mirror of https://github.com/Refactorio/RedMew.git synced 2025-02-01 13:08:05 +02:00
2022-12-22 15:46:32 +00:00

737 lines
33 KiB

local Command = require 'utils.command'
local Task = require 'utils.task'
local Token = require 'utils.token'
local Server = require 'features.server'
local Global = require 'utils.global'
local Event = require 'utils.event'
local Retailer = require 'features.retailer'
local Ranks = require 'resources.ranks'
local Core = require 'utils.core'
local Color = require 'resources.color_presets'
local Toast = require 'features.gui.toast'
local Discord = require 'resources.discord'
local ScoreTracker = require 'utils.score_tracker'
local PlayerStats = require 'features.player_stats'
local Restart = require 'features.restart_command'
local set_timeout_in_ticks = Task.set_timeout_in_ticks
local format_number = require 'util'.format_number
-- Use these settings for live
local map_promotion_channel = Discord.channel_names.map_promotion
--local crash_site_channel = Discord.channel_names.crash_site
local crash_site_role_mention = Discord.role_mentions.crash_site
-- Use these settings for testing
-- local map_promotion_channel = Discord.channel_names.bot_playground
-- local crash_site_channel = Discord.channel_names.bot_playground
-- local crash_site_role_mention = Discord.role_mentions.test
local Public = {}
function Public.control(config)
Restart.set_start_game_data({type = Restart.game_types.scenario, name = config.scenario_name or 'crashsite'})
local airstrike_data = {radius_level = 1, count_level = 1}
local barrage_data = {radius_level = 1, count_level = 1}
local spy_message_cooldown = {false}
Global.register({airstrike_data = airstrike_data, barrage_data = barrage_data, spy_message_cooldown = spy_message_cooldown}, function(tbl)
airstrike_data = tbl.airstrike_data
barrage_data = tbl.barrage_data
spy_message_cooldown = tbl.spy_message_cooldown
local static_entities_to_check = {
local biter_entities_to_check = {
local function count_enemy_entities()
local get_entity_count = game.forces["enemy"].get_entity_count
local entity_count = 0;
for i = 1, #static_entities_to_check do
local name = static_entities_to_check[i]
entity_count = entity_count + get_entity_count(name)
for i = 1, #biter_entities_to_check do
local name = biter_entities_to_check[i]
entity_count = entity_count + get_entity_count(name)
return entity_count
-- Scenario display name for printing new scenario to discord
local scenario_display_name = {
['crashsite'] = 'Crash Site',
['crashsite-world'] = 'Crash Site World Map',
['crashsite-desert'] = 'Crash Site Desert',
['crashsite-arrakis'] = 'Crash Site Arrakis',
['crashsite-venice'] = 'Crash Site Venice',
['crashsite-manhattan'] = 'Crash Site Manhattan',
['crashsite-UK'] = 'Crash Site United Kingdom'
local function can_restart(player)
if player.admin then
return true
local get_entity_count = game.forces["enemy"].get_entity_count
-- Check how many of each turrets, worms and spawners are left and return false if there are any of each left.
for i = 1, #static_entities_to_check do
local name = static_entities_to_check[i]
if get_entity_count(name) > 0 then
'All enemy spawners, worms, buildings, biters and spitters must be cleared before crashsite can be restarted.')
return false
-- Count all the remaining enemies
local biter_total = count_enemy_entities()
-- Return false if more than 20 left. Players have had problems finding the last few biters so set to a reasonable value.
if biter_total > 20 then
'All enemy spawners, worms, buildings are dead. Crashsite can be restarted when all biters and spitters are killed.')
