mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 14:53:01 +02:00
Needs additional testing I have changed the GUI, and implemented infinite stone progression. Created levels to mask the stone requirement. Developed on a older branch!
525 lines
27 KiB
525 lines
27 KiB
-- dependencies
local marked_prototype_items = {}
local function market_prototype_add(self_level, self_price, self_name)
if (not marked_prototype_items[self_level]) then
--market_prototype_items[''..self_level] = {}
table.insert(marked_prototype_items, self_level, {})
table.insert(marked_prototype_items[self_level], {price = self_price, name = self_name})
local function initalize_unlockables()
local levelcost = {}
local unlockables = {}
local prev_number = 0
for i = 1,100 do
local b = 20 -- Default 20 <-- Controls how much stone is needed.
local start_value = 50 -- The start value/the first level cost
local formula = b*(i^3)+(start_value-b)
local precision = 2 -- Sets the precision
--Truncates to the precision and prevents dublicates by incrementing with 5 in the third highest place
local number = formula
local numberlen = math.floor(math.log10(number)+1)
precision = (numberlen >= 8) and (precision+1) or precision
number = number/10^(numberlen-precision)
number = math.floor(number)*10^(numberlen-precision)
while (prev_number >= number) do
number = (prev_number > number) and number or number + math.ceil(5*10^(numberlen-3))
--print(number .. " len "..numberlen .." DEBUG ".. tostring(numberlen >= 8) .. " precision ".. precision)
levelcost[i] = number
prev_number = number
--[[local unlocking = {{name = 'mining_speed', value = 5}, {name = 'inventory_slot', value = 1}, {name = 'stone_automation', value = 3}}
for _, unlocked in ipairs(unlocking) do
local newTable = {stone = levelcost[i], type = 'buff', prototype = unlocked}
table.insert(unlockables, newTable)
-- market_prototype_add(unlock_level, price, prototype_name)
market_prototype_add(1, 50, 'raw-fish')
market_prototype_add(1, 50, 'steel-axe')
market_prototype_add(2, 50, 'small-electric-pole')
market_prototype_add(2, 50, 'small-lamp')
market_prototype_add(2, 25, 'stone-brick')
market_prototype_add(2, 125, 'stone-wall')
market_prototype_add(3, 850, 'submachine-gun')
market_prototype_add(3, 850, 'shotgun')
market_prototype_add(3, 50, 'firearm-magazine')
market_prototype_add(3, 50, 'shotgun-shell')
market_prototype_add(3, 500, 'light-armor')
market_prototype_add(11, 750, 'heavy-armor')
market_prototype_add(13, 100, 'piercing-rounds-magazine')
market_prototype_add(13, 100, 'piercing-shotgun-shell')
market_prototype_add(13, 1500, 'modular-armor')
market_prototype_add(16, 1000, 'landfill')
market_prototype_add(30, 250, 'uranium-rounds-magazine')
market_prototype_add(30, 1000, 'combat-shotgun')
for lvl, v in pairs(marked_prototype_items) do
for _, w in ipairs(v) do
table.insert(unlockables, {level = lvl, stone = levelcost[lvl], type = 'market', prototype = w})
--[[for _, v in ipairs(unlockables) do
for _, v in ipairs(v.prototype) do
return unlockables
-- this
local Config = {
-- enable debug mode, shows extra messages
debug = false,
-- allow cheats. Example: by default the player will have X mining speed
cheats = false,
-- a list of features to register and enable
-- to disable a feature, change the flag
features = {
-- creates a starting zone
StartingZone = {
enabled = true,
-- initial starting position size, higher values are not recommended
starting_size = 8,
-- controls setting up the players
SetupPlayer = {
enabled = true,
starting_items = {
{name = 'iron-axe', count = 1},
{name = 'stone-wall', count = 10},
cheats = {
manual_mining_speed_modifier = 1000,
character_inventory_slots_bonus = 1000,
character_running_speed_modifier = 2,
-- core feature
DiggyHole = {
enabled = true,
-- enables commands like /clear-void
enable_debug_commands = false,
-- adds the ability to collapse caves
DiggyCaveCollapse = {
enabled = true,
-- adds per tile what the current stress is
enable_stress_grid = false,
-- shows the mask on spawn
enable_mask_debug = false,
-- enables commands like /test-tile-support-range
enable_debug_commands = false,
--the size of the mask used
mask_size = 9,
--how much the mask will effect tiles in the different rings of the mask
mask_relative_ring_weights = {2, 3, 4},
-- delay in seconds before the cave collapses
collapse_delay = 2.5,
-- the threshold that will be applied to all neighbors on a collapse via a mask
collapse_threshold_total_strength = 16,
support_beam_entities = {
['market'] = 9,
['stone-wall'] = 3,
['sand-rock-big'] = 2,
['out-of-map'] = 1,
['stone-path'] = 0.03,
['concrete'] = 0.04,
['hazard-concrete-left'] = 0.04,
['hazard-concrete-right'] = 0.04,
['refined-concrete'] = 0.06,
['refined-hazard-concrete-left'] = 0.06,
['refined-hazard-concrete-right'] = 0.06,
cracking_sounds = {
'R U N',
-- replaces the chunks with void
RefreshMap = {
enabled = true,
-- automatically opens areas
SimpleRoomGenerator = {
enabled = true,
-- value between 0 and 1, higher value means stronger variance between coordinates
noise_variance = 0.066,
-- adds per tile what the current noise is
enable_noise_grid = false,
-- minimum distance and noise range required for water to spawn
room_noise_minimum_distance = 9,
room_noise_ranges = {
{name = 'water', min = 0.54, max = 1},
{name = 'dirt', min = 0.39, max = 0.53},
-- responsible for resource spawning
ScatteredResources = {
enabled = true,
-- creates clusters of ore with higher yields and frequency instead of evenly scattered ore
-- lowers max resource max_resource_probability to 50% of the original value
cluster_mode = true,
-- value between 0 and 1, higher value means stronger variance between coordinates
noise_variance = 0.04,
-- a value between 0 and 1 that triggers the spawning of resource based on noise
noise_resource_threshold = 0.36,
-- raw multiplier for ore content in cluster mode
cluster_yield_multiplier = 2.3,
-- adds per tile what the current noise is
enable_noise_grid = false,
-- percentage of resource added to the sum. 100 tiles means
