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synced 2025-02-07 13:31:54 +02:00
264 lines
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264 lines
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--This is Orange's first map, a tweaked toxic jungle. Credit should go to the original toxic jungle creators, and to those who put up with my github education (and lack thereof).
local b = require 'map_gen.shared.builders'
local Event = require 'utils.event'
local RecipeLocker = require 'utils.recipe_locker'
local Perlin = require 'map_gen.shared.perlin_noise'
local RS = require 'map_gen.shared.redmew_surface'
local Retailer = require 'features.retailer'
local ScenarioInfo = require 'features.gui.info'
local config = global.config
local enemy_seed = 420420
config.market.create_standard_market = false -- stop standard market from spawning
global.config.hail_hydra.enabled = true
for _, v in pairs(config.market.entity_drop_amount) do
v.chance = 1
ScenarioInfo.set_map_name('Toxic Science Jungle')
ScenarioInfo.set_map_description('March your way through the jungle, and use coins you find to purchase certain science packs at the market.')
ScenarioInfo.add_map_extra_info('-Military, Production, High-Tech science pack crafting disabled.\n-Spend coins at the market to buy packs.\n-Increased coin drops from aliens.\n-Flamethrower technology disabled.')
local map_gen_settings = {
autoplace_controls = {
coal = {
frequency = 'low',
richness = 'good'
['copper-ore'] = {
frequency = 'high',
richness = 'good'
['iron-ore'] = {
frequency = 'high',
richness = 'good'
stone = {
richness = 'good'
['uranium-ore'] = {
richness = 'good'
['crude-oil'] = {
richness = 'very-good'
terrain_segmentation = 'very-high',
water = 'very-big'
RS.set_map_settings({enemy_expansion = {enabled = true}})
local r = event.research
if r.name == 'military-2' then
game.forces.player.manual_mining_speed_modifier = 0
local function on_init()
local player_force = game.forces.player
player_force.technologies['flamethrower'].enabled = false -- disable flamethrower tech
player_force.manual_mining_speed_modifier = 2 -- increase mining speed, disabled after military 2 research
name = 'temporary-running-speed-bonus',
name_label = 'Temporary running speed bonus',
type = 'temporary-buff',
description = 'Increases running speed by one level for a short period',
sprite = 'technology/exoskeleton-equipment',
stack_limit = 1,
price = 10
name = 'temporary-mining-speed-bonus',
name_label = 'Temporary mining speed bonus',
type = 'temporary-buff',
description = 'Increases manual mining speed by one level for a short period',
sprite = 'technology/mining-productivity-1',
stack_limit = 1,
price = 10
Retailer.set_item('items', {price = 2, name = 'raw-fish'})
Retailer.set_item('items', {price = 25, name = 'military-science-pack'})
Retailer.set_item('items', {price = 50, name = 'production-science-pack'})
Retailer.set_item('items', {price = 125, name = 'utility-science-pack'})
Retailer.set_item('items', {price = 1, name = 'rail'})
Retailer.set_item('items', {price = 2, name = 'rail-signal'})
Retailer.set_item('items', {price = 2, name = 'rail-chain-signal'})
Retailer.set_item('items', {price = 15, name = 'train-stop'})
Retailer.set_item('items', {price = 75, name = 'locomotive'})
Retailer.set_item('items', {price = 30, name = 'cargo-wagon'})
Retailer.set_item('items', {price = 0.95, name = 'red-wire'})
Retailer.set_item('items', {price = 0.95, name = 'green-wire'})
Retailer.set_item('items', {price = 3, name = 'decider-combinator'})
Retailer.set_item('items', {price = 3, name = 'arithmetic-combinator'})
Retailer.set_item('items', {price = 3, name = 'constant-combinator'})
Retailer.set_item('items', {price = 7, name = 'programmable-speaker'})
Retailer.set_item('items', {price = 15, name = 'submachine-gun'})
Retailer.set_item('items', {price = 15, name = 'shotgun'})
Retailer.set_item('items', {price = 250, name = 'combat-shotgun'})
Retailer.set_item('items', {price = 175, name = 'rocket-launcher'})
Retailer.set_item('items', {price = 250, name = 'tank-cannon'})