return false
return true
local places = {'1st','2nd','3rd','4th','5th'}
-- builds a message for top 3 or 4 etc players for a given stat to use in the embedded awards
local function get_top_players(players_as_array, statistic_name)
local return_message = ""
table.sort(players_as_array, function (a, b) return a[statistic_name] > b[statistic_name] end )
for i = 1, math.min(3, #players_as_array) do
local data = players_as_array[i]
if statistic_name == "time_played" then
return_message = return_message..places[i].." - "..data.name.." ("..Core.format_time(data[statistic_name]).."), "
elseif statistic_name == "fish_eaten" then
return_message = return_message..places[i].." - "..data.name.." ("..format_number(data[statistic_name],true).." fish eaten), "
return_message = return_message..places[i].." - "..data.name.." ("..format_number(data[statistic_name],true).."), "
return_message = return_message:sub(1, -3) -- remove the last ", "
return return_message
local function restart_callback()
local end_epoch = Server.get_current_time()
if end_epoch == nil then
end_epoch = -1 -- end_epoch is nil if the restart command is used locally rather than on the server
local player_data = {}
for _, p in pairs(game.players) do
player_data[p.index] = {
name = p.name,
total_kills = ScoreTracker.get_for_player(p.index, PlayerStats.player_total_kills_name),
spawners_killed = ScoreTracker.get_for_player(p.index, PlayerStats.player_spawners_killed_name),
worms_killed = ScoreTracker.get_for_player(p.index, PlayerStats.player_worms_killed_name),
units_killed = ScoreTracker.get_for_player(p.index, PlayerStats.player_units_killed_name),
turrets_killed = ScoreTracker.get_for_player(p.index, PlayerStats.player_turrets_killed_name),
distance_walked = ScoreTracker.get_for_player(p.index, PlayerStats.player_distance_walked_name),
player_deaths = ScoreTracker.get_for_player(p.index, PlayerStats.player_deaths_name),
coins_earned = ScoreTracker.get_for_player(p.index, PlayerStats.coins_earned_name),
entities_built = ScoreTracker.get_for_player(p.index, PlayerStats.player_entities_built_name),
entities_crafted = ScoreTracker.get_for_player(p.index, PlayerStats.player_items_crafted_name),
fish_eaten = ScoreTracker.get_for_player(p.index, PlayerStats.player_fish_eaten_name),
time_played = p.online_time
local statistics = {
scenario = config.scenario_name,
start_epoch = Server.get_start_time(),
end_epoch = end_epoch, -- stored as key already, useful to have it as part of same structure
game_ticks = game.ticks_played,
enemy_entities = count_enemy_entities(),
biters_killed = ScoreTracker.get_for_global(PlayerStats.aliens_killed_name),
total_players = #game.players,
entities_built = ScoreTracker.get_for_global(PlayerStats.built_by_players_name),
player_data = player_data
local players_as_array = {}
for _, data in pairs(player_data) do
players_as_array[#players_as_array+1] = data
local statistics_message
local time_string = Core.format_time(game.ticks_played)
if statistics.enemy_entities < 1000 then
statistics_message = 'Crash Site map won!\\n\\n'
.. 'Statistics:\\n'
.. 'Map time: '..time_string..'\\n'
.. 'Total kills: '..statistics.biters_killed..'\\n'
.. 'Biters remaining on map: '..statistics.enemy_entities..'\\n'
.. 'Players: '..statistics.total_players..'\\n'
.. 'Total entities built: '..statistics.entities_built..'\\n\\n'
.. 'Awards:\\n'
-- do the individual awards
.. 'Most kills overall: '..get_top_players(players_as_array, "total_kills")..'\\n'
.. 'Most biters/spitters killed: '..get_top_players(players_as_array, "units_killed")..'\\n'
.. 'Most spawners killed: '..get_top_players(players_as_array, "spawners_killed")..')\\n'
.. 'Most worms killed: '..get_top_players(players_as_array, "worms_killed")..')\\n'
.. 'Most deaths: '..get_top_players(players_as_array, "player_deaths")..')\\n'
.. 'Most items crafted: '..get_top_players(players_as_array, "entities_crafted")..')\\n'
.. 'Most entities built: '..get_top_players(players_as_array, "entities_built")..')\\n'
.. 'Most time played: '..get_top_players(players_as_array, "time_played")..')\\n'
.. 'Furthest walked: '..get_top_players(players_as_array, "distance_walked")..')\\n'
.. 'Most coins earned: '..get_top_players(players_as_array, "coins_earned")..')\\n'
.. 'Seafood lover: '..get_top_players(players_as_array, "fish_eaten")..'\\n'
statistics_message = 'Crash Site map failed!\\n\\n'
.. 'Statistics:\\n'
.. 'Map time: '..time_string..'\\n'
.. 'Total kills: '..statistics.biters_killed..'\\n'
.. 'Biters remaining on map: '..statistics.enemy_entities..'\\n'
.. 'Players: '..statistics.total_players..'\\n'
Server.to_discord_named_embed(map_promotion_channel, statistics_message)
-- Uncomment to enable posting stats to crashsite channel.