-- 10% more resources with a distance_richness_modifier of 10
-- 20% more resources with a distance_richness_modifier of 5
distance_richness_modifier = 6,
-- defines the increased chance of spawning resources
-- calculated_probability = resource_probability + ((distance / distance_probability_modifier) / 100)
distance_probability_modifier = 10,
-- increases the amount of oil * oil_value_modifier
oil_value_modifier = 750,
-- min percentage of chance that resources will spawn after mining
resource_probability = 0.01,
-- max chance of spawning resources based on resource_probability + calculated distance_probability_modifier
max_resource_probability = 0.30,
-- chances per resource of spawning, sum must be 1.00
resource_chances = {
['coal'] = 0.16,
['copper-ore'] = 0.215,
['iron-ore'] = 0.389,
['stone'] = 0.212,
['uranium-ore'] = 0.021,
['crude-oil'] = 0.003,
-- minimum distance from the spawn point required before it spawns
minimum_resource_distance = {
['coal'] = 16,
['copper-ore'] = 18,
['iron-ore'] = 18,
['stone'] = 15,
['uranium-ore'] = 86,
['crude-oil'] = 57,
-- defines the chance of which resource_richness_value to spawn, sum must be 1.00
resource_richness_probability = {
['scarce'] = 0.44,
['low'] = 0.35,
['sufficient'] = 0.164,
['good'] = 0.03,
['plenty'] = 0.01,
['jackpot'] = 0.006,
-- defines the min and max range of ores to spawn
resource_richness_values = {
['scarce'] = {1, 200},
['low'] = {201, 400},
['sufficient'] = {401, 750},
['good'] = {751, 1200},
['plenty'] = {1201, 2000},
['jackpot'] = {2001, 5000},
-- controls the alien spawning mechanic
AlienSpawner = {
enabled = true,
-- minimum distance from spawn before aliens can spawn
alien_minimum_distance = 40,
-- chance of spawning aliens when mining
alien_probability = 0.07,
-- controls the market and buffs
MarketExchange = {
enabled = true,
-- percentage * mining productivity level gets added to mining speed
mining_speed_productivity_multiplier = 5,
-- market config
market_spawn_position = {x = 0, y = 3},
stone_to_surface_amount = 50,
currency_item = 'stone',
-- locations where chests will be automatically cleared from currency_item
void_chest_tiles = {
{x = -1, y = 5}, {x = 0, y = 5}, {x = 1, y = 5},
-- every x ticks it will clear y currency_item
void_chest_frequency = 307,
unlockables = initalize_unlockables(),
buffs = {
{prototype = {name = 'mining_speed', value = 5}},
{prototype = {name = 'inventory_slot', value = 1}},
{prototype = {name = 'stone_automation', value = 3}},
--[[unlockables = {
{stone = 50, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'mining_speed', value = 10}},
{stone = 50, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'inventory_slot', value = 3}},
{stone = 50, type = 'market', prototype = {price = 50, name = 'raw-fish'}},
{stone = 50, type = 'market', prototype = {price = 175, name = 'steel-axe'}},
{stone = 50, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'stone_automation', value = 10}},
{stone = 250, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'mining_speed', value = 5}},
{stone = 250, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'inventory_slot', value = 2}},
{stone = 250, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'stone_automation', value = 5}},
{stone = 250, type = 'market', prototype = {price = 50, name = 'small-electric-pole'}},
{stone = 250, type = 'market', prototype = {price = 50, name = 'small-lamp'}},
{stone = 250, type = 'market', prototype = {price = 25, name = 'stone-brick'}},
{stone = 250, type = 'market', prototype = {price = 125, name = 'stone-wall'}},
{stone = 450, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'mining_speed', value = 5}},
{stone = 450, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'inventory_slot', value = 2}},
{stone = 450, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'stone_automation', value = 5}},
{stone = 450, type = 'market', prototype = {price = 850, name = 'submachine-gun'}},
{stone = 450, type = 'market', prototype = {price = 850, name = 'shotgun'}},
{stone = 450, type = 'market', prototype = {price = 50, name = 'firearm-magazine'}},
{stone = 450, type = 'market', prototype = {price = 50, name = 'shotgun-shell'}},
{stone = 450, type = 'market', prototype = {price = 500, name = 'light-armor'}},
{stone = 750, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'mining_speed', value = 5}},
{stone = 750, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'inventory_slot', value = 1}},
{stone = 750, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'stone_automation', value = 5}},
{stone = 1250, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'mining_speed', value = 5}},
{stone = 1250, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'inventory_slot', value = 1}},
{stone = 1250, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'stone_automation', value = 2}},
{stone = 1750, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'mining_speed', value = 5}},
{stone = 1750, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'inventory_slot', value = 1}},
{stone = 1750, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'stone_automation', value = 2}},
{stone = 2500, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'mining_speed', value = 5}},
{stone = 2500, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'inventory_slot', value = 1}},
{stone = 2500, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'stone_automation', value = 2}},
{stone = 4000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'mining_speed', value = 5}},
{stone = 4000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'inventory_slot', value = 1}},
{stone = 4000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'stone_automation', value = 2}},
{stone = 6500, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'mining_speed', value = 5}},
{stone = 6500, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'inventory_slot', value = 1}},
{stone = 6500, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'stone_automation', value = 2}},
