-- dependencies local Event = require 'utils.event' -- this local StressMap = {} local epsilon = 0.01 -- main block global.stress_map_storage = {} local defaultValue = 0 local _mt_y = { __index=function(tbl,key) tbl[key] = defaultValue return tbl[key] end} local _mt_x = {__index=function(tbl,key) tbl[key] = setmetatable({},_mt_y) return rawget(tbl,key) end} local function set_metatables() for _,map in ipairs(global.stress_map_storage) do for _,quad in pairs(map) do setmetatable(quad,_mt_x) for _,stbl in pairs(quad) do setmetatable(stbl,_mt_y) end end end end Event.on_init(set_metatables) Event.on_load(set_metatables) StressMap.events = { --[[-- When stress at certain position changes - position LuaPosition - value Number - old_value Number - surface LuaSurface ]] on_stress_changed = script.generate_event_name() } --[[-- Adds a fraction to a given location on the stress_map. Returns the new fraction value of that position. @param stress_map Table of {@see get_stress_map} @param position Table with x and y @param number fraction @return number sum of old fraction + new fraction ]] local function add_fraction(stress_map, position, fraction) local x = position.x local y = position.y local quadrant = 1 if x < 0 then quadrant = quadrant + 1 x = - x end if y < 0 then quadrant = quadrant + 2 y = - y end --magic meta tables! local value = stress_map[quadrant][x][y] + fraction stress_map[quadrant][x][y] = value local surface = game.surfaces[stress_map.surface_index] script.raise_event(StressMap.events.on_stress_changed, {old_value = value - fraction, value = value, position = position, surface = surface}) return value end --[[-- Creates a new stress map if it doesn't exist yet and returns it. @param surface LuaSurface @return Table [1,2,3,4] containing the quadrants ]] local function get_stress_map(surface) if not global.stress_map_storage[surface.index] then global.stress_map_storage[surface.index] = {} local map = global.stress_map_storage[surface.index] map[1] = setmetatable({},_mt_x) map[2] = setmetatable({},_mt_x) map[3] = setmetatable({},_mt_x) map[4] = setmetatable({},_mt_x) map["surface_index"] = surface.index end return global.stress_map_storage[surface.index] end --[[-- @param surface LuaSurface @param position Position with x and y @param number fraction to add to the given position on the surface increase or decreasing stress @return boolean ]] function StressMap.add(surface, position, fraction) if ('table' ~= type(surface) or nil == surface.name) then error('StressMap.add argument #1 expects a LuaSurface, ' .. type(surface) .. ' given.') end if ('table' ~= type(position) or nil == position.x or nil == position.y) then error('StressMap.add argument #2 expects a position with x and y, ' .. type(position) .. ' given.') end local stress_map = get_stress_map(surface) local new = add_fraction(stress_map, position, fraction) if (new >= 1 - epsilon) then return true end end --[[-- Checks whether a tile's pressure is within a given threshold and calls the handler if not. @param surface LuaSurface @param position Position with x and y @param number threshold @param callback ]] function StressMap.check_stress_in_threshold(surface, position, threshold, callback) if ('table' ~= type(surface) or nil == surface.name) then error('StressMap.check_stress_in_threshold argument #1 expects a LuaSurface, ' .. type(surface) .. ' given.') end if ('table' ~= type(position) or nil == position.x or nil == position.y) then error('StressMap.check_stress_in_threshold argument #2 expects a position with x and y, ' .. type(position) .. ' given.') end if 'number' ~= type(threshold) then error('StressMap.check_stress_in_threshold argument #3 expects a number, ' .. type(threshold) .. ' given.') end local stress_map = get_stress_map(surface) local value = add_fraction(stress_map, position, 0) if (value >= 1 - epsilon - threshold) then callback(surface, position) end end return StressMap