-- Server.to_discord_named_embed(crash_site_channel, statistics_message)
local start_game_data = Restart.get_start_game_data()
local new_map_name = start_game_data.name
crash_site_role_mention .. ' **' .. (scenario_display_name[config.scenario_name] or config.scenario_name) .. ' has just restarted!!\\n'
.. 'Next map: ' .. (scenario_display_name[new_map_name] or new_map_name) .. '**')
Server.set_data('crash_site_data', tostring(end_epoch), statistics) -- Store the table, with end_epoch as the key
Restart.register(can_restart, restart_callback)
local chart_area_callback = Token.register(function(data)
local xpos = data.xpos
local ypos = data.ypos
local player = data.player
local s = player.surface
player.force.chart(s, {{xpos - 32, ypos - 32}, {xpos + 32, ypos + 32}})
local map_chart_tag_clear_callback = Token.register(function(tag)
if not tag or not tag.valid then
return -- in case a player deleted the tag manually
-- This is needed for if players use /spy, /barrage or /strike on an uncharted area. A map tag cannot be placed on void.
local map_chart_tag_place_callback = Token.register(function(data)
local xpos = data.xpos
local ypos = data.ypos
local player = data.player
local tag = player.force.add_chart_tag(player.surface, {
icon = {type = 'item', name = data.item},
position = {xpos, ypos},
text = player.name
set_timeout_in_ticks(60 * 30, map_chart_tag_clear_callback, tag) -- To clear the tag after 30 seconds
-- Prevents message spam to chat when someone uses /spy a lot
-- Agreed over removing message as the message helps new players know they can use this command
local spy_message_cooldown_callback = Token.register(function()
spy_message_cooldown[1] = false
local function spy(args, player)
local player_name = player.name
local inv = player.get_inventory(defines.inventory.character_main)
-- Parse the values from the location string
-- {location = "[gps=-110,-17,redmew]"}
local location_string = args.location
local coords = {}
local spy_cost = 100
for m in string.gmatch(location_string, "(%-?%d*%.?%d+)") do -- Assuming the surface name isn't a valid number.
table.insert(coords, tonumber(m))
-- Do some checks on the coordinates passed in the argument
if #coords < 2 then
player.print({'command_description.crash_site_spy_invalid'}, Color.fail)
-- process each set of coordinates
local i = 1
local xpos = coords[i]
local ypos = coords[i + 1]
while xpos ~= nil and ypos ~= nil do
local coin_count = inv.get_item_count("coin")
-- Make sure player has enough coin to cover spying cost
if coin_count < spy_cost then
player.print({'command_description.crash_site_spy_funds'}, Color.fail)
-- show a fish on the map so players can easily find where the new spy locations are from the map view
set_timeout_in_ticks(120, map_chart_tag_place_callback, {player = player, xpos = xpos, ypos = ypos, item = 'raw-fish'})
-- reveal 3x3 chunks centred on chunk containing pinged location. Use a callback to make sure it lasts 15 seconds
for j = 1, 15 do
set_timeout_in_ticks(60 * j, chart_area_callback, {player = player, xpos = xpos, ypos = ypos})
if spy_message_cooldown[1] == false then
game.print({'command_description.crash_site_spy_success', player_name, spy_cost, xpos, ypos},Color.success)
spy_message_cooldown[1] = true
set_timeout_in_ticks(60*30, spy_message_cooldown_callback)
inv.remove({name = "coin", count = spy_cost})
-- move to the next set of coordinates
i = i + 2
xpos = coords[i]
ypos = coords[i + 1]
local spawn_poison_callback = Token.register(function(data)
local r = data.r
data.s.create_entity {
name = "poison-capsule",
position = {0, 0},
target = {data.xpos + math.random(-r, r), data.ypos + math.random(-r, r)},
speed = 10,
max_range = 100000
local function render_crosshair(data)
local red = {r = 0.5, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1}
local timeout = 20 * 60
local line_width = 5
local line_length = 1.8
local s = data.player.surface
local f = data.player.force
rendering.draw_circle {
color = red,
radius = 1.2,
width = line_width,
filled = false,
target = data.position,
surface = s,
time_to_live = timeout,
forces = {f}
rendering.draw_line {
color = red,
width = line_width,
from = {data.position.x - line_length, data.position.y},
to = {data.position.x + line_length, data.position.y},
surface = s,
time_to_live = timeout,
forces = {f}
rendering.draw_line {
color = red,
width = line_width,
from = {data.position.x, data.position.y - line_length},
to = {data.position.x, data.position.y + line_length},
surface = s,