{stone = 8000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'mining_speed', value = 5}},
{stone = 8000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'inventory_slot', value = 1}},
{stone = 8000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'stone_automation', value = 2}},
{stone = 10000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'mining_speed', value = 5}},
{stone = 10000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'inventory_slot', value = 1}},
{stone = 10000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'stone_automation', value = 2}},
{stone = 10000, type = 'market', prototype = {price = 750, name = 'heavy-armor'}},
{stone = 15000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'mining_speed', value = 5}},
{stone = 15000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'inventory_slot', value = 1}},
{stone = 25000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'mining_speed', value = 5}},
{stone = 25000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'stone_automation', value = 2}},
{stone = 25000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'inventory_slot', value = 1}},
{stone = 35000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'mining_speed', value = 5}},
{stone = 35000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'inventory_slot', value = 1}},
{stone = 35000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'stone_automation', value = 2}},
{stone = 35000, type = 'market', prototype = {price = 100, name = 'piercing-rounds-magazine'}},
{stone = 35000, type = 'market', prototype = {price = 100, name = 'piercing-shotgun-shell'}},
{stone = 35000, type = 'market', prototype = {price = 1500, name = 'modular-armor'}},
{stone = 50000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'mining_speed', value = 5}},
{stone = 50000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'inventory_slot', value = 1}},
{stone = 50000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'stone_automation', value = 2}},
{stone = 75000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'mining_speed', value = 5}},
{stone = 75000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'inventory_slot', value = 1}},
{stone = 75000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'stone_automation', value = 2}},
{stone = 100000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'mining_speed', value = 5}},
{stone = 100000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'inventory_slot', value = 1}},
{stone = 100000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'stone_automation', value = 2}},
{stone = 100000, type = 'market', prototype = {price = 1000, name = 'landfill'}},
{stone = 125000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'mining_speed', value = 5}},
{stone = 125000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'inventory_slot', value = 1}},
{stone = 125000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'stone_automation', value = 2}},
{stone = 150000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'mining_speed', value = 5}},
{stone = 150000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'inventory_slot', value = 1}},
{stone = 150000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'stone_automation', value = 2}},
{stone = 175000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'mining_speed', value = 5}},
{stone = 175000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'inventory_slot', value = 1}},
{stone = 175000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'stone_automation', value = 2}},
{stone = 200000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'mining_speed', value = 5}},
{stone = 200000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'inventory_slot', value = 1}},
{stone = 200000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'stone_automation', value = 2}},
{stone = 225000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'mining_speed', value = 5}},
{stone = 225000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'inventory_slot', value = 1}},
{stone = 225000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'stone_automation', value = 2}},
{stone = 250000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'mining_speed', value = 5}},
{stone = 250000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'inventory_slot', value = 1}},
{stone = 250000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'stone_automation', value = 2}},
{stone = 275000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'mining_speed', value = 5}},
{stone = 275000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'inventory_slot', value = 1}},
{stone = 275000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'stone_automation', value = 2}},
{stone = 300000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'mining_speed', value = 5}},
{stone = 300000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'inventory_slot', value = 1}},
{stone = 300000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'stone_automation', value = 2}},
{stone = 350000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'mining_speed', value = 5}},
{stone = 350000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'inventory_slot', value = 1}},
{stone = 350000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'stone_automation', value = 2}},
{stone = 400000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'mining_speed', value = 5}},
{stone = 400000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'inventory_slot', value = 1}},
{stone = 400000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'stone_automation', value = 2}},
{stone = 500000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'mining_speed', value = 5}},
{stone = 500000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'inventory_slot', value = 1}},
{stone = 500000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'stone_automation', value = 2}},
{stone = 600000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'mining_speed', value = 5}},
