 100 + (math.abs(x) + math.abs(y)) * 0.5 end) local uraniumn_patch = b.resource(b.scale(patch, 0.5,0.5), "uranium-ore",function(x,y) return 100 + (math.abs(x) + math.abs(y)) * 0.2 end) local oil_patch = b.resource(patch, "crude-oil",function(x,y) return 75000 + (math.abs(x) + math.abs(y)) * 500 end) local iron_circle = b.apply_entity(circle, iron_patch) local copper_circle = b.apply_entity(circle, copper_patch) local coal_circle = b.apply_entity(circle, coal_patch) local stone_circle = b.apply_entity(circle, stone_patch) local uraniumn_circle = b.apply_entity(circle, uraniumn_patch) local oil_circle = b.apply_entity(circle, oil_patch) local start_patch = b.scale(spider, 0.0625, 0.0625) local start_iron_patch = b.resource(b.translate(start_patch, 48, 0), "iron-ore", function(x,y) return 500 end) local start_copper_patch = b.resource(b.translate(start_patch, 0, -48), "copper-ore", function(x,y) return 400 end) local start_stone_patch = b.resource(b.translate(start_patch, -48, 0), "stone", function(x,y) return 200 end) local start_coal_patch = b.resource(b.translate(start_patch, 0, 48), "coal", function(x,y) return 300 end) local start_resources = b.any({ start_iron_patch, start_copper_patch, start_stone_patch, start_coal_patch }) local start = b.apply_entity(b.square_diamond(224), start_resources) pattern = { { square, iron_circle, square, iron_circle, square, stone_circle }, { coal_circle, square, oil_circle, square, copper_circle, square }, { square, iron_circle, square, copper_circle, square, coal_circle }, { stone_circle, square, uraniumn_circle, square, iron_circle, square }, { square, iron_circle, square, oil_circle, square, copper_circle }, { copper_circle, square, iron_circle, square, coal_circle, square }, } local map = b.grid_pattern(pattern, 6, 6, 288, 288) map = b.choose(b.rectangle(288,288), start, map) local path = b.path(16) local paths = b.single_pattern(path, 288, 288) map = b.any{map, paths} return map