time_to_live = timeout,
forces = {f}
s.create_entity {
name = "flying-text",
position = {data.position.x + 3, data.position.y},
text = "[item=" .. data.item .. "] " .. data.player.name,
speed = 1/180,
time_to_live = 60*5,
color = {r = 1, g = 1, b = 1, a = 1}
local function render_radius(data)
local timeout = 20 * 60
rendering.draw_circle {
color = data.color,
radius = data.radius,
filled = true,
target = data.position,
surface = data.player.surface,
time_to_live = timeout,
players = {data.player}
local function strike(args, player)
local s = player.surface
local location_string = args.location
local coords = {}
local radius_level = airstrike_data.radius_level -- max radius of the strike area
local count_level = airstrike_data.count_level -- the number of poison capsules launched at the enemy
if count_level == 1 then
player.print({'command_description.crash_site_airstrike_not_researched'}, Color.fail)
local radius = 5 + (radius_level * 3)
local count = (count_level - 2) * 5 + 3
local strikeCost = count * 4 -- the number of poison-capsules required in the chest as payment
-- parse GPS coordinates from map ping
for m in string.gmatch(location_string, "(%-?%d*%.?%d+)") do -- Assuming the surface name isn't a valid number.
table.insert(coords, tonumber(m))
-- Do some checks on the coordinates passed in the argument
if #coords < 2 then
player.print({'command_description.crash_site_airstrike_invalid'}, Color.fail)
-- Check that the chest is where it should be.
local entities = s.find_entities_filtered {position = {3.5, -7.5}, type = 'logistic-container', limit = 1}
local dropbox = entities[1]
if dropbox == nil then
player.print("Chest not found. Replace it here: [gps=3.5,-7.5,redmew]")
-- process each set of coordinates from the arguments with a 20 coordinate, 10 strike limit.
local i = 1
local xpos = coords[i]
local ypos = coords[i + 1]
while xpos ~= nil and ypos ~= nil and i < 20 do -- Process multiple GPS coordinates in the /strike command arguments to strike more than one place at once.
-- Check the contents of the chest by spawn for enough poison capsules to use as payment
local inv = dropbox.get_inventory(defines.inventory.chest)
local capCount = inv.get_item_count("poison-capsule")
if capCount < strikeCost then
strikeCost - capCount
}, Color.fail)
inv.remove({name = "poison-capsule", count = strikeCost})
player.force.chart(s, {{xpos - 32, ypos - 32}, {xpos + 32, ypos + 32}})
-- aim of anti-grief is to stop players accidentally using it on themselves.
-- we don't mind if there's no enemies there, we'll still take the poison capsules and do the charting so it can still be used to reveal parts of the map
local enemies = s.count_entities_filtered{position = {xpos, ypos}, radius=radius+10, force="enemy", limit=1}
if enemies ~= 0 then
for j = 1, count do
set_timeout_in_ticks(30 * j, spawn_poison_callback,
{s = s, xpos = xpos, ypos = ypos, count = count, r = radius})
set_timeout_in_ticks(60 * j, chart_area_callback, {player = player, xpos = xpos, ypos = ypos})
player.print({'command_description.crash_site_airstrike_no_enemies', xpos, ypos, s.name},Color.fail)
-- render some items regardless as good visual feedback where their strike was.
render_crosshair({position = {x = xpos, y = ypos}, player = player, item = "poison-capsule"})
render_radius({position = {x = xpos, y = ypos}, player = player, radius = radius+10, color = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0.1, a = 0.1}})
set_timeout_in_ticks(60, map_chart_tag_place_callback, {player = player, xpos = xpos, ypos = ypos, item = 'poison-capsule'})
-- move to the next set of coordinates
i = i + 2
xpos = coords[i]
ypos = coords[i + 1]
local spawn_rocket_callback = Token.register(function(data)
data.s.create_entity {
name = "explosive-rocket",
position = {0, 0},
target = {data.xpos, data.ypos},
speed = 10,
max_range = 100000
local function barrage(args, player)
local s = player.surface
local location_string = args.location
local coords = {}
local radius_level = barrage_data.radius_level -- max radius of the barrage area
local count_level = barrage_data.count_level -- the number of rockets launched at the enemy
if count_level == 1 then
player.print({'command_description.crash_site_barrage_not_researched'}, Color.fail)
local radius = 25 + (radius_level * 5)
local count = (count_level-1) * 6
local strikeCost = count * 4
-- parse GPS coordinates from map ping
for m in string.gmatch(location_string, "(%-?%d*%.?%d+)") do -- Assuming the surface name isn't a valid number.