{stone = 600000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'inventory_slot', value = 1}},
{stone = 600000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'stone_automation', value = 2}},
{stone = 700000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'mining_speed', value = 5}},
{stone = 700000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'inventory_slot', value = 1}},
{stone = 700000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'stone_automation', value = 2}},
{stone = 800000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'mining_speed', value = 5}},
{stone = 800000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'inventory_slot', value = 1}},
{stone = 800000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'stone_automation', value = 2}},
{stone = 800000, type = 'market', prototype = {price = 250, name = 'uranium-rounds-magazine'}},
{stone = 800000, type = 'market', prototype = {price = 1000, name = 'combat-shotgun'}},
{stone = 900000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'mining_speed', value = 5}},
{stone = 900000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'stone_automation', value = 2}},
{stone = 900000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'inventory_slot', value = 1}},
{stone = 1000000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'mining_speed', value = 5}},
{stone = 1000000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'stone_automation', value = 2}},
{stone = 1000000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'inventory_slot', value = 1}},
{stone = 1250000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'mining_speed', value = 5}},
{stone = 1250000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'stone_automation', value = 2}},
{stone = 1250000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'inventory_slot', value = 1}},
{stone = 1500000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'mining_speed', value = 5}},
{stone = 1500000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'stone_automation', value = 2}},
{stone = 1500000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'inventory_slot', value = 1}},
{stone = 1750000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'mining_speed', value = 5}},
{stone = 1750000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'stone_automation', value = 2}},
{stone = 1750000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'inventory_slot', value = 1}},
{stone = 2000000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'mining_speed', value = 5}},
{stone = 2000000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'stone_automation', value = 2}},
{stone = 2000000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'inventory_slot', value = 1}},
{stone = 2500000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'mining_speed', value = 5}},
{stone = 2500000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'stone_automation', value = 2}},
{stone = 2500000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'inventory_slot', value = 1}},
{stone = 3000000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'mining_speed', value = 5}},
{stone = 3000000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'stone_automation', value = 2}},
{stone = 3000000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'inventory_slot', value = 1}},
{stone = 3500000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'mining_speed', value = 5}},
{stone = 3500000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'stone_automation', value = 2}},
{stone = 3500000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'inventory_slot', value = 1}},
{stone = 4000000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'mining_speed', value = 5}},
{stone = 4000000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'stone_automation', value = 2}},
{stone = 4000000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'inventory_slot', value = 1}},
{stone = 4500000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'mining_speed', value = 5}},
{stone = 4500000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'stone_automation', value = 2}},
{stone = 4500000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'inventory_slot', value = 1}},
{stone = 5000000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'mining_speed', value = 5}},
{stone = 5000000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'stone_automation', value = 2}},
{stone = 5000000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'inventory_slot', value = 1}},
{stone = 6000000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'mining_speed', value = 5}},
{stone = 6000000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'stone_automation', value = 2}},
{stone = 6000000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'inventory_slot', value = 1}},
{stone = 7000000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'mining_speed', value = 5}},
{stone = 7000000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'stone_automation', value = 2}},
{stone = 7000000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'inventory_slot', value = 1}},
{stone = 8000000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'mining_speed', value = 5}},
{stone = 8000000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'stone_automation', value = 2}},
{stone = 8000000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'inventory_slot', value = 1}},
{stone = 9000000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'mining_speed', value = 5}},
{stone = 9000000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'stone_automation', value = 2}},
{stone = 9000000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'inventory_slot', value = 1}},
{stone = 10000000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'mining_speed', value = 5}},
{stone = 10000000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'stone_automation', value = 2}},
{stone = 10000000, type = 'buff', prototype = {name = 'inventory_slot', value = 1}},
return Config