Retailer.set_item('items', {price = 750, name = 'tank-machine-gun'})
Retailer.set_item('items', {price = 2500, name = 'artillery-wagon-cannon'})
Retailer.set_item('items', {price = 1, name = 'firearm-magazine'})
Retailer.set_item('items', {price = 5, name = 'piercing-rounds-magazine'})
Retailer.set_item('items', {price = 20, name = 'uranium-rounds-magazine'})
Retailer.set_item('items', {price = 2, name = 'shotgun-shell'})
Retailer.set_item('items', {price = 10, name = 'piercing-shotgun-shell'})
Retailer.set_item('items', {price = 15, name = 'rocket'})
Retailer.set_item('items', {price = 25, name = 'explosive-rocket'})
Retailer.set_item('items', {price = 2500, name = 'atomic-bomb'})
Retailer.set_item('items', {price = 20, name = 'cannon-shell'})
Retailer.set_item('items', {price = 30, name = 'explosive-cannon-shell'})
Retailer.set_item('items', {price = 75, name = 'explosive-uranium-cannon-shell'})
Retailer.set_item('items', {price = 100, name = 'artillery-shell'})
Retailer.set_item('items', {price = 3, name = 'land-mine'})
Retailer.set_item('items', {price = 5, name = 'grenade'})
Retailer.set_item('items', {price = 35, name = 'cluster-grenade'})
Retailer.set_item('items', {price = 5, name = 'defender-capsule'})
Retailer.set_item('items', {price = 75, name = 'destroyer-capsule'})
Retailer.set_item('items', {price = 35, name = 'poison-capsule'})
Retailer.set_item('items', {price = 35, name = 'slowdown-capsule'})
Retailer.set_item('items', {price = 50, name = 'artillery-targeting-remote'})
Retailer.set_item('items', {price = 1000, name = 'artillery-turret'})
Retailer.set_item('items', {price = 350, name = 'modular-armor'})
Retailer.set_item('items', {price = 875, name = 'power-armor'})
Retailer.set_item('items', {price = 40, name = 'solar-panel-equipment'})
Retailer.set_item('items', {price = 875, name = 'fusion-reactor-equipment'})
Retailer.set_item('items', {price = 100, name = 'battery-equipment'})
Retailer.set_item('items', {price = 625, name = 'battery-mk2-equipment'})
Retailer.set_item('items', {price = 250, name = 'belt-immunity-equipment'})
Retailer.set_item('items', {price = 100, name = 'night-vision-equipment'})
Retailer.set_item('items', {price = 150, name = 'exoskeleton-equipment'})
Retailer.set_item('items', {price = 250, name = 'personal-roboport-equipment'})
Retailer.set_item('items', {price = 10, name = 'construction-robot'})
Retailer.set_market_group_label('items', 'Items Market')
local surface = RS.get_surface()
local item_market_1 = surface.create_entity({name = 'market', position = {0, 0}})
item_market_1.destructible = false
Retailer.add_market('items', item_market_1)
-- Map
local trees = {
local trees_count = #trees
local function tree_shape()
local tree = trees[math.random(trees_count)]
return {name = tree}
--, always_place = true}
local worm_names = {'small-worm-turret', 'medium-worm-turret', 'big-worm-turret'}
local spawner_names = {'biter-spawner', 'spitter-spawner'}
local factor = 10 / (768 * 32)
local max_chance = 1 / 6
local scale_factor = 32
local sf = 1 / scale_factor
local m = 1 / 850
local function enemy(x, y, world)
local d = math.sqrt(world.x * world.x + world.y * world.y)
if d < 2 then
return nil
if d < 100 then
return tree_shape()
local threshold = 1 - d * m
threshold = math.max(threshold, 0.25) -- -0.125)
x, y = x * sf, y * sf
if Perlin.noise(x, y, enemy_seed) > threshold then
if math.random(8) == 1 then
local lvl
if d < 400 then
lvl = 1
elseif d < 650 then
lvl = 2
lvl = 3
local chance = math.min(max_chance, d * factor)
if math.random() < chance then
local worm_id
if d > 1000 then
local power = 1000 / d
worm_id = math.ceil((math.random() ^ power) * lvl)
worm_id = math.random(lvl)
return {name = worm_names[worm_id]}
local chance = math.min(max_chance, d * factor)
if math.random() < chance then
local spawner_id = math.random(2)
return {name = spawner_names[spawner_id]}
return tree_shape()
local map = b.full_shape
map = b.change_map_gen_tile(map, 'water', 'water-green')
map = b.change_map_gen_tile(map, 'deepwater', 'deepwater-green')
map = b.apply_entity(map, enemy)
return map