table.insert(coords, tonumber(m))
-- Do some checks on the coordinates passed in the argument
if #coords < 2 then
player.print({'command_description.crash_site_airstrike_invalid'}, Color.fail)
-- Check that the chest is where it should be.
local entities = s.find_entities_filtered {position = {-4.5, -7.5}, type = 'logistic-container', limit = 1}
local dropbox = entities[1]
if dropbox == nil then
player.print("Chest not found. Replace it here: [gps=-4.5,-7.5,redmew]")
-- process each set of coordinates from the arguments with a 20 coordinate, 10 barrage limit
local i = 1
local xpos = coords[i]
local ypos = coords[i + 1]
while xpos ~= nil and ypos ~= nil and i < 20 do -- Process multiple GPS coordinates in the /barrage command arguments to strike more than one place at once.
-- Check the contents of the chest by spawn for enough rockets to use as payment
local inv = dropbox.get_inventory(defines.inventory.chest)
local capCount = inv.get_item_count("explosive-rocket")
if capCount < count then
strikeCost - capCount
}, Color.fail)
local nests = player.surface.find_entities_filtered {
position = {xpos, ypos},
radius = radius,
force = "enemy",
type = "unit-spawner"
local nest_count = #nests
inv.remove({name = "explosive-rocket", count = strikeCost})
if nest_count == 0 then
player.print({'command_description.crash_site_barrage_no_nests',xpos, ypos,s.name}, Color.fail)
player.force.chart(s, {{xpos - 32, ypos - 32}, {xpos + 32, ypos + 32}})
-- draw radius
set_timeout_in_ticks(60, map_chart_tag_place_callback, {player = player, xpos = xpos, ypos = ypos, item = 'explosive-rocket'})
render_radius({position = {x = xpos, y = ypos}, player = player, radius = radius, color = {r = 0.1, g = 0, b = 0, a = 0.1}})
for _, nest in pairs(nests) do
render_crosshair({position = {x = nest.position.x, y = nest.position.y}, player = player, item = "explosive-rocket"})
for j = 1, count do
set_timeout_in_ticks(60 * j + math.random(0, 30), spawn_rocket_callback, {s = s, xpos = nests[(j%nest_count)+1].position.x, ypos = nests[(j%nest_count)+1].position.y})
set_timeout_in_ticks(60 * j, chart_area_callback, {player = player, xpos = xpos, ypos = ypos})
-- move to the next set of coordinates
i = i + 2
xpos = coords[i]
ypos = coords[i + 1]
Public.call_strike = strike
Public.call_barrage= barrage
Event.add(Retailer.events.on_market_purchase, function(event)
local market_id = event.group_name
local group_label = Retailer.get_market_group_label(market_id)
if group_label ~= 'Spawn' then
local item = event.item
if item.type ~= 'airstrike' and item.type~= 'barrage' and item.type~= 'spidertron' then
if item.type == 'airstrike' then
local radius_level = airstrike_data.radius_level -- max radius of the strike area
local count_level = airstrike_data.count_level -- the number of poison capsules launched at the enemy
local radius = 5 + (radius_level * 3)
local count = (count_level - 1) * 5 + 3
local strikeCost = count * 4
local name = item.name
local player_name = event.player.name
if name == 'airstrike_damage' then
airstrike_data.count_level = airstrike_data.count_level + 1
Toast.toast_all_players(15, {
Server.to_discord_bold('*** ' .. player_name .. ' has upgraded Airstrike Damage to level ' .. count_level
.. ' ***')
item.name_label = {'command_description.crash_site_airstrike_count_name_label', (count_level + 1)}
item.price = math.floor(math.exp(airstrike_data.count_level ^ 0.8) / 2) * 1000
item.description = {
(count_level + 1),
tostring(strikeCost) .. ' poison capsules'
Retailer.set_item(market_id, item) -- this updates the retailer with the new item values.
elseif name == 'airstrike_radius' then
airstrike_data.radius_level = airstrike_data.radius_level + 1
Toast.toast_all_players(15, {
Server.to_discord_bold('*** ' .. player_name .. ' has upgraded Airstrike Radius to level ' .. radius_level
.. ' ***')
item.name_label = {'command_description.crash_site_airstrike_radius_name_label', (radius_level + 1)}
item.description = {
(radius_level + 1),
item.price = math.floor(math.exp(airstrike_data.radius_level ^ 0.8) / 2) * 1000
Retailer.set_item(market_id, item) -- this updates the retailer with the new item values.
elseif name == 'airstrike_planner' then
local player = event.player
local cursor_stack = player.cursor_stack
cursor_stack.set_stack({name = 'deconstruction-planner'})
cursor_stack.label = 'Poison strike targetting remote'
cursor_stack.blueprint_icons = {{index = 1, signal = {type = 'item', name = 'poison-capsule'}}}
cursor_stack.tile_selection_mode = defines.deconstruction_item.tile_selection_mode.never
cursor_stack.entity_filters = {'sand-rock-big'}
if item.type == 'barrage' then
local radius_level = barrage_data.radius_level -- max radius of the strike area
local count_level = barrage_data.count_level -- the number of poison capsules launched at the enemy
local radius = 25 + (radius_level * 5)
local count = count_level * 6
local strikeCost = count * 4
local name = item.name
local player_name = event.player.name
if name == 'barrage_damage' then
barrage_data.count_level = barrage_data.count_level + 1
Toast.toast_all_players(15, {
Server.to_discord_bold('*** ' .. player_name .. ' has upgraded Rocket Barrage Damage to level ' .. count_level
.. ' ***')
item.name_label = {'command_description.crash_site_barrage_count_name_label', (count_level + 1)}
item.price = math.floor(math.exp(barrage_data.count_level ^ 0.8) / 2) * 1000
item.description = {
(count_level + 1),
tostring(strikeCost) .. ' explosive rockets'
Retailer.set_item(market_id, item) -- this updates the retailer with the new item values.
elseif name == 'barrage_radius' then
barrage_data.radius_level = barrage_data.radius_level + 1
Toast.toast_all_players(15, {
Server.to_discord_bold('*** ' .. player_name .. ' has upgraded Rocket Barrage Radius to level ' .. radius_level
.. ' ***')
item.name_label = {'command_description.crash_site_barrage_radius_name_label', (radius_level + 1)}
item.description = {
(radius_level + 1),
item.price = math.floor(math.exp(barrage_data.radius_level ^ 0.8) / 2) * 1000
Retailer.set_item(market_id, item) -- this updates the retailer with the new item values.
elseif name == 'barrage_planner' then
local player = event.player
local cursor_stack = player.cursor_stack
cursor_stack.set_stack({name = 'deconstruction-planner'})
cursor_stack.label = 'Barrage targetting remote'
cursor_stack.blueprint_icons = {{index = 1, signal = {type = 'item', name = 'explosive-rocket'}}}
cursor_stack.tile_selection_mode = defines.deconstruction_item.tile_selection_mode.never
cursor_stack.entity_filters = {'sand-rock-big'}
if item.type == 'spidertron' and item.name=='spidertron_planner' then
local player = event.player
local cursor_stack = player.cursor_stack
cursor_stack.set_stack({name = 'deconstruction-planner'})
cursor_stack.label = "Select a group of spidertrons that belong to you! 0 selected."
cursor_stack.blueprint_icons = {{index = 1, signal = {type = 'item', name = 'spidertron'}}}
cursor_stack.tile_selection_mode = defines.deconstruction_item.tile_selection_mode.never
cursor_stack.entity_filters = {'sand-rock-big'}
Command.add('spy', {
description = {'command_description.crash_site_spy'},
arguments = {'location'},
capture_excess_arguments = true,
required_rank = Ranks.guest,
allowed_by_server = false
}, spy)
Command.add('strike', {
description = {'command_description.crash_site_airstrike'},
arguments = {'location'},
capture_excess_arguments = true,
required_rank = Ranks.guest,
allowed_by_server = false
}, strike)
Command.add('barrage', {
description = {'command_description.crash_site_barrage'},
arguments = {'location'},
capture_excess_arguments = true,
required_rank = Ranks.guest,
allowed_by_server = false
}, barrage)
return Public